FALCON'S sheep hunt pics....



some pics of 'falcon's' great sheep hunt...tell us about it, bryan...










Way to go Falcon! Tell us the details. Didn't you hunt with Max Schwaub? How was everything? Congrats on the beautiful ram.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-07 AT 06:05PM (MST)[p]The weather looks way too nice for Alaska in August.

You are killing me! The pictures bring back too many memories of something I can probably never afford again. Again Congrats and enjoy the ride.

Last year at this time I was sizing up my first Dall ram. Shot him on August 20th 2006 5PM Alaska time. It sucks I will never do it again.

What is at the base of the left horn?
Beautiful country and some nice critters!! Thanks for the photos, how about some details!
Thanks guys!


The left base is 13.5".

Ok, I will share the story. Hopefully it won't be a novel!

I arrived in Healy Tuesday the 7th at noon to meet the outfitter who was also the pilot. He introduced me to my guide Curtis, and after loading the plane, he flew curtis to our base camp on the river. The weather was not good for flying, and it took him many tries to get us to our camp site on the river, but he finally suceeded. We then were met by another outfitter who landed on the same strip. Now there were 3 clients on the gravel bar looking to hunt sheep. We talked breifly, and made sure we wouldn't run into another. We camped there for the night, and packed up our stuff and headed for our high camp.
This was the first time my guide ever took a client into this basin, so I was both excited and skeptical at the same time.
It took us about 6 hours to climb up the creek, and we set up base camp in the outskirts of a basin. We saw sheep right off the bat, ate dinner, and passed out.

The next day, we were up doing some serious glassing. The sheep were numerous, and we spotted several rams. We decided to stay at a distance not to spook the game. The outfitter sent up a packer to be with us. Ryan turned out to be a great to have in camp and to hunt with.

On Thursday, we decided to get a closer look at some of the rams. We saw a band of 12 that had about 3 legal rams in it.
Upon a closer look, I got a peek at a large ram with heavy bases that got me attention. I went to bed hoping and praying I would see him on the mtn the next morning.

Opening morning had us heading up the darinage at 6am. We spotted the rams at the head of the valley, but they were too far away to see if the big ram was with them. We slowly headed up the basin trying to head them off. We saw 2 rams on the opposite ridge feeding. We were carefull not to have them bust our stock. We moved slowly, watching the rams move in our direction. We headed sideways up the mountain to set up a possible shooting position. Curtis the guide layed 50 feet above me and watched the rams, who now numbered 18. I gave him my range finder, and he said they were still out over 800 yards.
We waited, and the rams fed closer. We were pinned down by open country. Finally, Curtis motioned me to be by his side. He asked me how far I was comfortable shooting. I said ideally 300 yds. He said it was my call.The sheep were at 500 and then finally 420 yds. At that point, Curtic said they were getting ready to move up the mountain. I then said I would steady my 270, and get ready for a possible shot. I looked thru the spotter, and saw mr. big I had seen the day before. I then set my rifle over my fleece coat, and talked with Curtis to make sure we were talking about the same ram. I then looked thru my scope, and tried to steady my rifle, and control my heartbeat. I asked Curtis the final range. He whispered, 420.
I then saw the ram turn broadside, and lift his head. I said a quick prayer, and put the cross hairs on the top of the shoulder. The bullet nailed him smack thru the heart. He then took a few steps, and fell down a steep rock slide. I was so excited, I about had a heart attack. I don't believe I will ever forget that feeling! I got teary eyed, thanked God for the adventure, and hugged my guide. After a whole lotta back slapping and picture taking, we caped him out, and packed him down to the base camp. We were back at camp at 6 pm. We had my dream dinner. Roasted sheep ribs over an open fire. High winds prevented us from getting back to Healy for another 4 days,but that was ok with me. The hunt was over, but the memories will last forever!

I hope this wasn't too long winded, but words can never describe a experience like this!
Beautiful ram, beautiful country, great story. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. I think I'm ruined now.
Thanks much for sharing. I'm considering a hunt in four to six years with my son. Great pics, looks to be a good time.

After you get hit by the sheep bug, you are pretty much ruined!
Hopefully you and I will draw one in your backyard.

Good luck this year in the field.


ps I will try to e-mail some pics to you.

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