farewell bessy we will miss you



this is actually ss not qt. Didn't feel like logging out n logging in. Here is an email we got from bessy and I really hope founder reconsiders. Bessy is an absolute sportsman and loves to hunt. He is the exact type of person mm needs and is an awesome guy. I hope to see you back on here bessy, if not please keep in touch.

Here's the email. I really don't agree and will probably get banned for doing this but here's to hoping.....

Hello Tony,Hope you made it back safely!!!Thanks for not judging me until you know me a little!I tried posting but I have been banned from MM under bobcatbess,just so Icould post I came in under "SheSlapsMyHandWhenItry" but now I've beenbanned again & that's O.K. I quit posting 5-6 weeks ago (MyChoice),figured I'd give it a rest & I've been busy with what little sparetime I've had helping others in a few different L.E. Units,then I get backfrom this last weekend & find out I've been banned,whatever!Thanks for the kind words & sorry you had to encounter a real "TARD" whileyou were here,don't let that bother you for one second,you've manned up &beyond & gave the guy a second chance that very few would have,I wanted tomake one more reply but Founder nuked my reply from last night & banned meagain,just wanted to publicly thank you but this will have to do!You told the TRUE story & have nothing to hide,You took a GREATBull,Thanks for your honesty!Tell Terra & your Family I said hi & wished I coulda been there for morethan just a couple days! Oh,by the way,I'm no Legend,lol,Thanks!!! Good Luck on the rest of your hunts! bobcat!!!

Just wish he woulda emailed it to me in all caps with tripple exclamation points and tons of spacing between sentences. True bessy form. Thanks bess, your and awesome guy!


[font size="22"]

LONG LIVE THE CAT!!!!! I guess the hunting community is struggling for personality. I guess most hunting camps are a bust and no fun is allowed in camp. I have always thought hunting, joking, and ribbing all went hand in hand. I guess not! Bess has been a huge asset around here for as long as I have been checking this site. (lurking for 5, posting for 2-3)And there is not one person on here who can say they did not log on to MM to see what Bess has posted!! People need to grow up and quit taking things so personal. Not just on the net, but in society in general. We have a lot bigger fish to fry as a hunting community than slamming each other.(not to say I have not done that) Stinky ask Bess in your next email if I can have his email, and I will be seeing him at the Expo again. I will admit I have become addicted to MM, but it seems the past month or so it has all been sour grapes. I may have to start weening myself. I just hope everyone mans up and sticks together or else we wont need MM because there will be no hunting if the Antis have their way.
This just goes to show you that that on-line persona and the real-life person are very often two very different things. Many people judge Bess because of his posts, which if they were outrageous it was done so to get a rise out of people (so if you got a rise out of what he said - mission accomplished!), and to highlight the truth of the matter at hand with a little hyperbole. Maybe he is a little too truthful and for some that is hard to handle - if so, so be it. But I have had the opportunity to meet him on a couple of different occasions and both times he went out of his way to accomodate me and showed kindness and genorosity to me and my family. That rates high with me. So if anyone wants to know the truth about bobcatbess, PM me and I will set you straight. And I don't think he is forever gone from here either. We will see, we will see!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I don't care WHAT he says...he truly IS a "legend"!
I hope they can come to some middle ground, he really does add a lot to this site and there will always be a "hole" in MM without him.

"Hey Bessy...i'm sure you'll at least read this-

Thanks for you help down on the Dutton, it was an honor to have you in our camp and i'm glad you wrere able to be there and be a part of the kill.

BTW- My arse is still sore from riding on the back of your wheeler with you up that rock bed, let some air out of those concrete mudders son!!! ;-)"

Anyone who critisizes the 'ole cat has sorely misjudged his character....that man would give you the shirt off his back in a blinding snowstorm without even thinking twice about it.

Talk to ya on Chatzy brutha!!!!!!!! ;-)

Well, I have never met the Old Cat but this place is not as much fun without him.
I assume the ban was because of threats of tune-ups. Come on Founder. He was telling the truth about people abusing Quads and I think his message needs to be heard. Even if Bobcat was over the top in his message, if it makes people stop and think about their actions more power to him.

