Famous Yellowstone Wolf Killed!

A wolf is a wolf. However this will likely result in more negative press about the situation. The fact that wolves in Yellowstone are leaving the park on a regular basis is quite contrary to what the Advocates always have reported. There is no real controlling which animals are taken and which ones are not, just because this one wolf was photographed on a regular basis does not make it any different than the rest.

If anything it shows a lower fear of humans and an increased likely hood of a negative encounter with humans at some point. Too bad thall the bleeding hearts will freak out about this. At least she was killed in a limited quota area and not the pred zone. That would ahve really got things sideways...
Nice story But I'm a happy camper she left Yellowstone for a long time now.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I am lterally laughing out loud....but this isn't going to go well for us......
Very interesting how the article was not "attacking" in any way but at the same time it was...

Kill as many as we can before they shut it down again.
You can bet your Ass that'll Stirr them Wolf Lovers up!

Keep Shootin!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
Someones pet wolf got shot!!! OMG!!! This will stir the pot thats for certain but glad to see there is one less Big Bad Wolf out there.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
HH...I read that article in this mornings local rag paper we have here and sure made me laugh since it is a DEM leaning paper. Waiting to see some letters to the editor section and what is said later.

I couldn't be happier... This story makes my heart warm in so many ways... :) :) Don't shy away people, its a fight.These things will happen, and we cannot be ashamed or disappointed.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I just watched the video News report.

This wolf kill certainly has stirred the pot big time.

Thanks for the link HH.

They forgot to mention when the services will be held, and didn't say a thing about the location of the internment. he he he he he (pleasant whisteling sounds!)he he he he
Should of stuck to the zip it part of Shoot, Tag, Skin, and shut up. Maybe we could add something about tossing the collars into a body of water.
"The wolf was fitted with a $4,000 collar with GPS tracking technology, which is being returned, said Daniel Stahler, a project director for Yellowstone?s wolf program. Based on data from the wolf?s collar, researchers knew that her pack rarely ventured outside the park, and then only for brief periods, Dr. Stahler said."

I don't believe that for one second. The last GPS collared wolf they actually showed the data from, covered 2500 miles and 4 states in a year.

I wonder if it's possible to do a FOIA on that data? Don't those guys get mostly federal funding for that research?

The closest place to get out of the park and into Wyoming, where I'm assuming it was shot, is just over 20 miles from the Lamar valley as the crow flies. Considering the distance that one male went I'd say 20 miles is a simple jaunt down to the coffee shop for breakfast :)

I would love to be the guy turning in that collar!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Theres times I just cant believe the stupidity displayed by both sides of this entire wolf issue.

Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, the great lakes region all invested heavily in getting wolves off the list, setting up management plans, implementing their plans, setting seasons, etc.

Hunters have successfully gained State Management authority and are conducting legal hunts on wolves in several states. Thats something that many hunters said would never happen.

Now, you have idiots on these hunting boards recommending stupid chit like putting radio collars on coal trains, trucks, etc. What would that prove? What would it accomplish? You dont think researchers are smart enough to know whats going on?

Anyone that believes "ideas", like those mentioned, would HELP the situation is not using their heads. Those collars are not cheap...and they will be replaced by new ones if they arent returned. Take a guess who pays for them?

The wolfhippies are no better. Hunters are not targeting wolves with collars. Its ridiculous that there is even any discussion happening regarding making a collared wolves off limits to hunters. A wolf is a wolf regardless of a collar or lack of one. This is just an excuse for the wolf hippies trying to put a stop to the legal, state sanctioned hunting of wolves.

All that said, it makes sense for hunters to step up and do the right thing. Show some leadership, responsibility, and ethics. If you kill a wolf with a radio collar, turn it in.

The idiots coming up with the brilliant ideas of SSS, messing with radio collars, etc. will do nothing but hurt the massive efforts that it took to gain legal wolf hunting.

