Expo question


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-19 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]In curious on guys thoughts.

SFW has never taken a public stand on "land transfer". This year their keynote is Jason Chaffetz, who we all know is for transfer.

There are a ton of content producers who via you tube and podcast, talk a lot about public land, and #keepitpublic.

So, the question.

Do you find it a sell out to preach that message, then show up and be part of that show?

Not talking manufacturers or products, I mean the folks who do content.

I find it hard to believe Tom Gresham would support an expo who featured Michael Bloomberg.

Yes DW I am extremely critical of BHA showing up.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
When I saw he was the speaker it justified even more in my mind why I'm so negative on SFW leadership and the way they do business. I also understand that companies have to compete to stay in business and that's why they have booths at EXPO, but I don't like it because it also in the back of my mind seems like if they are there it means they agree with the SFW operation. I changed my mind somewhat on that though when I found out the Wyoming G&F has a booth there when I'm sure they don't agree with how SFW itself operates in Utah, but are there to promote hunting in Wyoming.
If somebody wants to provide a platform for those that oppose them to be seen and heard... take it.

I enjoy the Expo. I probably can't make it this year with a Barbary hunt that week, but I've gone in the past. I'm sure SFW would rather I quit posting about them than have my $10 anyway, so I'm doing my part ;-)

>Hey hoss, it ain't February yet.
I was listening to gritty bowman this morning while working, he was talking about the expo.

Got wondering how many of the producers that are there will end up on Chaffetz "I'm a hunter too" pics when he runs for gov

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>Hey hoss, it ain't February yet.
>I was listening to gritty bowman
>this morning while working, he
>was talking about the expo.
>Got wondering how many of the
>producers that are there will
>end up on Chaffetz "I'm
>a hunter too" pics when
>he runs for gov
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Think any of your BHA boys will be in the photo line up?

>>>Hey hoss, it ain't February yet.
>>I was listening to gritty bowman
>>this morning while working, he
>>was talking about the expo.
>>Got wondering how many of the
>>producers that are there will
>>end up on Chaffetz "I'm
>>a hunter too" pics when
>>he runs for gov
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>Think any of your BHA boys
>will be in the photo
>line up?

If I was Chafetz campaign, it would be the first booth I hit for pics. In fact I would make a video of all my hunting buddies hanging at the expo. Be pretty hard to be critical of him as gov when he pushes land sale when you were chums at his coming out party. Picture is worth a thousand words.

BHA has heard it from me, numerous times.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
So you're totally fine with BHA partnering with people and groups that are openly anti-hunting because they share a common goal on something else, but you're not okay with BHA partnering with pro-hunting group to promote hunting?

I know you didn't directly say that in this thread, I'm connecting dots. You?re on the record saying you don't mind them having anti-hunting associates in the land fight. You?ve said that multiple times. So you can't backtrack on that. Now, they are at an event to promote their organiazation, and now is when you're going to grow a conscience about association?

I think it's a great oppotinity to spread your message. The Utah Sream Access Coalition used to have a booth at the expo until someone got upset and nixed it. To see the look on Don?s face when he walked by was priceless! Educating everyone that would listen that Don and SFW has actively advocated to take away the ability to use over 2,000 miles of public water and we were working to get it back had a large impact for good for the organization.

You incorrectly assume that because 6 people regularly discuss issues with you on an Internet forum that the public at large knows and understands the issues as well. I bet 70% of the people at that expo have never heard of BHA. What better way to get your name and message out than go to a very large gathering of sportsmen?