Bobcat sounds like a true Sportsman and we could use more like him.

Bring back the cat !!!!!!

Long live BESSY!!!!!!!

We all speak our mind now and then....

Sure is a dull place to visit without the CAT!!!

Just my 2 cents.....


I'll toss my hat into the ring and echo what has already been said. Bess certainly has some unique and often times rare personality traits that make him adored by some and loathed by others. Personally, I find it refreshing to get opinions from him with no strings attached...and he does exactly that...gives his opinion without regard to what anyone else might think, do, or say.

In summary, Bess is probably the most equal opportunity feather ruffler who calls the shots as he sees them in real time. In real life, he is a extremely considerate gentleman who, like others have already mentioned, would give you the shirt off his back at a moments notice. He has always been cordial, and helpful to me and would be welcome at my place anytime.

Bessy can be like the neighborhood dog who runs loose. To some, he is a great welcome beacon after a hard day at work or school. To others, he is something to be feared. Many think his bark is a distraction to the otherwise peaceful neighborhood. Still, everyone is saddened and feels a little bit empty when animal control hauls him on his final voyage.

Bessy is a good man with a big heart so well camo'd that many never see it. In my opinion he is a true legend and always a gentleman.

The embers wither at the campfire until his triumphant return.

Your friend,

Lil' Red.!!! :)

never met him in person,,, but he helped me out a couple of times no questions asked,,,, seems like a stand up guy
whats that old saying opinons are like azz holes we all have em and they are all differant ,,,, or something like that :) hope he makes it back
I don't know BOBCATBESS and really don't have anything against him. I'm sure he's a fine person. And I'm sure that some people do like to read his posts. Heck, I admire the fact that he has so much "free time". What a life!

What I got tired of seeing was the HUGE photo at the bottom of every post, the double spacing between every sentence, the all caps, and it seemed like he posted a lot of smartass comments everytime someone had a simple question.
I personally felt that everytime he posted, he was trying to dominate the thread. I got tired of seeing the photo and double spacing, it has been getting larger and more intrusive (IMO) for years.
PLUS, I had to remove numerous threads of his. One of which he posted in our "General Hunting Forum" that shared a PM he got in-which he was arguing with someone else. WHO CARES!!! Our General Hunting Forum is NOT meant for stuff like that!!! That stuff irritates the hell out of me, because our HUNTING forums are not for posting someones personal BS. Go somewhere else to do that!!!!! Our hunting forums are for talking hunting!!!!!! I want to keep it that way.

So, I asked him to get rid of the HUGE photo that was in every post, stop the double spacing that makes the posts so long, end the all caps, and stop be rude comments.

One comment that I felt was uncalled for was this, "I'M JUST WAITIN FOR THIS JACK-ASS TO RUN HIS PIE-HOLE!!!" This was posted in response to someone asking about elk bugling. Well, comments like this are uncalled for. I don't know who it was meant for, but I get tired of reading that stuff.

So, I PMed BOBCATBESS and asked him to make some changes. Instead of just saying OK I will tone it down, I got a response blaming all the mormoms for blowning things out of proportion. I don't know what that is all about....??? But, I don't have time to play blaming games with him. He might have a lot of "free time", but I have to try and make a living.
His very next post contained all the same crap, so that was like telling me to eat #####, so I deactivated the account.

Trying to keep the forums good for everyone is tough. When someone starts making it even more work, then it's time for that someone to correct themselves or move on.

I really don't think the HUGE photo at the bottom of every post is needed. I also don't think double spacing of every sentence is needed. I think it is a pain to weed through when I try to read through a thread.
The all caps stuff, well, I probably asked too much of him there. I would allow that because that is Bobcat. But the rest of the stuff needs to be adjusted for me to welcome him back.

My email address is at the bottom of every page on this site. If he wants to use the site, then he can email me. Like he said in his email, he had quit posting (his choice) 5-6 weeks ago, so it doesn't sound like there is any "Founder Reconsideration" that's going to make a difference anyway.