Be smart with your decisions...the sport of hunting, and continued wolf management, hinges on how we conduct ourselves.
I understand your point, but think you are taking some of the posts a bit too seriously. Almost all forums attract a crowd that loves to talk tough, act like children, and fantasize about other stupid behavior. I haven't read a single report of any disruptive behavior regarding wolf research on the part of hunters, and you probably won't. I take the macho comments as just blowing off steam, and do chuckle at the visualizations they provide.
The hunter did the right thing, killed the wolf and turned in the collar. Good for him.
Buzz suffers from an autoerotic asphyxiation accident in his moms basement. Thank God she took his meatloaf down early and got him cut down from the shower curtain. Ever since he has zero personality and no sense of humor.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-12 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]I find no humour in losing the right to legally hunt wolves via the redneck bullchit displayed by supposed "sportsmen".

Too much invested to let the fringe players on the issue (on either side) ruin it for the majority.

I suppose its wayyyy easier for people from places like California to "joke around" about gerry-mandering with wolf research. Since it wasnt their time, effort, or money invested to get us where we are today, they have nothing to lose.

I suppose I understand the insecurity issues and the need to to "fit in"...just troubling that its constantly displayed on hunting boards with grown men regarding a sport they supposedly care about.

Now, go watch another rerun of "spirit of the wild" or "pigman"...
I think you know me a tad from the years on these boards.
You know my strong feelings regarding hunting and those in regards to predators in particular.
I've agreed with most of your posts over the years.
Apologies for the remark, but your remark towards me and the snyde California reference are out of line and you know that.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-12 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-12 AT 10:58?AM (MST)

Maybe I was just trying to be funny?

No sense of humour?

I wonder how you would respond if I said something akin to "hey, I have a great idea...lets cut the heads off all the salmon and steelhead we catch. A bunch of them have pit tags and we can really mess with the research." Oh, and BTW, I live in Wyoming and dont have an anadromous fish within 200 miles of my house. I havent bought a license, attended any season setting meetings, or anything else to do with anadromous fish.

Not real funny is it?

I respect the things you've done. The time you've spent with your son in the outdoors, the hunting/fishing you do, and your spirit of doing most of them on-your-own.

Other Hunters/Fishermen recognize those facts as well. The sport is starving for positive leadership and ethics...use your influence as you see fit.
Well, thanks Buzz.

Looking at it from your point of view I can understand your sensitinity toward the subject.
Coming from California I understand that our hunting privellidges are controlled by the majority and that mojority isn't the huntin public or the rabid anti hunters, but the average Joe that knows very little about the sport that we hold so precious to our hearts and when that majority turns against us we are screwed.

You are absolutely correct in protecting the very fragile nature of our hunting oportunities.

I stand corrected.....

I think they should make her into a "Wolf Copter" (see link) and fly her around the park. All the Wolf lovers will still get to see her, and we get some entertainment. Everyone wins!

Best of Luck,
Jeff (MM Sponsor)
I'd like to see her head on a stick paraded through the west.

BUT, I say BUT, this is going to ignite a chitstorm of lawsuits with support like we've never seen.

He who laughs last laughs longest. I fear it won't be us laughing for long. I hope I'm wrong.

Stay thirsty my friends

So, let me get this straight.

Because I think hunters should act responsibly, not gerry-mander in important wolf research, care about ethics, etc. I'm not seeing the big picture? Really?

If being an ethical hunter and not doing things that harm the sport is going to lead to my lack of credibility...I'd rather not have any.

Heres some big picture for you...I heard from a reliable source on another board that "FWP Commission just closed wolf hunting and trapping adjacent to YNP. 4-1 vote. Anybody listen in?"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-12 AT 03:33PM (MST)[p]Hell Buzz, you come on here and stir the pot and try to start fights between sportsmen, and then talk about leadership.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-12 AT 03:42PM (MST)[p]...depends on your definition of "sportsmen". Also, arguing amoungst ourselves isnt necessarily a bad thing.