Or, just keep the rule where the only people you are willing to work with that don't share all your views are anti-hunters. See where that gets you Hoss. Shocking, I know. But you're way out in left field on this one. BHA is smart for going to this expo. They know what it would look like if they didn't.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-19 AT 00:16AM (MST)[p]>So you're totally fine with BHA
>partnering with people and groups
>that are openly anti-hunting because
>they share a common goal
>on something else, but you're
>not okay with BHA partnering
>with pro-hunting group to promote
>I know you didn't directly say
>that in this thread, I'm
>connecting dots. You?re on the
>record saying you don't mind
>them having anti-hunting associates in
>the land fight. You?ve said
>that multiple times. So you
>can't backtrack on that. Now,
>they are at an event
>to promote their organiazation, and
>now is when you're going
>to grow a conscience about
>I think it's a great oppotinity
>to spread your message. The
>Utah Sream Access Coalition used
>to have a booth at
>the expo until someone got
>upset and nixed it. To
>see the look on Don?s
>face when he walked by
>was priceless! Educating everyone that
>would listen that Don and
>SFW has actively advocated to
>take away the ability to
>use over 2,000 miles of
>public water and we were
>working to get it back
>had a large impact for
>good for the organization.
>You incorrectly assume that because 6
>people regularly discuss issues with
>you on an Internet forum
>that the public at large
>knows and understands the issues
>as well. I bet 70%
>of the people at that
>expo have never heard of
>BHA. What better way to
>get your name and message
>out than go to a
>very large gathering of sportsmen?
>Or, just keep the rule where
>the only people you are
>willing to work with that
>don't share all your views
>are anti-hunters. See where that
>gets you Hoss. Shocking, I
>know. But you're way out
>in left field on this
>one. BHA is smart for
>going to this expo. They
>know what it would look
>like if they didn't.

Nice spin. On pro them joining with non hunting groups TO SECURE PUBLIC LAND.

I'm not pro joint with hunting groups THAT ARE AGAINST PUBLIC LAND.

BHA is A LAND GROUP, not a hunting group. Remember how when they get criticized about wolves and Grizzlies I keep saying THEY ARE NOT A HUNTING GROUP in their focus.
When Grizz chimes in, READ HIS TAG LINES.

You should follow your reasoning. Go hang out at a brothel with $100 in your pocket, then try to tell your wife your just there to explain to all the johns how anti brothel you are. Imbsure it will work.

It looks like they stand on their heads screaming bloody murder when Chaffetz introduced his bills, rightfully, yet they will scratch SFW a check for a booth where Chaffetz is the honored guest. I know they got space donated, but does the public?

Further. Where are they as Rob Bishop was up for reelection? They can show up for a trade show, but when Rob Bishop is running they stay in Montana? That Rendevous you and DW are so terrified by would sure helped if it would have been held in Brigham City during Bishops Primary. I wonder how many folks would have got the message via every news outlet in Utah when that huge show is in Bishops back yard calling for him to be replaced.

A small portion of the hunting community attends the expo, even fewer actually do more than play the lotto, so the message is very muted. I'd be curious, maybe Grizz knows how many members they signed up last year. Is be shocked if its more than a handful.

Everything I've said I've made clear to them. Grizz has heard it also.

You should keep believing I talk to 6 people, it keeps your belief of superiority going. Keep straddling that fence, I nearly choked seeing your now supporting BHA.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Wow, that one was epic.

Forgive me for thinking that a group with the name ?Backcountry HUNTERS and ANGLERS? was a group that had something to do with hunting. That was super unreasonable of me.

I'm terrified by a rendezvous? Okay. That makes sense.

I've never been anti-BHA. But now that you've just told me they don't care about hunting, I'm pretty sure you're making a great case against them for me. Thanks Hoss. You should be their full-time recruiter.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-19 AT 07:17AM (MST)[p]>Wow, that one was epic.
>Forgive me for thinking that a
>group with the name ?Backcountry
>group that had something to
>do with hunting. That was
>super unreasonable of me.
>I'm terrified by a rendezvous? Okay.
>That makes sense.
>I've never been anti-BHA. But now
>that you've just told me
>they don't care about hunting,
>I'm pretty sure you're making
>a great case against them
>for me. Thanks Hoss.
>You should be their full-time

Your never pro or anti anything.

When the contract for the expo comes up, and new "proposals" are being made, do you think $FW will put an asterisk next to the groups who bought booths and the people who attended who didn't agree with $fw on their head counts? When Chaffetz takes photos and video of his speach to use in his advertising, will a voice over say " all those guys over there showed up because they oppose me"?