I don't think that what I'm asking is all that much. If it is too much and he never posts again, well, I guess I will just have to deal with it. Nothing against bobcat, but I sure hope that MonsterMuleys.com is not visited by most because of BOBCATBESS, or any single user, for that matter.

So that's that.....that's my story.

Brian Latturner
Sounds reasonable to me too...and i'm a big fan of the Cat.
We all have rules to go by and nobody is more important than the rest.

I'm hoping that Bobcat swallows a little pride, uses that listed e-mail address, and comes back to us in a new and improved version.

Gone hunting!!!
I'm thinking Founder is reasonable. I'm also thinking you can't change a bobcat into a pussycat, so I don't expect him back any time soon. Either way, my next turtle hunt will be in his honor.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I thought the guy was funny. This is an open website for all to see and if the founder is offended well he has the right to do what he wants....I personally dont agree, but its not my site!

SO what did he do wrong when he came on as sheslapsmyhandeverytimeitry???? er whatever it was??? Too long of a name or something? Just asking cuz i never saw him do any of your "aformentioned" problems with him, founder. Why is he gone again even though he was being a good kitty???[font size="22"]

I wasn't offended by anything, just annoyed. If every person on this site had the same HUGE photo at the bottom of all their posts, the actual unique talk would be lost in the clutter. Those HUGE photos in the signatures are just pointless clutter in my opinion. As is double spacing.

And, if I just let everyone post their personal arguments in our "Hunting" forums, then I think that would ultimately do more damage to this site than losing BOBCATBESS.

Brian Latturner
I have always been ok with the cat. Sometimes I got a kick out of his comments and sometimes I thought he was just posting just to post. I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that either. I also don't think founders requests are too hard not to do. It would be simple for the cat to make the changes, come back and contribute to the forum. I think he is a good guy and has given me some great feedback on various subjects.

One thing though founder, you may want to consider either asking all users to get rid of photos in their signature or update the site so that users can have an avatar to express their individuality. I would personally prefer to see each user being able to upload an avi and express themselves without cluttering the post itself. I think mostly you would see avi's with peoples best trophy's listed and who is gonna complain about that. Without asking all users to get rid of photos in their signature it appears you are being discriminating. Like I said, I don't think your requests are unreasonable, but it does appear that the cat may be being singled out (probably not the case at all).
Keeping the site clean is important, I agree. However, the most offensive stuff I've seen on here was never from Bobcat. Others who are still posting put that stuff up.

Double space and a photo in the tag line seems pretty ticky-tack to me but I don't own the site. Own the site, make the rules...maybe the CAT should start his own site. I'd visit.

Now everybody is rushing to register bobcatbess.com


It really isn't specifically about the photo in the signature, it's really more about it having to be so large, then the fact that it was combined with double spacing of every sentence. Then you combine that with the fact that he posts a lot....
The result, I (and others) have to filter through so much worthless crap to read the posts in a thread. No other user on this site, atleast that I have noticed, used a signature photo that large. Also, no one else that I have noticed writes one sentence, then double spaces and writes another, so on, and so on. And few people type in all caps. And no one does it all together!!!!!

Anyway, although it annoyed the heck out of me, I tolerated it all for a long time. But then the straw that broke the camels back is when I see him post the crap in the General Hunting Forum about some argument he was having with someone. Then of course, he followed that up with the rude comment to another user. That stuff doesn't need to be posted in our "hunting" forums! It just doesn't!
Then when I sent a PM asking him to stop that stuff, I get the, "it's the mormoms and it's the other guy who PMed me".

I consider myself quite easy going. I don't think my rules on this site are that difficult to follow and I don't think I am asking too much of BOBCATBESS.

Honestly, I have nothing against BOBCATBESS. I don't know him at all. Like I said, I'm sure he's a great guy, probably a super hunter, great looking, lots of girlfriends, and a huge bank roll that allows him lots of "leasure time".

All I want is less clutter and a little respect when I ask him not to post his personal BS arguments in our hunting forums. I don't want to hear about how it's someone elses fault or how the mormoms on this site are out to get him. I just wanted a few changes and all would be fine.

