F B-Ball


Long Time Member
No not B-BOP.

Z How Is the N.B.A. Going to be when they see miami go get the big 3 then win the finals?

I Think boston should have not of traded the back bone of the team, they are just a bunch of panty waist you can see it when they get in trouble!

Hey z lets go get drunk burn a couple james jersey's and piss on a few kobe poster's?
I was pulling for your boys in green right up until the Lakers swept themselves...then my give-a-damn completely broke!! Getting drunk is definitely on this weekend's agenda ;-)

Don't worry hornkiller, there's always next year...but it's time to start playing in the hills again for now!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~

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