How would it look if they weren't there? It would look like they didn't support $fw, or Chaffetz.

Same as when you don't go to a movie that sucks, or a cafe with bad food.

Its not like there isn't other hunting trade shows in Utah. FISHON has one. ISE. Archery challenge.

This one has pretty bad optics, and pr by itself. Add Chaffetz, its worse.

Like I said, the NRA would NEVER support an expo that featured Michael Bloomberg.

But look Vanilla. I can be critical of a group I SUPPORT. Its called intellectual honesty. Its far different from just being a critic on everything, that's called moral superiority. You should try getting off that fence someday, show the folks how you believe in something, even if not perfect, other than being superior.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hoss, to be frank, you are completely incapable of intellectual honesty. I know I'm fighting fire with fire here, which doesn't make me right, but sometimes you just have to tell someone something bluntly.

Good luck with all your endeavors. I look forward to seeing all your "intellectually honest" posts in the future. They are good for entertainment value, for sure.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-19 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]>Hoss, to be frank, you are
>completely incapable of intellectual honesty.
>I know I'm fighting fire
>with fire here, which doesn't
>make me right, but sometimes
>you just have to tell
>someone something bluntly.
>Good luck with all your endeavors.
>I look forward to seeing
>all your "intellectually honest" posts
>in the future. They are
>good for entertainment value, for

I still be waiting, although not breathlessly, for you to make any comment other than "I'm much smarter...."

At least the lockstep crowd believes in something, your simply a critic. Its safe there. You can smugly elevate yourself. Its fun to see you twist yourself in knots.

I disagree with DW on BHA. BUT he is consistent so we can disagree or agree on something.

My guess is if I looked you would be in the chourus of dudes ripping John Kerry and Romney for there "hunting pics", or Chaffetz dog in his "I'm a hunter too. Yet if I point out the danger is the same for BHA, getting seen in Chaffetz or $fw promotion media, somehow that's ridiculous.

But guess what. I voiced my concern to BHA. I voiced it to Newberg. I voiced it to Grizz. I voiced it to my chapter pres. They disagreed. I don't always agree 100% with them. But on balance, most if the time I do.

Who did you voice your position to? That would mean taking one, which in all the years I've been in here, you've yet to do.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You're being intellectually honest. You're right, I've never taken a single position. I can only hope that one day I can be as steadfast and consistent as you are.

Be patient with me. I'm just a mere mortal.
SFW never taking a public stand means that they are for transfer. It would be unpopular and not wise to tell the public. So having JC there makes sense. Our future looks bright :)

As for the groups with booths who advocate to ?keep it public? I could see how some might consider them a ?sell out?

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
Lol, Tikka plays the whole video while hoss continues to reference the Buzzfeed version.

I wonder if SFW is bringing in Chavez to show him the voice and dollars the sportsmen have in Utah. I'm sure future support of such a group would come in handy for a politician. Might be able to leverage the thoughts and actions of a politician with a voice and dollars like that. Just a random thought, maybe pisssing on the shoes of a possible governor of the state would have a better result.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-19 AT 10:43PM (MST)[p]

Absolutely nothing in there about opposing the land grab! Also, they've never said a land transfer should include the requirement that land isn't ever sold.

They do not oppose the land grab and they don't require the land grab including protection for public lands... which we know will be sold. The Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act even includes the formation of the bank account for the funds when land is sold and the requirement for where the proceeds of those sells will go.

There is no plan to prevent public land from being sold, in fact the opposite is true. They're planning on selling land. But SFW still doesn't oppose TPLA.

EDIT: Get SFW to include a few sentences about opposing any legislation without express protection preventing the sale of public land and we can talk. It'll take two minutes to write.

They could also include language including a Purpetual Public Access Easement for all lands gained via TPLA and we can talk. It'll take two minutes to write.

RE: Are you high?

