Fantasy Football


Very Active Member
Id like to get another team for this season and thought it would be fun to do a MM football league. Im going to do it on, 12 team league, live draft. If you are interested, post your email or PM me.
I'm in. If you haven't done it before, take a look at Yahoo Sports also. I've done a few fantasy teams in their format, and it is excellent.

Also, you need to do this as a head to head league. Last year, someone did a league on here, used Yahoo Sports but the league wasn't head to head so it wasn't nearly as interesting.
I have done Yahoo for years, but Im sick of paying for the live scoring. live scoring is free, and quite honestly, I like it better. That being said, I really dont care what site hosts it. If everyone here would rather do Yahoo, Im cool with that. Head to head is the only way to go.

Im heading up to Flaming Gorge this weekend, so Ill see how many participants we have when I get back and set up the league. Id like to do the draft on a Sunday afternoon, maybe a Saturday. I wish I could swing it at work, but dont think I can. Any suggestions on draft day and time? I just gotta make sure they dont overlap with my other teams.

I'd really like to see the draft done prior to August 21st, as I'll be gone for about 10 days or so on a two state pronghorn hunt with my son. He's drawn 2 primo tags in California and Nevada, and both seasons open on the 22nd, so I'd like to draft prior to that. I can't do weekends, as I'll be up scouting, and I'll bet more than a few other guys will be spending their weekends scouting as well. How about we do the draft on a weeknight, sometime like 7:00 PM pacific or something like that.
Sundays would work best for me. or anything after 3 (pacific time) I can do.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
I'm definitely down if you have room. FF gives me a reason to care about the NFL besides rooting for local guys!

Ok, Ive sent the first batch of invites out. Tony, I dont have an email address for you. Send it over.

I did the draft on Thursday the 27th at 8pm MST.

We will still need a few more players, so get your MM friends involved!


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