It's quite rare that I ever deactivate a user account for good. I can count on one hand the "regular" user accounts I have deactivated and never reactivated. A little respect and some simple adjustments typically fix everything.

Brian Latturner
>I hate it when people are
>sensitive and whine, ah-um...founder

Watch it Red....You'll be next. LOL

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>>>>All I want is less clutter and a little respect when I ask him not to post his personal BS arguments in our hunting forums. I don't want to hear about how it's someone elses fault or how the mormoms on this site are out to get him. I just wanted a few changes and all would be fine.<<<

that sounds pretty reasonable
Being the "mild mannered, non controversial"
sort that I am, I avoid the hot issues.....lol.

I miss Bessie's presence and found him humorous.

That said, I can see Founder's points as well.

......but, who set the Mormons' loose in the deal? I thought we weren't supposed to mix religion with politics.
It wasn't the "mormons" who got thrown under the bus - it was the "better than you mormons" - big difference. Religion itself had nothing to do with it, hypocrisy however did.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"100% behind Founder. 3 cheers for ya."


This is one of the best forums on the web. It's Founders house. We play by the homeowner's rules or we're thrown out. Pretty basic stuff to me. I don't have much opinion about Bess. It amused me how many he could get a rise out of and the big pic was annoying. Founder's requests are more than reasonable. If Bess isn't willing to abide by it, I suppose he'll go elsewhere to play. Keep up the good work Brian.
Bess and I have not always gotten along. In fact he and I got into it pretty big once. Later he and I agreed to disagree on the subject and I have learned a little about him. One thing for sure he is steadfast in his beliefs of right and wrong and will defend that to the end. Nothing wrong with that. I've never met him in person but feel like I know him well enough that in a pinch he'd do about anything for me if he could. I also believe that if it turned ugly, when it got down to the nut cuttin' he'd be there having my back, last man standing.

That said, it is Founder's website and he can do with it as he wishes including banning Bess. We all make mistakes in life and business and I believe this is one but it is his to make. I also think you might have a hard time convincing Bess to come back.

Here's an idea, make him a moderator. Then he can have his picture signature. :) kidding you guys!

































The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

founder must be getting soft....(he replied twice)!
hey your rules are every buddy's rules...
I actually think he wanted this to happen...Bessy has been getting worst every year...(for those of you who remember) yes really and I have those moments also and have to be reminded to "tone it down"! FOR SOME REASON Bessy needed to force him self on every tread and that's a power and control freak! I don't dislike Chris just seems I hated the shoving him self down my throat but anyway enjoy the beach my friend the holidays are around the corner and maybe! just maybe! nah..




>BTW- My arse is still sore
>from riding on the back
>of your wheeler with you
>up that rock bed, let
>some air out of those
>concrete mudders son!!! ;-)"

Wait...What ? Bess has a wheeler ?
BRING BACK THE CAT!!!! I think most of us thought of him like the crazy uncle at Thankgiving. You patted him on the head and let him rant about what ever he wanted to say. P.S. THERE ARE NO TURKEYS IN UTAH!!!! That one is for you cat.
come down on who runs the business the owner or the public.
And the answer is the Owner, just like any other business.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
from a mod standpoint trying to sift through posts i can see founders point about large posts. however everyone has their own writing style that cant be changed. u as a mod can limit the size of avis just like the uwn. i disagree with u on keeping him off. u should use bessy as great customer feedback and do a little re-coding to mold this site into what u want.

on another note i do applaud founder for allowing this post to stay. i threw founder under a bus trying to answer the biig question many were asking. u coulda nuked the post and banned me like uwn did when this exact issue happened but u didnt. u engaged in an honest debate and allowed criticism of u to remain. u deserve much credit for that. that speaks volumes for your patience and personality.

in closing i must make an offensive comment to all in honor of bessy...

"screw bush...... its the mormons fault" rofdl!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
The NFL has Terrel Owens.....and MM had Bess. No one player is above the league. Personally, I can do without TO.
In my opinion what makes reading posts here entertaining is the differing personalities + subsequent conflict or resolution.

