Faber vs. Pulver


Watched the fight tonight on Versus and good fight. Uriah gave him a good fight and messed his face up more than it already was.

you got to give pulver credit for going the distance little evil took a beating!
Faber kicked his a$$. Pulver held his own but if you look at both of their faces after the fight,Faber looked untouched.
I think Faber should change his name from 'California Kid' to 'Lightning' His strikes are faster and harder than anyone I've seen.

Pulver sure can take a hit, he was hit hard alot of punches and keep coming.

Faber was almost untouched in appearances. Great fight card.
Two minutes left in the 2nd round and Faber knocks him down, how did Pulver survive that!!! The guy got his face pummeled but I was seriously impressed Faber couldn't finished him in that second round.
Great Fight! So was the Torres fight. Pulver can take a beating though.

I agree with the PPV comment...I gotta believe it's coming.


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