Just sayin'.
I think the reason you always cause such controversy Buzz is that you are basically an azzhole in your responses to people. Maybe you're a descent guy who doesn't communicate well in writing because you sure rub me the wrong way.

You might be the smartest guy on here I don't know but continuing to tell people with your posts that you are certainly doesn't impress me. I generally try to stay out of these since in the end you never get to smack anyone in the nose, but you are obnoxious so I'll join this one.

I believe most hunters on here are honest and will do the right thing. I read your posts and you believe exactly the opposite of that. You are always right and smarter than the rest of us. Read what Hunter Harry, Topgun, Kilbuc, etc. post they seldom if ever come off as condescending you always do. I hope I never meet you in my travels throughout Wyoming, it just wouldn't go over well.

I'm glad they got the rock star, wish they could have killed a bunch more. I can laugh a little at a sense of humor on the internet you should learn to as well.

I'll admit to having a sharp tongue and a direct approach to issues. It isnt about me, never has been.

Its about the hope that I have regarding the future of wildlife as my first priority, and the fact that human hunting, conducted by the average guy, remains a part of wildlife management as a close second. Anything that contradicts those two items, I dont tolerate real well. Never have...and never will. I wont apologize for it either.

Those that act a fool and try to impress others with their stupid actions and words (SSS, intentionally gut shoot a coyote, etc. and find that funny) are doing no good for wildlife nor hunting. There are things that I find very little, if any, humour in. Things that degrade hunters, wildlife or the sport topping that list.

I dont expect hunters to all hold hands around the fire and agree on issues. In fact compromise and disagreement is healthy and often leads to the very best solutions. I just expect some ethics, thought, and appreciation for the wildlife and sport.

I cant believe that is too much to ask from supposed sportsmen...


I didnt know you were so sensitive. Sorry to hurt your feelers.

The MEN I grew up with hunting, fishing, and trapping werent ones to mince words when it came to issues regarding same. They cared enough to figuratively...and literally...bloody noses over it.

If you dont get that, well, as a good friend of mine says, Jimmy Cracked Corn.....

I guess it would be better if I started a new "SSS" campaign, laughed about unethicial behavior, gut shot coyotes for fun, agreed with the ted nugent types, etc. etc.

Then I could get my monster-muley mickey-mouse ears and be part of the gang...

I'll pass, never been a follower and its too late to start now.

I paddle my own canoe, YMMV.
I gotta say.... We have the opportunity and the right (collar or not) to kill them now, which is what we wished for for a long time. But, there is no need to make a spectacle out of it (collar or not). mtmuley
Why can't Montana just play by the rules. Quit cowering down to eco-terrorist.


It appears that something fishy may be happening in Montana. Many of you are aware that radical activists are trying to close wolf hunting in areas outside of Yellowstone National Park. Not only would this set a terrible and risky precedent, but this would effectively prevent recovery of the hard hit elk and moose populations in the area.

Here is where it gets worse.

It looks like attempts are being made to circumvent the law to make this decision TODAY. The problem is that the item is not on the official Montana FWP Commission Meeting Agenda.

According to press reports some commissioners suggest that restricting wolf harvest will be on today?s agenda, "Montana wildlife commissioner Shane Colton said closing some areas to trapping or setting strict quotas will be on the table during a Monday commission meeting.? In the same article another commissioner indicates he may support the action, ?State wildlife commissioner Ron Moody said he would support closing areas to harvest or reducing wolf quotas if that's supported by the evidence." You can read the quotes in the Billings Gazette article at:

Montana law is very clear. No decisions can be made, unless advanced public notice is given that the issue will be considered in the meeting. How can concerned sportsmen and ranchers know to attend the meeting if proper notice is not given? A quick review of Section 2-3-103 of Montana Statute indicates, ??the agency may not take action on any matter discussed unless specific notice of that matter is included on an agenda and public comment has been allowed on that matter??

