Expo ??


Very Active Member
I am thinking of coming out to Salt Lake for the Expo this year. Any tips on attending this event. Do you have to be present for any of the big game tag drawings.
Don't have to be present for the raffles.
The last couple of years, I have flown into SLC in the morning, went to the expo and then flew out that afternoon. Saved a bunch of money that way. Ate breakfast and supper at home, brought a couple snacks for while I was there.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
You just have to submit your choices in person, dont have to be present for the drawings. Results are posted on the web site a few days after the expo. I take the wife and spend a day or two there that way she lets me go the next year....
Become an SFW higher up person first and you might find you get very lucky. The Lord moves in mysterious ways.
Go to SCI first if given the chance. If not, go to the SLC expo or to DSC in Dallas.
If you are a hunter with any kind of ethics, morals or values. I suggest you find out what exactley you are supporting, by attending and spending money!! You might be suprised!!
The Expo typically runs from Thursday through the weekend. There are lots of different lectures on hunting and events, concerts, etc., that you may or may not want to be involved in. Get online and you can decide what interests you. It takes me at least 3 or 4 hours to wander around booths and displays to see all I want to see in the hall itself. I love attending the expo. It is pretty much the highlight of my off-season. I especially enjoy rubbing shoulders with other like-minded individuals who love hunting. As with most everything in life, there are a few "haters" of this event(I am obviously not one of them), but I suspect even many of them still attend...hoping to come away with a great hunt.
So if I am to take the insinuation just as I think 8mm meant it to be, then all who attend the expo are gutless, immoral, morons who have no business calling themselves hunters.....

well shucks I just feel like dirt now......

>I used to go...then MonsterMuleys enlightened
>me. Monstermuleys werked fer me!

Or perhaps, just a thought, rather than lump a bunch of guys who enjoy the outdoors into a group of unintelligent half wits you can keep your opinions and beliefs to yourself........

Feel free to share your knowledge, for that is truly valuable no matter the case, but what you feel to be right and true is yours not someone elses.

I kinda took a bit of offense to 8mm's post, simply because most guys who go there, go to enjoy the atmosphere, fun and opportunity to get together with other people who enjoy the same things they do. Hardly a justifiable reason to classify them as people with no values......

>Or perhaps, just a thought, rather
>than lump a bunch of
>guys who enjoy the outdoors
>into a group of unintelligent
>half wits you can keep
>your opinions and beliefs to
>Feel free to share your knowledge,
>for that is truly valuable
>no matter the case, but
>what you feel to be
>right and true is yours
>not someone elses.
>I kinda took a bit of
>offense to 8mm's post, simply
>because most guys who go
>there, go to enjoy the
>atmosphere, fun and opportunity to
>get together with other people
>who enjoy the same things
>they do. Hardly a
>justifiable reason to classify them
>as people with no values......

Ok "BB", I will waste a few minutes of my time to help clarify my previous words. Espically since you are so far out in left field with what you have stated here on MM. I in no way made a comment as to Utah hunters being as you said "guttless, immoral, morons" these are your words BB, not mine. I have attened the Expo every year it has been open except for the last two years. The Expo is enjoyable if you want to be around other sportsmen who have your same interests, such as big game hunting. Their are many nice taxidermy mounts, nice trucks, Atv's, Outfitters, and hunting clothing. BUT, if you are from Utah, and have been involved and informed to any extent about Big game hunting in Utah over the last 15 years, you are fully aware that this state "Utah", has become the "have's" and "have nots" in regards to being able to hunt with a quality opportunity. This is because the Utah DWR has been influenced and manipulated by a small group of individuals. This group regulary influences decision makeing of the DWR, not to benefit all sportsmen, but their special interest. Namely "MONEY FROM BIG GAME HUNTING", ie, "CONSERVATION PERMITS". Yes, the Expo generates alot of funds for the DWR, their are many great projects that are completed because of these funds. I am sure the Utah DWR appreciates recieveing 20% of the purchase price of these tags. But I feel as well as many others, the Utah DWR has sold their sole to special interests. The Utah DWR is addicted to these funds they recieve, because federal funding for wildlife projects is so low right now. So, if you want to go to EXPO and have fun. By all means go and enjoy!! Its a great time to spend with friends and family. Just dont think about where your money is going, whos pockets you are greaseing!! You are just supporting the have's to have more. And the have not's to eat more bread crumbs!!
your right 8mm haha it was pretty hypocritical, but you did say that if you are a hunter with any ETHICS, MORALS or VALUES and insinuated that only people without those qualities attend the expo......at least thats how it came across to me anyway.....

The simple facts are

The expo is an SFW/MDF coop in the name of conservation.

ALOT of money is generated by it and used in ALOT of ways??

SFW/MDF have their own agenda not necessarily wrong but not right either it's a personal opinion thing

my opinion is simply this, it's not going away, use it for what it is a fun place to go......

+1 Berryblaster, I understand 8mm's concerns, but tell me do you watch tv, go to the movies etc? In this society it seems you will be greasing somebodys pocket somewhat who will try and use it for their own agenda. F&G departments everywhere are scrambling to find money where ever they can. Just remenber it could be worse, you could be like us here in Calif. where the democrats and the humane society have taken over our F&G. I have never been to the Salt Lake show but it does sound like a good time, may have to try it out.
>your right 8mm haha it was
>pretty hypocritical, but you did
>say that if you are
>a hunter with any ETHICS,
>MORALS or VALUES and insinuated
>that only people without those
>qualities attend the expo......at least
>thats how it came across
>to me anyway.....
>The simple facts are
>The expo is an SFW/MDF coop
>in the name of conservation.
>ALOT of money is generated by
>it and used in ALOT
>of ways??
>SFW/MDF have their own agenda not
>necessarily wrong but not right
>either it's a personal opinion
>my opinion is simply this, it's
>not going away, use it
>for what it is a
>fun place to go......