Christ Grizz, it's the first sentence!


RE: Are you high?

Anyone on this board for more than 5 minutes knows how I feel about SFW, but I'm seriously wondering if I read the same statement Grizz read?

This is a change for SFW in the public resource arena. A welcome change. Maybe they are making progress there at SFW after all?
RE: Are you high?

Typical Grizz reply... SFW is into (Wildlife Conservation) Not a (LAND GROUP) as someone mentioned above...

So therefore they don't need a "plan"

Go beat your Nathan Phillips drum at the BHA rendezvous

"Absolutely nothing in there about opposing the land grab! Also, they've never said a land transfer should include the requirement that land isn't ever sold.

They do not oppose the land grab and they don't require the land grab including protection for public lands... which we know will be sold. The Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act even includes the formation of the bank account for the funds when land is sold and the requirement for where the proceeds of those sells will go.

There is no plan to prevent public land from being sold, in fact the opposite is true. They're planning on selling land. But SFW still doesn't oppose TPLA.

EDIT: Get SFW to include a few sentences about opposing any legislation without express protection preventing the sale of public land and we can talk. It'll take two minutes to write.

They could also include language including a Purpetual Public Access Easement for all lands gained via TPLA and we can talk. It'll take two minutes to write."
RE: Are you high?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-19 AT 07:40AM (MST)[p]For starters, that statement has been on their site for quite a while. Its carefully worded to sound like what guys are pretending. "Better correlation", means what? Means the state takes the land and the feds run the parks? Means the feds still fight fires? What does that sentence mean?
Why not "SFW opposes any attempt at land transfer"? The lawyer speak is for a reason. THEY WILL NOT OPPOSE "TRANSFER"because their lifeblood is dependent on the Governor, remember WB is loaded with $fw. Expo is possible due to that office. They won't risk damage to that relationship by opposing "transfer" that the office supports.

Its similar to their discussion on "transparency". They work real hard on wording.

So when they are on the wrong side of stream access, was this their demonstration of how they support public land?

Until this summer when Lee laid out the agenda, all the land grabbers were still using "transfer" and "state management".

If I'm wrong, get them to release a statement clarifying their position. Get Troy on an iphone stating their position. Get ANY of the leadership to PUBLICALLY support it. They won't. Read the statement again. Where does it say anything about land transfer?

Sorry Vanilla, but unlike you, I know and talk to dudes in leadership in $fw. It started in my neighbirhood. Your 4th person source just ain't gonna cut it on this one.

And Tikka knows that statements been on their for at least a year, and I think longer.

Shall we read Grizz taglines yet again? Oh that's right, THE DON has nothing to do with $FW. Be sure and tell him that when you see him at the expo, and tell him again when $fw cuts him his check for bringing in the high rollers.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
RE: Are you high?

A statement directly from the organization is actually a first person source. But who is counting?

I'm not naive enough to think that SFW has made a complete shift and is now a friend to the general public hunter (or angler), that's why I didn't say SFW has arrived. I used the word progress purposefully. And this statement is progress in the right direction.

I don't know how an organization could be any more clear about keeping public land open to access than in that statement. It's not ambiguous.
RE: Are you high?

Vanilla, yesterday I was stupid because BHA being at the expo to make their belief known at the expo was a good idea, I just am dumb. It is great for them to reach out to a group that doesn't agree with them.

Today BHA and $fw agree on public land and I'm dumb for not knowing it.

Change your mind much? You ever get chaffing sitting on that fence?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
RE: Are you high?

>A statement directly from the organization
>is actually a first person
>source. But who is counting?
>I'm not naive enough to think
>that SFW has made a
>complete shift and is now
>a friend to the general
>public hunter (or angler), that's
>why I didn't say SFW
>has arrived. I used the
>word progress purposefully. And this
>statement is progress in the
>right direction.
>I don't know how an organization
>could be any more clear
>about keeping public land open
>to access than in that
>statement. It's not ambiguous.

For starters, AGAIN, that statement has been on their site for a long while. Nothing changed. No progress.