One of Bessy's classics was when BHWAR complained about the small 15" saddle, Bess replied it was the part that goes in the saddle that was to big.

What a lame place this would be with everyone sucking up to each other :-(

I'm guessin eventually the mods/founder get worn out dealing with it & maybe the traffic is higher now so that it has became a daunting task, however it didn't seem to be a problem on Bessy 1st 10,000 posts. It seems ironic founder is griped at all Bessy's free time to makes posts, isn't that what you want, trafic ?
I think a bigger nuisance would be the people who are sending countless alerts, making the mods work overtime.

love him or hate him, Bessy made this place entertaining !!!

Judas Frickin Priest !!! :)
The "double spacing" was his trade mark as well as all caps! He must of has toooooooo much time on his hands as much as he posted!

I enjoyed some of the cat's posts, about 10% I felt had wit and humor, alot of the other stuff was alot of rhetoric. I don't know how he had the time to post so much. I didn't have the time to read it all.

It's founder's site and he did what I would of done. He tried to work with the guy, but he was unworkable. End of story.

Hope the cat swallow's a little pride and comes back.
Funny thing about the cat's posts in all caps, multiple punctuations and double spacing.....if you've ever had the chance to speak to him at all in person, he's the most quiet, soft spoken guy you'll ever meet, quite opposite of his MM character.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-09 AT 01:04PM (MST)[p]me thinks we need more like zigga and less like bess.... NOT!

but hey.... the dems are pretty good at censorship now that ya think about it?
I look at alot of these boards and how they are run.. Brian does a great job on MM and really is very open in what he allows as well as, I think even leient on allowing this discussion to happen. Most boards would nuke anyone who brought this kind of stuff up. Keep up the good work. I'm sure Bessy is a nice guy, but his constant parade of BS was a bit tiring to read at times.
I bet he is super nice in person and more than willing to help people out. I dont get why he is different here. Seems strange to me.

Personally, if I ever saw him start a thread, I never opened it. If I opened a thread I was interested in and saw him post on it, I stopped there and wouldnt come back. For me most of his posts did nothing to contribute to the topic at hand and clouded the subject. I started coming back less and less because it felt like all I saw were his contributions. Ill be coming back more regularly now because I think it will be easier to find the information Im actually looking for. That said, I can see how people would find him interesting and/or entertaining. I would bet though, that there are far more lurkers here that are turned off by him than those that support it. Could be wrong though.
founder killed 2 birds with one stone...(maybe more) where's d13r....hunting? kilowatt?

Bess, is good people.....

You dont even know half of the good in this guy, and i guess it really doesn't matter to those that dont know him.

For those of us that have met, him, yeah, we understand this might be "self inflicted"(his words) but its not THAT Founder has banned him....Its WHY--- there are plenty of reasons to ban anyone...(because I said so) is the shitt!est reason out there.

I've offended myself more than Bess, ever has. Because you dont like looking at his signiture pic....take the option to add one away....or deal with it.(or put a sizing limit on it at the entry level)

Go ahead and ban every guy who is full of chit, lies, steals, swears, likes porn, cheats their work, boring, and has too much time on their hands and there wont be anyone left.
Well apparently he's a good dude in "real life", but online he's a d**k to everyone but a few of his close MM buddies.

Oh well...I didn't come to this site to read his yelling, nor did I stay away because of it.

....except Stinky. ROFLMAO!!!
Non-issue. You know, sometimes my brother hacks me off with his childish comments about my hunting abilities. I ignore him, prove him wrong or slight him back. He then apologizes profusely, asks for my forgiveness, gives me $20 and a few beers and we move on. That's how life works.......
ktc.... that is why this site is starting to bore me. too many do gooders and not enough honest men.
I agree with Founder on this one 100%.

