Fantasy Football - 6 More!


Very Active Member
Still need a few slots filled for the MM Fantasy Football league. It is hosted on, free live scoring, live draft, 12 teams. The draft is at 8pm MST on Thursday the 27th.

Please send me a pm or post your email for an invite.

IF we can't get 12 teams, I think 10 will work fine. I've played in several 10 team leagues and they work just as well as 12.

Come on guys, we just need a few more.
Those two invites are out. Just two more needed now. I think if we do a 10 man league, I would have to do the start the league over again. Ill check on that though. I think I can get a couple more people, but Id like to keep to MM regulars.
Ok, sign me up too. Just promise that this year Brady won't go belly up.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
feddoc, I can guarantee that Brady will go down again if I draft him. I'm like the Sports Illustrated or Madden curse. If there is anybody you don't like, let me know and I will draft him in the early rounds.
>feddoc, I can guarantee that Brady
>will go down again if
>I draft him. I'm
>like the Sports Illustrated or
>Madden curse. If there
>is anybody you don't like,
>let me know and I
>will draft him in the
>early rounds.

If that is the case, please draft as many NFC East players besides Cowboys. That would really help my team make the playoffs.
Sorry grizzmoose, I'm a Giants fan so Marion Barber and Romo will be my first two picks.

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