Fannin Vs. Stone


Very Active Member
So I'm hearing that Stones are going out of this world in price, and I am really saddened by the fact that I may not be financially able to ever do a slam. Since I'm a novice to sheep (although PleaseDear has been helping me learn a whole bunch), I understand that Boone and Crockett recognize some fannin as Stones? What is the difference then?

I have a lifetime goal of a North American slam, but like I said they way things look, it might not be achievable.

a fannin is a stone. There are only two species of thin horns in north america. Dall and stone. One black hair anywhere on a thin horn sheep except the tail and it is a stone.

Why worry about whether someone recognizes your grand slam? Come up north and shoot your Fannin ram and be happy you got the opportunity, many won't. Fannin's are beautiful sheep that live in beautiful country. Grand Slam? Who cares?
Although Boone and Crockett treats all Fannins as Stone's sheep (one black hair and it's a Stone's sheep), Grand Slam Club/Ovis now allows you to choose whether to treat a Fannin as a Stone's sheep or a Dall's sheep for the purposes of filling your Grand Slam.

I agree with joebuck, though - Stone's, Dall's and Fannins are all fantastic animals. Just hunt what makes you happy and don't worry about what anyone else says.
Boone & Crockett has nothing to do with the recognizing of a Grand Slam of North American Wild Sheep. The organization that keeps track of that, and certifies that they were all legally taken (this was a real problem years ago due to illegal Mexican permits), is Grand Slam Club / Ovis. You can see at that a Fannin or a Stone either one is fine for a slam.
How old are you Lisa ? If your an old fart like me ( 33 ), with very few bonus points and with meager earnings then your best bet is to play Powerball. I had dreams of a Grand Slam but its just a label to me now that isn't very important. If I had the money, all the money in the world I would hunt deserts on auction tags every year. Other than that I don't think I would care too much. I would save up for a dall hunt. You can get a great hunt for around 8,500.00. Looking at least double that for a bighorn hunt. Triple that for a stone hunt. Quadruple that for a desert hunt. Ahhhhh....... but its nice to dream. Good luck and start applying. I have met some great people here that are sheep freaks.
BB- I guess I'm an older fart than youuuuuuuuuuuu.....!!!! thanks for the input, I know I'm being probably too worrisome. I don't even have a sheep yet, but PleaseDear has assured me that I might draw one before I keel over!!
Buy raffle tix to help increase your chances of maybe going 'UP' north to hunt the thin horn Rams. Some of those 'Odds' in the raffles are better than the draw odds in most states that offer Rocky's and Desert or California Rams because they have a limit of tags tha one can buy and they have a limit of raffle tix to be sold.

Your in for the D.D Desert Ram so get your sand boots all broken in!! haha
Plug......... the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society is holding 2 GREAT sheep raffles. A 14 day guided Alberta hunt in the fall of 2006 with South Ram Outfitters. A 19,000.00 value. An RMBS director went on this hunt a few years ago with South Ram and got a beauty. 25.00 a ticket, a max of 1,000 being sold. The drawing will be on December 2nd at a Board of Directors Meeting, ( I have tickets # 1 & 2, the winning tickets ! ). The other raffle is the Colorado statewide Bighorn tag, ( Pretty much a Govenor's Tag ). Any open season with whatever specified weapon the unit is running at the time. Hunt till you get one. Many rams in the high 180's and 190's, a few close to 200 have been taken in the last few years. If you do get that tag there are a lot of sheep nut's in the RMBS that will help get you your ram. 25.00 a ticket also, 2000 max sold. Winner will be draw at the RMBS 30th Anniversary Banquet in Denver on April 2nd. But like the Alberta raffle, I beleive I have the winning tickets for that also. Good luck anyway's, I might be wrong about winning. I was wrong one other time in my life.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-05 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-05 AT 08:42?PM (MST)

Fannin's ?? Stones?? They're the same darn animal. Fannins are just lighter coloured sheep than the traditional dark stone. You can end up shooting a fannin type ram in an area where you are hunting for your so called dark stone.

Why worry about the Grand Slam ... just be happy you can hunt sheep and perhaps harvest such a coveted trophy.

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