eye guards


Curtis (Guest)

On a mule deer do you count the eye guards as points. My dad and I and the rest of my family don't count them, but I noticed that some people do.
A four point is a four point with them or without them!
Some will count every point,some won't.
I guess you could say they count,B&C scores them,but one is worse than having none!
Can I say it depends on where you live?
Some will count both sides,some won't.
I know guys that multiply width,heighth and points.
A true western Hunter won't count them but some will!
Are they brow tines or eye guards?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-03 AT 07:59AM (MST)[p]We dont! We also dont count any point that is under 1" long. Like was said, I hate it when someone feels that they have to count every single point and bump. I shot a whitetail a few years ago that had 15 scorable points. I still refer to it as a 4 pt because it is basically a big 4 pt with a bunch of crap on it.



Life long "vagitarian"
To those of you who dont count it (for reasons unknown to me?), lets hypothetically say you pop a deer main frame 4x4 with that scores 211 WITHOUT measuring his outstanding 8 inch matching eyeguards, would you go ahead and NOT have them counted in the final score? Those 8 inches have just netted you the new world record. I bet we got a bunch of guys counting them now.

Does it really matter??? Are you any less of a hunter because you call a mainframe 4pt with eyegaruds a 5pt. Most people are going to figure your're talking about a 4pt with eyeguards anyway. But to say you don't know jack... WHO CARES.
I beleave it is a mater of choise.
Here in Iowa we count both sides, W/ a min. 1" long reqwuirement.
Missouri they count it looling straight on, turn it around and count it again from behind.
total up the 2.
Then add one extra just incase they missed on on the first count. True God as my wittness.
So if you boys don't want to count all your points, or maybe you dont have enough fingers and toes,
due to the monsters you shoot.
The count you come up with is fine by me,
it just doesn't matter.
The proof is in the picture.
so somebody who shoots a 2x2 with 1 inch eyeguards and posts a pic on this website as a 3 point should not have anybody to argue with him about his 2 point being a 3 point! I personally dont count the eye guards on a MULEY buck, to me it is a buck with nice eye guards not "eye tines"
Here is a Buck I shot this year... It's a 4-point with nice Eyeguards.


NOW, I jsut call it a 4-point with Nice Eye guards. I have a 3 point with longer ones. If a Buck is a 4-point with "TRASH" points it's not a 11x15 is it ? It's a 4-point with "TRASH" So I think the Same goes with the Eye guards.

Muledeer have Eyeguards, Elk Have Browtines, I have a love Dragon. Any Questions now ?

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Yes they count! - in the score. Not in conversation, don't call a 4X4 with eyeguards a 5X5, we'll all be looking for the extra points.........

I had 3 chineese female Friends, I heard it was Tradition for them to marry guys with TATOOS. I asked the first one what kind and she wanted her man to have his tatoo of a Dragon on his Chest, the 2nd wanted a dragon on his arm.. the 3rd wanted it dragon on the Floor. (So I married the 3rd one :))

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Floor dragon

I would not let it out you were flat on the floor face down when she said that!

OH I forgot your OTHER name is SPLINTER
RE: Floor dragon

"SPLINTER", Uhh Like from a RED WOOD !!!!! Buuuahahah !!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
RE: Floor dragon

It depends who i'm talking to. Where I grew up in NM we counted every point. If it was a four point with eyeguards it was a ten pointer. Not until I went to work in AZ that I found out people described them differently. I told the guys I took a nice eight point they freaked "You shot an eight point"?

I don't think there is no politically correct way as long as you understand what the other guy is saying. :)
My friend & I were out hunting muleys during the utah central rifle season a few years back. My friend was from california he just came along for the trip & was not hunting. We spotted some deer running across the side of a mountain. I pulled up the 30/30 & found a buck in my scope. I dropped him & my friend went up to look for him. He found him first and said " You shot a nice four point." I was very excited thinking this may be the biggest deer I have ever shot. Then I get up to him and its a two point. Damn californians ! Ha it was funny as hell. He started laughing and saying sorry for getting me all excited. Then went on to say that where he is from that is a four point
He must be from LA. In South Dakota we count it if it over a 1" because it counts if you measure and score out the deer, if the deer isn't big enough to be scored we don't count them
Yeah they count as a score thing,but in casual conversation, I guess I wouldn't mention them ,but do sometimes if they are exceptional.
I have a buddy that is hung up on eyeguards! He says "A buck without eyeguards is like a chick without nipples!"
Someone wit ha Name "Moosies My Hero.. And registered to boot:)

I'm guessing it's someone Gay or someone that needs a life.. Or someone from Utah *WINK*

Anyways, 8 posts and I only caught one of them.. PM me the Other 7 posts, jsut curious if they are any good ?!?!?

Anyways, So what has this post taught us ?!? Count them or not ? Someone tell me if it counts if it's over 1" cuz I can Count 3 of mine then... DEER that is :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!

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