

Very Active Member
I was reading through the MM christmas party post and found antlerrick using the term F-dude. I love that term, but unfortunately it is rarely used anymore. In fact many young-ens don't have a clue what it means. So let's hear it, how many of you are familiar with the term? In Jr high it used to be cool to be an f-dude. Anyone else remember this. Oh, those were the days! I'm not really much of an f-dude anymore, but definitely had my day.

Sorry, this is kind of a lame post, but if some of you guys would put a few new posts up I might not get bored enough to resort to this.

So let's hear it F-dudes!
>I'm 37 and I've never heard
>the term F-Dude. Fill us

Bender on "The Breakfast Club"

What is an F-dude ?
Good question,
I think there are several correct answerers,
I think each definition depends on where you are from.

Here's a breakdown of what our F'dude is comprised of.

I couldn't figure out how to do the pie chart but here is how it would look.

20% .........computer geek
30% ..........deer/elk horn groper
5 % .......... nukables, soft core porn poster
15 % ..........intellectual
.7 % .........gerbil fetish
14 % ..........sturring the pot
6 % ............ man-crush on Bessy
9.3 % ...........photojournalist
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-08 AT 06:41PM (MST)[p]BFE
nice breakdown! I'd say the first 3 are spot on but
you got to bump my intellectual percentage up and drop
the gerbil fetish to 0. I'm a hamster guy.
I do admit to a few man-crushes and occasionally stir
the pot as well.
I don't want to show off my intellectual prowress but there is a difference. Note the tail length for one


Wow!! How'd you get them to pose like that for you? Are you really the Pied Piper?

Feleno- Here's when I say, "you learn something new everyday." Guess what I'm talking about tomorrow at work? Yep....gerbils!!

Feleno, are you a gerble kinda guy because the longer tail makes it easyer to pull from your Anus.:eek:

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Holy crap! If he's smart, he'll tie a popsicle stick to the end of the gerbils tail so it can't crawl too far up there!!

maybe he'll upgrade to Brown Beavers..."big and filling" with sharpe claws and teeth for that extra senitivity!
when all is said and done and your still quivering and too tired to move no retrieval needed the little bastard just gnaws it way out!
Wow! I never realized that by starting a lame post it would end up taking a life of it's own! You guys are amazing. I think I will just sit back and wait for the next post and see what it is capable of.

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