Fair Chase


Very Active Member
I was watching Christensen Arms hunting show tonight and they were hunting brown bears. They got on a nice bear and chased it down on snow machines. I think he stopped a 100 yards out to shoot. But the thing was out in the open and had absolutely no chance to escape. I'm pretty open minded about most forms of hunting but chasing down a trophy game animal like that made me sick. Is that fair chase? If not, where do you draw the line. If a guy ran down a 400 class bull elk, would that qualify? That guy just moved up to the top of my what an ahole list...

TARDS know all the Tricks!

Whatever it takes!

No,I don't agree with it!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Apparently, another "not so right" hunting vid has slipped thru the cracks.

Ted Nugent would be the first glaring example.

I have maintained for years, that they ALL do whatever it takes to get the video ready for sales.

I hate the Eastman guys for the same reason. They have a crew of 20 people and a helo.....but call it DIY.....my azz!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Some pretty reckless accusations on this thread. Jealosy is alive and well on MM. Either back-up your accusations or keep them to yourself.

The use of snowmachines is abhorrent to chase down a brown bear. It is common practice in Russia, however, and that is where many go to get a big brown bear. I don't like it and won't do it myself, but I am still a little reluctant to issue blanket comdemnation. Maybe if I had hunted bears in Russia I would understand...

Not fair chase. IMO

I think that we have been discussing ethics on here a lot lately and people start speaking of stopping or regulating this or that in order to prevent giving the antis ammo but it seems to me most of these glaring problems only come to light by being filmed and aired.

I like some of the shows and videos out there and don't feel we should ban them but I think we need to make a CLEAR statement to the makers of the ones we think are unethical by contacting them either individually or as a group. Also contact the carrier of the show or production company of the movie. I think it used to be enough just to not purchase the movies or not watch the shows we found unethical and send the message that way but not anymore.

I don't watch much TV and almost never buy a video because there is so much CRAP out there. I have on VHS the Eastman series that was shot of live animals and some sheds and there was no kill footage at all and enjoyed most of that series very much but still can find fault in the fact that they were doing a lot of filming on the winter range and possibly stressing the herd.

I guess my point is there are many viewpoints of what is or isn't ethical and hunters here and elsewhere try to impress their ethics on other hunters in the name of "Not giving the antis any ammo." (and often rightly so) but the fact that the antis can turn on TV and see our faults being portrayed in all of our names is probably the biggest black eye we could get.

If you want to regulate something to prevent a black eye to hunting then do so to the hunting shows and videos by voicing your irritation to their producers. It may not help but you don't know without effort.

Sorry for the long post I hope it made some sense.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-11 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]huntindad4---Your post made plenty of sense and I pretty much agree with it. What I don't understand is the post previous to yours talking about "wreckless accusations" and jealousy among MMers! If it was right out on a TV show to be seen by viewers, what accusations are you talking about? I didn't see the show being talked about here, but I'm sure that if I saw any game being chased ANYWHERE by a snowmobile, quad, or anything other than on foot to be shot and then considered fair chase or not that I would object! It wouldn't matter what you call it because it's just not right!!! Getting to a hunt area where the animals are located by vehicle is one thing, but chasing them down other than on foot to get close enough to shoot makes me sick thinking about it. I just read a post on another site a couple days ago about a guy bragging that he and his buddies enjoy running down and over coyotes with their snowmobiles and justified it by saying the sleds kill them just as quick as a bullet! It's unreal when you see sickos like that out roaming around and touting stuff like that in our society!!!
Some of you guys need to pay attention. I watched the show also. At the start of the show it was CLEARLY stated that the bears being hunted were in an area with a very high predator density. Therefore the use of the snowmobile was in the confines of the law in that area. Right or wrong? Ethical or not? Decide for yourself. Besides, what idiot would broadcast behavior like that if it was unlawful? More great stuff from some of the misinformed. mtmuley
I watched the show and immediately thought: They shouldn't have shown this on tv. It was a bad judgement call. I'm sure it was legal or they wouldn't have dared air it, but probably not a good thing to show to the whole world. We get a bad enough black eye from the media, and alot of others....we really need to police ourselves a little better.
mtmuley---Going back through all the posts after I read yours, I don't see any where the guy was accused of violating the law!
Aren't most polar bear hunts a variation on what happened on this bear hunt? They use snowmobiles and dog sleds. If they use dog sleds they get as close as possible on the dog sled and then turn the dogs loose to bay the bear.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-11 AT 06:23PM (MST)[p]We are talking more on ethics on this thread and not a game law violation! What did he violate? Try common sense putting that out on TV for a starter, LOL! I do wonder about the justification you mentioned that they came out with saying they were on the machine because they were in a high predator area. I guess my question to them would be what that would have to do with them running down the bear to get a shot at it! It sounds like they were looking for some justification in the way they took that animal. I don't believe I get that show on any cable channel up here. Could someone please tell me what it's on and when the show airs so I can see if it's on up here? Thanks!!!
Ahhh yes! Ethics and Fair Chase. Hmmmm. The planting of food plots animals can't resist and hiding in the bushes to gun them down. Fair chase? A comfy blind complete with bar over a feeder. Ethical? Baiting bears. Should we do it? Camped out on a waterhole in the heat of the day. A REAL challenge. Decoys when a bull has one thing on his mind. Fair? Trapping. There's a good one. Like it? Is it Ethical or Fair Chase? Chasing lions with dogs. How about that? Cover scents, rangefinders, calls, camo. Where do you think the line should be drawn? Let's question and dissect the methods of others, especially when WE OURSELVES do not agree with them. There's a lot of damn high horses here lately regarding the Ethics and Fair Chase of hunting. Pretty tough to live up to for a mere mortal. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-11 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]After reading this post I went and watched the episode...good gawd, WAFJ! It reminded me why I don't watch those jokers. Truly a Utard at its best!!!
"Carbon wack-n-stack" might be the most gay thing I've ever heard!