Second, copy and pasting Tikka isn't first person

Last. Again with lawyer speak. "Access" I have "access" on private ground. Some timber companies grant "access".
The transfer issue ISNT ABOUT ACCESS, its about ownership. I can access all my state land, until its sold.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>SFW never taking a public stand
>means that they are for
>transfer. It would be unpopular
>and not wise to tell
>the public. So having JC
> there makes sense. Our
>future looks bright :)
>As for the groups with booths
>who advocate to ?keep it
>public? I could see how
>some might consider them a
>?sell out?
>"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak.
>So we must and we
>Theadore Roosevelt

Thanks. Your last paragraph was kinda what I thought when I posted this.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
RE: Are you high?

>Christ Grizz, it's the first sentence!


No it isn't! They said they oppose the sale of land, but not that they oppose the land grab by the states. Words matter!

I have personally spoken to SFW board members and they will not make the requirement that TPLA requires protection from the future sale of land a condition of their support.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Hoss, I've never changed my mind on how I perceive you. I promise. My position on you is very firm. (My first one ever!!!)

You can continue to live in an alternate reality and make stuff up all you want.

Nobody reading your crap buys it. Just so you know.
>Hoss, I've never changed my mind
>on how I perceive you.
>I promise. My position
>on you is very firm.
>(My first one ever!!!)
>You can continue to live in
>an alternate reality and make
>stuff up all you want.
>Nobody reading your crap buys it.
>Just so you know.

Glad you speak for everybody.

Aren't you the same guy that spews "yvon spoke at BHA...." to reinforce some green decoy, or shadow lib narrative?

But, Chaftetz, when he speaks at $fw, nothing should be construed, $fw is totally anti land transfer, they have "grown".

Interestingly, last night on news showed Chaffetz and LT. Gov Cox as frontrunners for Gov.

I guess, according to the narrative being spun today, $fw who suddenly is anti land transfer, has the front runner for Gov as their keynote. That same front runner who actually pushed transfer bills. But they invited him as keynote, again A PRO TRANSFER POLITICIAN, to speak at an anti transfer group?

Orrrrrrr, $fw is pro transfer, anti fed control(stream access), so they are carrying favor with the next gov.

Yvon with BHA on land issues could be good(I ain't in lockstep), its a subject they agree on and good do good work.

Why is Chaffetz the keynote? His hunting prowess? His hunting knowledge. His record of success?

He's there because they agree with him, and ate hoping to do "good" work in the future.

Its pretty simple.

If I'm wrong where can I find that statement on their site, or any record opposing Chaffetz bills?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Its the genius of the $fw model. I don't like it, but it is genius.

$fw is funded by the expo, otherwise they are a tiny group doing raffles(like they were originally).

What seperate them was THE DON. They had an extremely successful lobbyist working the politicians, while their members worked the DWR.

That work for them seats on WB, which in turn got them entrenched in DWR.

They are very good at the political side via THE DON.

There isn't a chance in he'll they would burn the next governor. They aren't going to bring him in to a hostile crowd. They need to be as tight with him as they are Herbert.(I would bet TGE DON has polling saying Chafetz beats cox in Repub primary, which in Utah decides the gov race).

He's coming into a crowd of like minded folks.

But, they also have to address the transfer issue, so you get a very carefully worded statement, using "access" as the substitution for ownership.

Their model is no secret, is successful, and never have I thought THE DON, or any of there leadership to be stupid.

Chaffetz is there for a reason, and its not to argue land transfer

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I don't recall ever even typing the name ?Yvon? on this forum, but maybe I have. I do believe, however, I have never criticized him speaking at BHA.

Like I said, you are just making things up.

I know there are a lot of people that have criticized BHA openly for that, or for their lack of statement on wolves or any other topic. You continue to attribute those to me. And you are wrong. I've never said those things. The closest I probably have ever come to saying anything even remotely close to that is my open criticism of Patagonia.