I suggest if you dont need to travel very far to attend the Expo. Go there apply for every tag you can, win one hopefully for the little guy!!)))
>your right 8mm haha it was
>pretty hypocritical, but you did
>say that if you are
>a hunter with any ETHICS,
>MORALS or VALUES and insinuated
>that only people without those
>qualities attend the expo......at least
>thats how it came across
>to me anyway.....
>The simple facts are
>The expo is an SFW/MDF coop
>in the name of conservation.
>ALOT of money is generated by
>it and used in ALOT
>of ways??
>SFW/MDF have their own agenda not
>necessarily wrong but not right
>either it's a personal opinion
>my opinion is simply this, it's
>not going away, use it
>for what it is a
>fun place to go......

BB, I was not speaking of those that attend the Expo. I was refering to those that use our love of hunting, to benefit themself in their own personal ways. Sorry for not being more clear on my thoughts. I have put alot of time into wildlife conservation in Utah in many different ways. I just hate the direction hunting is going. The family/friends traditions are drifting away to nothing but memories. While big money is takeing over. The best memories I have throughout my life were hunting as a boy and teenage with my father, uncles, and grandfather. As a adult, it has been nothing but hopeing, wishing, and frustration. Not everyone has $10,000 to drop on a Conservation Tag. Its very hard to say no, no, no, to your wife and children every time you go shoping, then drop thousands on yourself for a hunt. I just wish all could have a positive experience in hunting!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-13 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]8mm here is something constructive for those who read to chew on.....I specifically hope that Hawkeye comes across it....

I've put a great deal of thought into this subject and the related topics. To my understanding, there are two plausible ways to institue change within the system.

#1 The political change, this is initiated by contacting your local rep, inviting him out to an event and then somehow getting getting him to accept a golf invite and subsequently an expensive dinner date....followed by numerous friendly contacts and 'gifts' the end of this is getting said rep to sponsor a bill changing the way that the wildlife of the state is run......hopefully to the end of eliminating the 'need' for sportsmans advocacy groups such as SFW or MDF or RMEF or ETC.....

#2 this one is for hawkeye, find a lawyer with enough balls to file a lawsuit against the State on the grounds of mismanagement of a public asset AKA the wildlife of the state. Take the state to court and force them via the judiciary system to change the way that the wildlife is run......

my personal opinion on two changes that could be valuable to all are centered around accountability.

#1 return the biologists salaries to a license sales based system no license sales no money......

#2 fire a bunch of people and let them know that their jobs are at risk.

Both are based in DNR side of things; SFW, MDF, all of them are products of poor management within state wildlife programs they filled a niche created by unhappy sportsman......make the sportsman happy by fixing the root of the problem and these organizations go elswhere to find the dollar......

>AT 10:46?AM (MST)

>8mm here is something constructive for
>those who read to chew
>on.....I specifically hope that Hawkeye
>comes across it....
>I've put a great deal of
>thought into this subject and
>the related topics. To my
>understanding, there are two plausible
>ways to institue change within
>the system.
>#1 The political change, this is
>initiated by contacting your local
>rep, inviting him out to
>an event and then somehow
>getting getting him to accept
>a golf invite and subsequently
>an expensive dinner date....followed by
>numerous friendly contacts and 'gifts'
>the end of this is
>getting said rep to sponsor
>a bill changing the way
>that the wildlife of the
>state is run......hopefully to the
>end of eliminating the 'need'
>for sportsmans advocacy groups such
>as SFW or MDF or
>RMEF or ETC.....
>#2 this one is for hawkeye,
>find a lawyer with enough
>balls to file a lawsuit
>against the State on the
>grounds of mismanagement of a
>public asset AKA the wildlife
>of the state. Take
>the state to court and
>force them via the judiciary
>system to change the way
>that the wildlife is run......
>my personal opinion on two changes
>that could be valuable to
>all are centered around accountability.
>#1 return the biologists salaries to
>a license sales based system
>no license sales no money......
>#2 fire a bunch of people
>and let them know that
>their jobs are at risk.
>Both are based in DNR side
>of things; SFW, MDF, all
>of them are products of
>poor management within state wildlife
>programs they filled a niche
>created by unhappy sportsman......make the
>sportsman happy by fixing the
>root of the problem and
>these organizations go elswhere to
>find the dollar......

WOW!!! This might be the best post Ive seen on MM yet. Thanks for takeing the time to write your thoughts!!
Anyone know if Alaska pulled their "tags for political payback" from the expo or if golden boy Corey Rossi left a gift that keeps on giving long after he is gone?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
So Buzz H???

Utah pulled a few NR tags for the expo and NR can and do draw them. How many tags did WY take from the NR and let every res hunt???

So they cut NR tags but leave it general season for res hunters? Makes a lot of sense! Also WY has a wilderness law that NR has to have a guide but res don't? Oh... and WY is going to increase NR tag price??
Seems to me WY is bending the NR over more than any other state and they don't even provide the lube!!!
I thought the same thing Boot until I saw the the NRs were killing the lions share of the bucks in G and H. The stats dont lie.

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