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I love hunting coyotes with snow machines, Love hunting them with airplanes too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Ahhh yes! Ethics and Fair Chase.
>Hmmmm. The planting of food
>plots animals can't resist and
>hiding in the bushes to
>gun them down. Fair chase?
>A comfy blind complete with
>bar over a feeder. Ethical?
>Baiting bears. Should we do
>it? Camped out on a
>waterhole in the heat of
>the day. A REAL challenge.
>Decoys when a bull has
>one thing on his mind.
>Fair? Trapping. There's a good
>one. Like it? Is it
>Ethical or Fair Chase? Chasing
>lions with dogs. How about
>that? Cover scents, rangefinders, calls,
>camo. Where do you think
>the line should be drawn?
>Let's question and dissect the
>methods of others, especially when
>WE OURSELVES do not agree
>with them. There's a lot
>of damn high horses here
>lately regarding the Ethics and
>Fair Chase of hunting. Pretty
>tough to live up to
>for a mere mortal. mtmuley

+1.....VERY GOOD POST!!!!!!! I agree COMPLETELY!!!!

I also get SOOOOO tired of the "utard" comment!!! Come on guys...it is offensive and old! People doing stupid things is not reserved for just people from Utah. Enough!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 07:15AM (MST)[p]i would agree with the where you draw the line stance. however i feel these shows are doing nothing but hurting our hunting heritage, and might cause legislation against us or worse..

sorry guys if you showed that brown bear video to the general public there would be an uproar. and yes tiffany shooting a buck out of a tree with a corn trail leading the deer to her stand isn't exactly sporting either. but in that part of the country thats how they do it. years ago we traded some guys from oklahoma a ok whitetail hunt for an elk hunt. they had me posted 50 yards from a corn feeder. when the feeder came on the bucks came running in. i refused too shoot. i hunted on foot and didn't get anything, the brush was so thick you couldn't hardly get any good hunting. when they came up here and had to hike they thought it was ridiculous. we all do things differently.

yes it is hard to " draw a line in the sand " but i fear for the future of our sport when slob hunting is glorified on a national stage for all to see. my 2 pennies
Beavis, good post.

That was kinda my point in that it is very hard to draw the line for hunters and how they hunt and I know I don't want to be responsible for that duty.

I just feel we need to be careful what we air on these shows and think it is possible to create a line for the shows to stay behind. Kinda like a rating system or something that could be followed. I don't know.

Having said that I am not a member of the hunting show community and rarely watch them so my opinion is skewed by my lack of attachment.

FLEH, "utard" was used cuz that's what he is, A tard from Utah! You're only complaining about THAT term being offensive?...Do you spend much time in the campfire? lol

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I've had a positive image of the EASTMAN folks.....if it is as Nickman says, I'm very disappointed...

Solo hunting (on publicly-accessible ground) or with a couple of friends (even with an "old-fashioned" single outfitter) IS fair chase....what is being done (and sold on video) is rarely the same thing. None of that bodes well for the future of our sport.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 11:15AM (MST)[p]Mtmuley---All that other BS you posted has nothing to do with what this show was all about. You show me a bear or any other critter that can outrun a sled that can do 70 MPH or better and then I'll call it a fair chase, LOL!!! Sure, a lot of what you mentioned might not be the way things are done by others and you, or I, may call them unethical. However, you really don't think running down an animal with a machine is fair do you?
I also am completely tired of the "Utard" term. I have seen "Tards" in every state I have been in. No higher density in Utah than other places. Of course, these so called Tards probably feel the same way about the person calling them a tard. Funny how each person's perspective is different...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 07:05PM (MST)[p]TOPGUN, Not my place to say what's fair. Yours neither. Apparently that is an accepted method in that area for that specific hunt. Would I do it? No. But if another chooses to, so be it. It was his hunt, his money and he chose the method. If I post too much BS for ya, ignore it. mtmuley
IMHO that kind of thinking will be the downfall of hunting sooner or later. If everybody accepts stuff like that with no objections, and it's out on the airwaves for those who are on the fence to see, how do you think they will vote if hunting comes up? Don't say it can't happen because our MI dove hunt that was supposed to be a three year study before it was made permanent was wiped out by a vote of the public. A CA anti hunting group came in with big bucks, put stuff all over the airwaves and got enough of the old folks with bird feeders in the back yards to sign a petition to get it on the ballot. They claimed doves were being shot off electric lines, etc. and the hunt went down by a 7-1 margin, with the result being that doves were placed back on the protected list. With that kind of a trouncing I doubt that dove hunting will even be brought up again in this state. Other states have banned hunting with dogs, hunting over bait, etc., so what's next is the only question!
Utard, Wyotard, Idatard, New Mexitard, Coloretard, Nevadatard, Calitard,

