Expo Loophole? - Thanks Utah!



I figured since I live right next door to Utah I would grab my wife and come over to the expo for some skiing, shopping and most importantly... put in for some hunts and tour the show.

I'm pretty familiar with Utah hunting, but noticed something weird today! When I logged in to apply I noticed us non residents get 5 extra tags (thanks Utah!) and that one of them was an Oquirr Mtns./Stansbury Rocky Mtn. sheep tag!?

I can't find this unit anywhere in the regs or anything? As far as I can tell this unit is new and this would be the first hunt on the mountain for sheep? This doesn't sound right to me and can't imagine it being new or that us non locals might get first crack at it!?

Anyone want to shed some light on this hunt? Is it new... never been hunted?

When you look at the list of 200 hunts the Oquirr-Stansbury is listed. However, when you actually go into the application process that hunt disappears and the Box Elder, Newfoundland tag takes its place as the "non-resident" tag.

From what it looks, there will not be an expo tag this year for the Oquirr-Stansbury.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-09 AT 02:05PM (MST)[p]prn-

Sure enough... I just logged in again and after I went a step further I noticed that same thing. So much for the tag on the new unit. I was wondering how they pulled that off?!

So, will we see sheep hunting on this unit in the future maybe? Anywhere a guy can put in for another sheep tag is potentially a good thing!

The Oquirr Mtns./Stansbury Rocky Mtn. sheep unit is a new transplant area, they transplanted the area like 3 or 4 years ago, and I believe that they are the California strain of big horns instead of the rocky Mtn strain but I may be incorrect about that.
According to recent studies I have seen, the Stansbury herd, which is made up of California Bighorns from Antelope Island, is doing well enough for a hunt to occur very soon. It was also projected that the Newfoundland herd could have as many as ten permits in coming years. That herd is growing like rabbits and last spring I saw a picture of ten mature rams from out there in one bunch. Again, they are California Bighorns, but bighorns none the less.
No loophole, but certainly a gift from us to you for a NR only hunt for one of our most prized permits. Good luck on the draw and welcome to Utah! If by chance you hit the jackpot, there are plenty of us that would love to tag along.
anyone want to bet that it's not listed because it will be an AUCTION tag?

Just like the first hunt on Timp was?
Actually Karl Malone's ram came out of the Provo herd, which has since been wiped out because of disease. But before you get too critical of the process, keep in mind that Karl donated $150,000 to transplant both the Provo and Timp herds. Then he paid another $150,000 for the governor's tag to go shoot his ram. Complaining about that sounds like sour grapes and envy to me!
Little, I would do nothing but admire Karl's passion and commitment to wildlife in Utah and other states. I had occasion once to have the privilege of him showing me his trophies. If I had the room, I would LOVE to have a running antelope like he did in his entryway, it was the neatest full-body mount I've ever seen.

What I have difficulty with, and I guess you could call it envy if you will, is that if a herd is huntable, that it be huntable for all, not just those able to afford a Governor's tag.

It's kinda like the difficulty I have with a CWMU, who is able to make a literal killing on wildlife owned by all, when they limit a public hunter to the least desirable of their habitat and to specific dates to give the paying hunter the advantage. It smacks of elitism, and that bothers me.

I've been on both sides of the conservation tag, both bought some and put sweat equity into the projects they fund. It is often a fine line between using one's influence for the good, and using one's influence to get to the head of the line.

But then again, heck, that's truly American, I suppose.

Just my .02

Just an FYI... The year Karl took his provo ram he was not the only hunter on the unit that year, there was one other permit holder. Although Karl was the first to take a ram on the unit, he was not the only hunter to take a ram that year. The other hunter took an awesome near B&C ram, and I believe he is the current State Record Rocky taken with a bow.
Thank you, Deadheads, I stand corrected.

It sure is a shame to lose that herd after all that went into it.
I share your frustration when those who have put in their dues get overlooked by the system. For example when they opened up the hunt on the New Foundland herd, they only gave out one open permit, which means that those who have top points in the system(waited for 15+ years), have no better chance than a first time applicant. It seems that those who have waited the longest(and in most cases invested the most toward the herd's success) ought to at least have a leg up on a new unit. As is, a first timer, who has no idea what they are getting, seems to always draw the tag.
Now that bugs me. I fear the same will happen with the Stansbury unit, when it opens up.
Little, I hear you there. I am in the no man's land of middle range points, and it's pretty demoralizing to realize that I may NEVER have a tag in my own state.
I have applied for Utah Desert Bighorns for 35 years and I think the only year I didn't apply was the first year of the point system. (I had a Caribou hunt that year and I didn't think missing a year would matter) Wow was I stupid! At any rate, I will draw within the next 5 or so years, if I can still walk by then.
Keep trying! With my luck you will draw before me anyway!
Good Luck
Ouch!! See, that makes me just want to cry. That's the thing, I'm like 5-7 years away from a knee replacement.

I'm seriously thinking of cashing out some equity just so I can go to Alaska or something, just so I can do at least one sheep hunt.

I keep hoping in California, I've been in since the beginning of points there, but I'm sure a bazillion others are as well.

Hey Littlebighorn if you're only a pt shy there are a few units you would stand a good chance of drawing this year. Unless you are hoping for one of the best units.
If it helps any, I am on my second knee replacement (same knee) and I am still going strong. It slows me down some, but then I am not young any more either. Good luck with your knee.
And yes, I could draw some units in Utah now, but I have waited so long that I am hoping for one of the better units. Maybe this year!

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