Stinky, Slam, Qt, Tageater and whoever:
There are alot of guys on this site that are DAMN good guys, without all the internet mouth. Come on, lets get real! I'm sure bobcat is a nice guy in person, but what an ignorant ##### on here. Kinda itch you just can't scratch. "Founder let this stay." Stinky why did the post lkslayer wrote bother you so much? Just a guy looking, trying, reaching and hoping that some day he would get his bull back. Yep, you have about as much class as bobcat. You want attention on your Dutton hunt yet you ##### about a post that comes up once in a while. You and bobcat are two pisscutter's that's for sure.


P.S. Is the picture of your muscle powder a sign of your stupidity? Way to respect a nice bull, what a joke!
>I agree with Founder on this
>one 100%.
>Stinky, Slam, Qt, Tageater and whoever:
>There are alot of guys on
>this site that are DAMN
>good guys, without all the
>internet mouth. Come on,
>lets get real! I'm sure
>bobcat is a nice guy
>in person, but what an
>ignorant ##### on here.
>Kinda itch you just can't
>scratch. "Founder let this
>stay." Stinky why did
>the post lkslayer wrote bother
>you so much? Just
>a guy looking, trying, reaching
>and hoping that some day
>he would get his bull
>back. Yep, you have
>about as much class as
>bobcat. You want attention
>on your Dutton hunt yet
>you ##### about a post
>that comes up once in
>a while. You and
>bobcat are two pisscutter's that's
>for sure.
>P.S. Is the picture of
>your muscle powder a sign
>of your stupidity? Way
>to respect a nice bull,
>what a joke!

The Muscle Milk was My idea because it's been a joke on here for so long...i drink it religiously and happened to have an empty one in my pack.
If you think it's disrespecting the animal, you need to lighten up.
I am ONE person who has ALL the respect in the world for animals i hunt, thank you very much.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-09 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]

From Day ONE, Marco, you've been starting chit- in one forum or another.

And honestly, i wouldn't waste a good turd on your grave, but even your banter adds to this sites value more than it takes away. and the same is true for Bess. Its taken the combination of ALL our retarded BS to make this site what it is.

If FOUNDER thinks HE, and his 5 posts a year, makes this site good, then he's lost it, if he thinks by banning folks he'll make it better more power to him- but in MHO he's an idiot(with what once was a great site).

Whether you want to admit it or not---everyone here has tuned-in to see what BCB is gonna say next, on one thread or another!


If everyone is tuning in to see what BOBCATBESS is going to say, They'er missing the whole purpose of this websight. This sight is awesome with or without BOBCATBESS. It sounds like FOUNDER wants a sight centered around hunting, and not one centered around BOBCATBESS, and thats what this sight was turning into. Everyone has to remember, this is BRIANS web sight, that he lets us all enjoy. But since its BRIANS web sight, we have to play by his rules. Most of us dont have a problem with that, and we know what happens to those who cant play by the rules.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-09 AT 08:48PM (MST)[p] shedfinder---there are forums for talk centered around hunting...and its kept that way....mostly- but the Campfire, where WE ALL GO to joke and smoke, is pretty open to conversation of all subjects so get your chit straight before weighing in.

guessing who's as s this is, happens often --really a hunting topic?????

captions of the days....hunting?????

Nascar driver of the week, is discussed...is that hunting?????

go into the Campfire forum and find a hunting topic---

come with a better arguement.

This place is better now that BOBCATBESS is gone.
He has been saying the same stuff for years and it was getting old to say the least.

We all know this is a hunting site, Thanks for reminding us, but MM without BOBCATBESS, is like having Country music without Don Williams. :cool:

To those who know the real Bess, we are the lucky ones.
To those who don't, your missing out on a good man,who isnt afraid to speak his mind, and stand up for something or someone. IMO
Tageater, Did you even read what I said. I said FOUNDER wants a sight centered around hunting, I didn't say a sight just about hunting. And it was BOBCATBESS that posted his personal BS in the hunting forums, not me. Actually I wouldn't mind seeing him back. All I was trying to say is that not everyone tuned in to see what he was going to say next.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-09 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]34. "RE: farewell bessy we will miss you"
KILOWATT what do you think?
founder killed 2 birds with one stone...(maybe more) where's d13r....hunting? kilowatt?