Pick one and apply as necessary!

It does get old, but you have to admit that "Utard" has a ring to it!

Sincerely, a fellow Utard

That's funny, but just think if you also changed the remaining vowel to a U. Then I can see where somebody might have a cause for concern, LOL!!!
PS I saw the show and was shocked like most others.

Not "Fair Chase" and definitely shouldn't have been aired.

What a Joke!
I don't post much anymore. Too much drama usually.... ;)

That being said, I think that this is a VERY important topic. I didn't see the episode, but based on the descriptions here, I suspect it wasn't very pretty. :(

I feel like it is important to note that what is acceptable in one place is NOT acceptable in another. I don't ever plan to run a bear down with a snow machine. I don't ever plan to hunt whitetails or pigs over a feeder. I don't ever plan to hunt a black bear over a barrel full of donuts and bacon grease. But there are people all over this country (and many on this forum) who have and will do that.

I went on my first lion chase with hounds a few weeks ago and it was one of the single most amazing hunting experience of my life. Some people don't think it's fair to the cats though. The 'dog guys' think it's not fair to cats to pick them off form 400 yards without giving them a 'fair' chance to run. It's all in the eye of the beholder IMO.... ;-)

Opinions are like....... ;-)


topgun, FIRST, you do not know what I am thinking about that particular hunt. The man did what he wanted. SECOND, If it bothers you that FRICKIN much, call Christensen, the mans name is John Mogle, and voice your concerns. OR, better yet, get in touch with the Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife and explain to them what a black eye they are imparting upon hunting with those particular regulations. THIRD, It does no good to sit in front of a keyboard and bust MY balls about some TV show YOU did not even view. I already stated that I, personally, would not exhibit that behavior. I also stated it is not my place to judge what is "fair" in hunting. It is also not "fair" for you to sit and impart judgement upon people that do not adhere to your rules and standards. mtmuley
First, that's funny because in your previous posts you said you wouldn't do it, so I guess I do know at least part of your thoughts on that hunt. Second, I didn't need to see the show to make a decision on someone chasing a bear on a sled to cut the distance and shoot it! How do you know I haven't already done one or more of what you are suggesting? Third, all I'm doing is typing my thoughts on the subject, so if you don't like what I post don't read them! Finally, I guess maybe there are more people than myself saying that we all should voice our opinions on anything we think will hurt our hunting rights. If you're not one of them, so be it, but don't come crying to any of us if some day you lose some of your hunting rights because you don't speak out! If that's what you call busting your balls again, too bad!!!
Hang in there topgun, in my humble opinion, it is fair for those of us to express our views on things that we think are not good for hunting because it can and most likely have an impact on our sport - if you don't participate in that kind of behavior than you can't be critized - we need to police ourselves and those of you that think that chasing a bear on a snowmobile and shooting it is fair chase then we are in more trouble than we think. Baiting bears and chasing game on a machine in Colorado is not considered legal. At least our DOW has some sense. I do agree that we need to contact the folks that show these types of hunts on TV and let them know our thoughts. Bantering back and forth between us maybe gives our views but does not correct the problem of showing on national TV. Seems like we are having more and more of this type of discussions on this forum, long range shooting being another example. Not sure if this solves anything but it does draw out what some think about different approaches to hunting.


Cute. Careful there wildsage. Ol topgun will give you the warm fuzzies till you step out of his perfect world. HunterX faltered. mtmuley
I saw a similar show a while back. It made me sick. The expedition part of hunting is gone now. Those that don't know any better, think it's OK. I saw this last show, as soon as I saw that they were flying in planes to find bears coming out of hibernation, I flipped it. This isn't what hunting's about. This is what killing is.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Although I have a problem with the way this hunt went and MANY others on the TV shows and believe with some things the legality needs to be challenged I think the biggest problem is putting it on TV.

I guess it's an out of sight out of mind kind of thing.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-11 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]>Apparently, another "not so right" hunting
>vid has slipped thru the
>Ted Nugent would be the first
>glaring example.
> I have maintained for years,
>that they ALL do whatever
>it takes to get the
>video ready for sales.
> I hate the Eastman guys
>for the same reason. They
>have a crew of 20
>people and a helo.....but call
Absolutely agree!!

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