Fast growing trees ?


Very Active Member
I know this aint the botany section , but I would like some feedback on a tree question . I'm looking for a fast growing shade tree that will do good in Utah . I have done some research on line , and have been looking at Royal Empress . They sound like just the ticket for fast growing , but some web research calls them invasive and talks about them spreading sucker roots .

Has any body had experience with the Royal Empress tree ?
foundation: I haven't had any dealings with that particular tree. I will tell you from experience with other plants that when a species of anything is labeled as invasive. That means once it gets started you play h*ll trying to get rid of it and that plant will spread like crazy.

I have a climbing rose that has those traveling roots under ground. I have been trying to kill it for 6 years and it pops up someplace else as far as 100 feet away. I hit it with Roundup again and it still comes up someplace else.

I would be carful about planting someting invasive in your yard.

Here's what ya do!

Plant them under a power line & they'll grow fast!

Plant them too close to a Fence Line & they'll grow fast!

Plant them over the Septic system & Damn!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Good point trophyhunter . In this case I'm looking to plant some shade trees in a pasture next to a ditch bank , so I'm not super concerned about the roots coming up in other areas of the pasture . Then again the ditch bank and the fence is the property border , and I don't want to aggrevate my neighbor with planting a tree that will make a mess on his property .

I also looked and actually planted some cottonless cottonwoods last year , but I think only about half of them lived and I wasn't all that impressed with the growth I got out of them last year .
>Here's what ya do!
>Plant them under a power line
>& they'll grow fast!
>Plant them too close to a
>Fence Line & they'll grow
>Plant them over the Septic system
>& Damn!:D
>I don't care if they're big
>or small!
>If they throw lead I like
>em all!

I'm out of luck with the power line an the septic line . I did try the fence trick with the Cottonless Cottonwoods , and planted those things like 2 feet away from my pipe rail fence . I figure I wont live at that place long enough for those trees to grow two feet around , and then they will be the next owners problem .
Not sure what you time frame is but I was impressed with my flowering pears. If you want we can dig them up and relocate them to your place. I don't use em anymore... lol


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Rug , did you say you will dig them up while I stand there and watch , and maybe drink a brewski . Thanks for the offer , but I think I'll leave the flowering pears alone .
Then again Rug , I'm storing some of your stuff in the garage like your sleeping bag cover , so I guess I might as well store your trees . You let me know when you get them dug up , and then you can come over when ever you want and relax in the shade .
We had good luck with honey locusts, but I don't know if they grow fas enough for you.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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