Like I said, your alternate reality is entertaining. Keep pushing it!
>I don't recall ever even typing
>the name ?Yvon? on this
>forum, but maybe I have.
>I do believe, however, I
>have never criticized him speaking
>at BHA.
>Like I said, you are just
>making things up.
>I know there are a lot
>of people that have criticized
>BHA openly for that, or
>for their lack of statement
>on wolves or any other
>topic. You continue to attribute
>those to me. And you
>are wrong. I've never said
>those things. The closest I
>probably have ever come to
>saying anything even remotely close
>to that is my open
>criticism of Patagonia.
>Like I said, your alternate reality
>is entertaining. Keep pushing it!

You know the entertaining part of all this is I was the OP. I read all the bs regurgitated Dan Berman hit piece and listen to all the Yvon and Patagonia with BHA crap. I'm usually first or second behind Grizz trying to dispel outright lies, or hoping to get guys to not instantly fall back on "conservative vs liberal" argument.

I was listening to Gritty Bowman discussing with an MDF guy all the stuff they are doing with the expo. Its my 2nd year criticizing BHA for attending for the record. But I got to thinking, I watch Brian's stuff, Corey Jacobsen stuff, born and raised, Phelps, etc, etc. They really push public land, and good for them. My question was do the content producers look hypocritical pushing public land, then scratching a check to $fw and helping draw in an audience to a group who on their best day claims neutrality, but is actively involved in causes and campaigns against public land.

I knew DW would ask about BHA so I told him I had hit them.

As is always the case, you got involved. As always your point wasn't WHAT YOU BELIEVE, it was how wrong everyone else was.

Rgen you followed it with some mealy mouthed statement on "growth" at $FW.

The problem is, I've been around a while. I know your not a fan of $fw, perhaps even less than I, get here you were as a way of making some point, pretending like a group you dislike, said something you know they didn't.


Not why Grizz is wrong. Not why I am stupid.




Again, not some story about sourcing, or how irrational I am, a simple answer of WHAT YOU BELIEVE.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-19 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]I haven't told Grizz he I s wrong on this thread. In fact, he doesn't agree with you on this topic either. Why do you always have to hitch your wagon to him for validation? Stand in your own two feet.

Here?s the deal Hoss: You are trying to make this into something it isn't. You?re spending so much time trying to discredit me by making statements on my behalf I've never made, that you've wrapped yourself in circles chasing your own tail. You are saying you don't like BHA at the Expo. I'm saying I think it's a good decision for them to be there. There are many benefits for them being there, just as there was for USAC back in the day, as I clearly explained. (Wait, was that taking a position? I thought I'd never done that before???)

Why is SFW having Chaffetz speak? I don't know. I would guess it's a political decision combined with a money decision. But that is just a guess. I'm not privy to the reasons for that decision making. We can play the speculation game all we want, but that's the best we can do. Jason Chaffetz was popular in Utah as a legislator. My guess is they think this will attract people and put money in their pockets. Who SFW brings in as a speaker has no effect on me. It wouldn't matter who it was, I wouldn't be going to listen to them regardless.

As for my progress comment?I had never seen this statement by SFW. Granted, I don't spend a lot of time kicking around on their website. My first interactions with SFW was their public and open fight AGAINST public use of public waters in the stream access fights. They then went from opposing public anglers, to an official ?neutral? position on the issue. I have no idea what their current position is on that topic, but I was encouraged by their statement to not sale public lands. That, I would guess, is not Mr Peay?s personal position, and that, my dear friend Hoss, is progress.

Now, you can fill your ego cup all you want thinking this is all about YOU, and you can make up more things to attack me that I didn't say, and continue to play this game of reality whack-a-mole, it won't impact my day. It will actually give me something to read tomorrow during a conference I'll be in. So, be you. Do your worst! Go be the BHA tristate. You?ll entertain us all.
Where is $fw statement to not sale public lands?

It is nice to see you at least admit you didn't know what their site said previous(it hasn't changed), so your snide comment was just that, a snide comment.