Of the four issues on the agenda for today?s Montana FWP commission meeting. None of them relate to restrictions on wolf harvest around Yellowstone National Park. The only agenda item related to wolves is listed as ?Information only.? In fact this item is all about how Montana can harvest more wolves and decrease overall wolf numbers. Here it says about this item:

?The 2012 season framework includes a number of changes from 2011, largely intended to increase wolf harvest and decrease wolf abundance in Montana?The review will include data on harvest numbers, geographic distribution of harvest, consideration of depredation removals and overall wolf mortality relative to wolf population model projections. Much of the data will be presented to compare harvests during the 2011 and 2012 hunting seasons.? Emphasis added. http://fwp.mt.gov/doingBusiness/insideFwp/commission/meetings/agenda.html?coversheet&itemId=2770985

Here is a link to the full agenda: http://fwp.mt.gov/doingBusiness/insideFwp/commission/meetings/agenda.html?meetingId=27709806

So is the item on today?s agenda or not? I don't think anyone knows but the Commissioners in Montana. Knowing that questionable actions have been taken before, Big Game Forever issued an action alert in Montana asking Montana sportsmen and livestock producers to send messages to the commission. Over 650 messages have been sent from Montana. On Friday we sent another request to our national list. This generated over 2,000 additional messages. So thanks to each of you who sent one of the 2,600 messages to Montana FWP commission for being ahead of the curve on this issue.

The meeting is happening now. It is becoming more clear why Montana hunters are so frustrated. Underhanded tactics seem to have become the norm when it comes to the lack of adequate wolf management in the state of Montana. If restricting wolf harvest is considered by Montana FWP Commission in today?s meeting, it will be a clear violation of the spirit if not the letter of Montana law meant to protect its citizens from this very kind of action.

Stay tuned,

Ryan Benson
As hard as I try, I just can't help but laugh at the irony of the situation. Very disrespectfull on my part and I wish to apologize to those who may be offended. I know that every time a wolf takes down an elk and limits a hunters opportunity, the wolf lovers would like to apologize for laughing too.
You preach about ethics and leadership, but then you post this,"They cared enough to figuratively...and literally...bloody noses over it." Not sure, but wouldn't that be assault. Pretty sure assault is a crime and sarcasm is, well.......sarcasm.


Wrong, its not the MTFWP, its the Commission.

Cant disagree with the spineless part though, regarding both the buffer zone and commission.

A complete cave-in that has not one thing to do with biology, which is tragic.
wolf research, now thats a good one, they only kill the sick and old, remember buzz, thats the b s they spread for the last 20 years,,,,she only left the park when there was an old sick elk out there,,,,,
i got to hold rockstar up at the taxdermist....she had some big ol paws on her......

i guess people are requesting her back so they can bury her in the park.
If only the wolves could be trained to eat union thugs, the mouth breathers might start to like them.
>That must have been cool holding
>that dog nfh.
>Any pics?

i didnt take any pictures, the hide was inside out, with salt on it......i got to hold and you could only see the legs and tail...the tail wasnt as long as i thought it would be...

i was at my taxidermist visiting on how do my mountain goat mount and i asked if he heard about rockstar getting harvested and he got up and got her out...i got a good chuckle
I guess if the wolf would of stayed in the Park like a lot of tree huggers think they do...this situation would of been avoided....
When does the wolf season open in Utah?Never will and you dumbsh i ts will have to sit there and do nothing while we hunt them up here in MT.Keep talking trash about the state thats doing something about the wolves while you live in a state that never will,GENIUS!
>When does the wolf season open
>in Utah?Never will and you
>dumbsh i ts will have
>to sit there and do
>nothing while we hunt them
>up here in MT.Keep talking
>trash about the state thats
>doing something about the wolves
>while you live in a
>state that never will,GENIUS!

You're the one with the wolf problem dipshit, we just have big coyotes!!! :)
You know the killing of such a famous wolf makes me happy. The autographed picture I have of that wolf will be worth millions$$$$$$$$


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