Farewell Farrah!


Long Time Member
Sadly she just passed away this morning. she was an iconic goddess





Yep - kind of sad. She was a very beautiful woman and will be sorely missed by millions of middle-aged and older men (and maybe even a few younger ones) who at one point had a poster of her on their wall.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yup. She was/is a hottie for sure. Probably a top two or three hottest sex-symbols of all time. Marilyn Monroe and Raquel Welch would round out the top three IMO.
Farrah and I graduated from different high schools together.

I am not ashamed to admit to having a very personal relationship with her.........looking down from the poster on my wall.

........and Keith Richards is STILL alive and working! WTF!!!
I saw a documentary on her life with cancer, she told her friend Alanna Stewart to keep on filming and it showed everything...sad...she went to Germany for treatment quite a few times,it showed her son being escorted from prison to see her one last time, she thought he was in rehab. She fought the fight.....R.I.P.
Indeed she was beautiful woman. From what I have heard lately I can only be happy her suffering has finally ended.
>I am not ashamed to admit
>to having a very personal
>relationship with her.........looking down from
>the poster on my wall.

No ! Wait ! I thought her and I were exclusive...

BTW: I still have the poster...
She was a bit before my time but do know she is a sex-symbol icon. I'm sure she was just as nice inside as she was outside. It's too bad she went so soon.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-09 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]
She was a hottie of the 70's for sure.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone.
I watched my dad waste away from it, it is a horrible way to go.
That said, she was nuttier than a squirrel turd.
Not sure if it was the drugs or an overdose of peroxide...

Farrah Fawcett interview...
Let's see, I was around 14 at the time I got it, I'm 45 now...so doing the math 45 - 14 times 2.21 gigallion...you get the idea.
...lots of harry palms and blindness can be attributed to her...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

She was an icone for sure. I remember fantasizing about her as a youngster. I know we all pass sooner or later but what a terrible way to go. I never knew there was such a thing, anal cancer. I wish we could find a cure for this killer in my lifetime it takes the lives of so many of us. I sure the food we eat and the air we breathe have everything to do with it.

Anal cancer???...she died of anal cancer??...I bet she got it from the bionic man.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I was in Yellowstone thursday when Farrah and Michael died and didn't hear about it until I watched the news that night. The news anchor was a complete ass. They were talking about Michael Jackson and (this is word for word) "Oh, by the way, Farrah Fawcett died today, but anyway, back to Michael Jackson..." It was just a complete lack of respect by a news anchor.

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