expo tags wtf???



Just wondering if there is anyone else that can answer this question....If indeed SFW is a "western united states" organization then why are almost all of the "206" expo tags UTAH TAGS... Is there a reason why they can't get tags from other states...Why couldn't we have an opportunity to draw some of the other western states tags especially the states that have SFW chapters in them?????seems that we are making Utah pretty popular and everyone wants these tags...well why not a colorado 21 tag or a strip tag.... or Montana sheep....what is the difference???lets hear it what is the answer.....
Probably because the Utah DWR is the only ones dumb enough to let 200 tags go to an expo drawing. Just a guess.. Good luck getting other state wildlife managment agencies on board with future SFW drawings.. oh and just to cut to the chase and save everyone on here some time..you are just bitter that you didn't draw da da da da da, etc, etc, etc! lol
SFW (okay, be honest, Peay) has a mission. Some say is to make Utah better for Joe SixPack hunter.

Certainly not for non-residents.

Look at the Expo tags. 200 tags taken from non-residents. Now count how many of the better tags went to non-residents...you know, the folks that drove from WY or ID or flew over from WA or OR or from back East then checked into a hotel, ate several meals at the diner, rented a car maybe.

Sure 5 tags went to non-residents but only because residents could not apply for those 5. Nice how that is buried in the results listing.

What about the sheep/goat/elk/deer/moose/bision tags where anyone can apply in person? Looks like a virtual goose egg went to non-residents.

Nice trick to make non-resident tags into resident tags...but does not fill up the SLC hotels or give an economic boost to Utah. Frank and Donna who live in Sandy do not spend much to drive over for the afternoon and get their draw activated.

Each year as more and more non-residents see how the game is fixed will reveal this is not as was sold to the State. Might as well call it the Greater Utah Residents Expo.

My 2 cents.
Are you serious? It's bad enough 1/2 the tags were taken from the 10%, woops I mean 7.5% non resident pool. Now you're expecting my state to donate tags to a convention I'd have to drive/fly to have a chance of drawing?
Thank God other states don't. It wreaks of underhanded drawings so why would any other state want to donate? I saved myself a few hundred bucks by not going.
Never been but was thinkin about it in the future. They don't draw outta a bin in front of the public?????????????????

Myabe I missed out on NOTHING!!!!And........saved $$$???

That can't be true cause that never happens to me.
I call BS.....if the expo was held in colorado would there be '200' colorado tags, what about in Phoenix, with '200' Arizona tags. What is the reason. Lets move it around every year and have a chance at everyone else's "premier tags." What do ya think?????
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-10 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]I think it should be kept in Utah, and they should get the majority of the tags from the resident quota, since that's mainly who attends.
Why not keep that principal, but rotate states....maybe 70% res 30% non res. Hell I do not really care as long as I had a shot at other states premium tags. Lets have a "best of the the
west" expo, with 10 premium tags each from all western states....dream on right....if they can scwonder that many out of utah why not ......ha ha
You already have the option of entering raffles for premium tags in other states. And...you don't have to travel out of state to participate.
By my count, 87% of the 2010 tags were drawn by Utah residents anyway so its not like the Utah tags are being gobbled up and won by those scurilous non-residents. Having to be present makes it pretty much a Utah deal given time, travel and lodging expenses for out of staters travelling to the Expo. Good also to remember that non-residents who are fortunate enough to come to Utah to hunt any wildlife are spending lots of their money while there. Hats off to the UDFW, MDF and SFW for a great event and an opportunity to participate in a draw for many incredible tags.
This years expo (2010) was originally scheduled to take place in Reno. It was even announced in MDF magazine. Peay thought it would be cool to hold the expo in Reno along with Utahs 206 tags and a grand total of ZERO tags from Nevada. My guess is after receiving several hundred e-mails telling Peay to go ahead and hold your expo in Reno but leave Utahs tags in Utah, he decided it was best to hold it in Utah. After all without the tags its just another lame expo.

So to answer your question, like what was already stated. No other states are dumb enough to give Peay tags, thats why it's held in Utah.
Does anyone know how many years these expo tags were agreed to? It seems like it was a five year period or something? And when that time is up who makes the decision to authorize it again?

Right or wrong, I dare say that the majority are against it. At least the current amount.
Probably because it is just dirty on so many levels. I can't see any other state having the gumption to pull that on NR's.

On second thought I would love to see AZ turn 200 premium N/R tags into resident tags the way Utah has. Let's do an expo in Yuma to get it a little farther away from the Utards!

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