FYI, I've never met Grizz. In fact he and I disagree a lot on political matters.

In case you haven't caught it yet, this post was me criticizing BHA. Nice try with the TRISTATE shot.

$fw is having Chaffetz speak to curry favor. Same reason they paraded Romney around to chapter meetings. I know admiting that means you'd have to agree with me, so I won't force you.

Here's the deal. $fw sprung out of the construction sites I worked on. Amongst guys I personally know. Guys I still talk to. For all your "you talk to 6 guys", if that makes you feel good, great.

I've worked several of them to "unite the clans"(braveheart reference) and step up on public lands. Privately members agree, PUBLICALLY it will never happen. They know where their bread is buttered. What you think is progress, is simply spin. They feel the heat, but they know without the expo they fade away, and they know what office keeps them in the expo driver seat, governor and WB.

But here's the rub, I think you know everything I just said. I think you probably agree with most of it. Like I said, I've been around awhile, I've read your thoughts on $fw over the years.

BHA needs to be conscious of some of the stuff said about them. A chunk of dudes see them with Yvon, and buy into the green decoy crap. Others will see them at the expo and see them as sell outs.

The circles I travel in detest Yvon. Followed by PEAY. Being in with both gives them enemies on both sides. Obviously I think overall, their mission is A good one, but I'm very conscious how difficult convincing the older, republican, conservative, redneck guys that their enemy isn't BHA, its their gov selling them out.

Last. I don't know Grizz, but I know he puts his money where his mouth is. So I'm fine 'hitching my wagon to him".

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-19 AT 09:22PM (MST)[p]Hoss, I really do enjoy your passion and one day would like to buy you a beer...

But I have to say Grizz and yourself always have the in your face BHA is the new gawd and we're always right, really steer people away...

Maybe take it down a notch or two and people will listen a little more...

And I don't mean that in any disrespect...
>But I have to say Grizz
>and yourself always have the
>in your face BHA is
>the new gawd and we're
>always right, really steer people
>Maybe take it down a notch
>or two and people will
>listen a little more...

^^^ (as we all nod our heads...)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-19 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-19
>AT 09:22?PM (MST)

>Hoss, I really do enjoy your
>passion and one day would
>like to buy you a
>But I have to say Grizz
>and yourself always have the
>in your face BHA is
>the new gawd and we're
>always right, really steer people
>Maybe take it down a notch
>or two and people will
>listen a little more...
>And I don't mean that in
>any disrespect...

My friend after you asked me if I always had to be an azz, I knew you was my kind of people. I take no disrespect. This is a forum, and text is hard to convey emotion.

I assume guys read the hit pieces, often they dont, so it starts somewhere down the road. It would be great if we all could "listen". But the second that starts, someone quotes Berman, or federalist, or yells liberal", talks about wolves and its over. All of which is crap, all of it meant to do exactly what it always does, DISTRACT. Ya I agree, but Grizz and I and others always have to start with correcting the lies, and by then eyes glaze over.

With Vanilla, we don't start at the beginning. Mostly because I know he does his homework.

So when you posted that $fw statement, that has been on their page for at least a year(I saw it last year at expo time) or more, and he jumps in like its a news flash, I know he knows better.

Ya I shouldn't take the bait. But I did.

Good thing brother, I drink KEYSTONE so you will get change on your $5.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Tikka you are right on- the more he pipes up the more he pushes hunters and anglers away from his new found love BHA
>Tikka you are right on- the
>more he pipes up the
>more he pushes hunters and
>anglers away from his new
>found love BHA

Since you already said they weren't for you, and Tikka said no, not really a loss.

But call your senator and tell him to vote YES on LWCF next week. Another one of those causes BHA is pushing(along with 40 other groups). Damn green decoys!!

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Enjoy the expo vanilla. I'm sure you'll throw your panties onstage when you hear a " I'm a hunter too", your obviously thrilled by sweet talk

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Thanks Hoss. I definitely plan to enjoy it. I generally enjoy my days. Life was meant to be enjoyed.

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