Hey Rack,

You got a problem as to why I have not responded, you did it here on post #34 and also #48??? If so, take it to a PM.

It is none of your business how or what I think on the matter and that goes for anyone if I don't post my thoughts.
I like Bess and at times in past, yea it was repetitious, but that was Bessy and that is all I am saying.

So in essence Rack....get a life.

Damn Glad he was heard. He stood up for all of us here includeing MM and Founder if we didn't agree it might have opened our eyes. He didn't have time he made it for MM., Deer and Elk hunters. What a fine advocate and lobbist for the sport. I met Bess had great times and seen Eye to Eye on most everything. He still is your friend Founder. He fights for you and the sport hunting every chance he gets.
Shame on you Bobcat you used Caps locks Double Spacing now stop it your about to drive me to drink. But founder is looking at me. Founder quit looking at Bobcat or you will have nightmares everytime you think about MM or go to sleep at night you will be thinking Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat.
No disrespect Founder just pokeing.

Where were all you bobcat haters when he still had an active account? Just like in real life, not everybody sees eye to eye. If you guys want to have a place where everyone can sit around and hold hands....have at it. I wish the old cat would come back, but I doubt he would even if he was asked.....out of pure princible....good for him.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I say we make a trade! Let's ban Piper, Zigga, ForTheWall and Huntindude (440sixpack now) and bring back Bobcatbess. That's four for the price of one. Any takers?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
And the proper word is SITE- jest so you can say you lerned sumthin taday.

I didn't mean it to read as, the only reason people come here is to see what the CAT was talking about, but since they were here......They did check it out!

And i dont care that Flounder banned him....but if we're banning for the reasons given, then lets get to banning everyone thats doing it! This seems too personal, and even if it was,it IS his decision, but just say so, and i'm sick of his kissasses not seeing a double standard.

I'm done with this whole POS subject...lets talk the carpet matching the drapes in length and color, on your MOM!

And i dont care that Flounder banned him....but if we're banning for the reasons given, then lets get to banning everyone thats doing it! This seems too personal, and even if it was,it IS his decision, but just say so, and i'm sick of his kissasses not seeing a double standard.

Tageater, I do have to agree with you on that one, and now about my mom, I thought I already sent you the pictures, I will try again later.
I love the Cat, always have and always will. There have been times that I do not agree with Founder but I do not think he asked too much of the Cat and it sounds as if the Cat is the one who got his panties in a wad. This is something I never expected of the Cat. When your good at giving a verbal butt kicking then you've got to be able to take it. Maybe I don't know all that went on but I will surely miss the cat for he was probably my favorite character on this site.
With that being said, the cat is welcomed at my campfire anytime and I will protect his back till the last man standing just as others said he would do for us. I hope he comes back. fatrooster.
Bess may be a great guy outside of here, but what does that matter here? How grown up of the ##### cat to go to the Mormon card!!! I say don't let the door hit ya on yer way out! Anyone that's such an outstanding person wouldn't say the chit he's said on here in the past. A dead cat is a good cat!
ole bessy is already planning a virus to kill us in MM if you see a thread marked Tune Up my acvice dont open it ha ha ha


has anyone seen my kittie

TY! YOU WUSS!!! LOL I saw it before the edit. I liked it much better before. LMAO
ok I read all this and here's my 2cents. 90% of the guys on here are a bunch of pansy school girls crying about everytime someone insults them, get a tissue and get over it! I miss reading his post's. this is a public forum, right? if your not ready for a negative response don't post!
founder im sure your a nice stand up guy but then let me ask why is it I see guys bashing outfitters left and right on here and you do nothing, but as soon as mossback gets some heat, boom! gone. nuked. I do rely on this site to gain info on upcoming hunts and if doyle has done someone wrong, the post should stay! I personally have nothing against him. but at least bobcat let everyone know where he stood and didn't hide behind a nuke button! it is our site, if you don't like the big pictures get rid of them! this forum is now my second favorite! hornhunter packs suck! lets see how long this one lasts now. or maybe their pockets aren't that deep! lol this is a public forum ladies!

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