Fall Colors....(pics)


Long Time Member
Thomas was out of school for a few days for the holiday, so he sweet talked mom into a road trip with Dad.

He had an unfilled bear tag, so we loaded up my truck & headed north.

Just for the Hell of it, he threw in his little Pfleuger lake rod in just in case there were a few steelhead in the river.

After driving a few hours, we stopped by the river just to see what was going on before heading up the mountain.

Thomas rigs up his rod, climbs down the bank while I'm messing around in the pickup.
Before I even got out I hear those magic words.


I run over and see the bright flash of a beautiful native steelie skying mid river.

He plays the fish to perfection and swings the girl into a nice little landing pool.

What a gorgeous hen.



I realize I am screwed, I was focussing on being a bear guide and really didn't think the fishing would be very good so I left the pole at home.

Thomas revives the fish and it rips off back into the river.

He continues to work the run for about 15 munutes and BANG!

Another beautiful native hen.


Pics ensue, fish revived and off she goes.

I give him another hour or so and nothing.

We load up and head down the road.

Thomas's eyes glued on the beautiful river, he pleads me to pullover so he can try one of the more productive holes.

He cuts off his leader & shifts over from bait to steel.

Two casts and well you know the routine.

Just laughter this time.

Another gorgeous native hen.




We really had to get going if we were going hunting, but is was real tough to leave the river.

We hunted the high country for a couple days & saw no bears, but as always, my kid seems to know how to make a trip turn out great.

PS, I'll never leave home without my stick ever again.

Thomas turns 16 next month and will have to buy his first fishing license ever.

Seems he has a pretty good head start on things....


NICE! Should have just fished the river and waited for a bear to appear!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Nice going Thomas! I knew about the half pounders but not the bigger fish. Beautiful photos HH!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.

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