Explains Alot


Long Time Member
November 30, 2007
Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than OthersRelationship persists even when controlling for other variablesUSA Health Health and Healthcare Social Issues Americas Northern America by Frank Newport
Page:123PRINCETON, NJ -- Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent, according to data from the last four November Gallup Health and Healthcare polls. Fifty-eight percent of Republicans report having excellent mental health, compared to 43% of independents and 38% of Democrats. This relationship between party identification and reports of excellent mental health persists even within categories of income, age, gender, church attendance, and education.

The basic data -- based on an aggregated sample of more than 4,000 interviews conducted since 2004 -- are straightforward.
Rudy, Mitt and McCain seen like poster boys for strong mental health to me. Where is Dude? His valuable imput is needed. I do miss his thoughts.
>Rudy, Mitt and McCain seen like
>poster boys for strong mental
>health to me. Where
>is Dude? His valuable imput
>is needed. I do
>miss his thoughts.

Divide and conqueor thats what I always say.


PS Your Hand seems to be getting alot better, at least on the key board.
>is Dude? His valuable imput
>is needed. I do
>miss his thoughts.


?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
its cuz al us republiskun's is to dumb to know we'uns is sickly, on account of we'uns bee ing so all fired uneducumated :)
No this one hand typing is probably going to give me capel tunnel syndrome. Doesn't matter I'm going deer hunting tommorrow muzzleloader 1 month no real hurry.
>No this one hand typing is
>probably going to give me
>capel tunnel syndrome. Doesn't
>matter I'm going deer hunting
>tommorrow muzzleloader 1 month no
>real hurry.

I think I'll have a Nebraska connection in the family sometime soon as my nephew is real sweet on a Nebraska girl. Looks serious. I think they only have whities in their area. Maybe pheasants too.

"November 30, 2007
Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than OthersRelationship persists even when controlling for other variablesUSA Health Health and Healthcare Social Issues Americas Northern America by Frank Newport"

"FOR CRYING OUT LOUD" Mosnar, the above statement makes absolutley no sense. Just goes to show all you neo-cons are in a total state of denial.

As a Dem. I also report my mental health to be just fine.

Damn It!!! just drooled all over the key board. LMFAO ... LMFAO ... LMFAO.


RUS <smile - drool>

Your my favorite Democrat, after my Dad of course. Well at least you gave up on harping about my cut n paste posts.

I finally got a buck this year, put on some weight so you might not recognize my photo.


Thanks for the photo. Let's hear the story.

I have the sheds from that one, also have it on video, plus it ain't an inch over 198 3/4". High fence for sure. Can't you clean it up a little, its toung is sticking out. Obviously not a DIY, did the hunt involve any off road activity - chute planes - barracades across roads etc?

Thanks for sharing!

Ransom congragulations, Pheasants are down in most parts of the state. Have the girl line you up some deer hunting 1 month muzzleloader season, also to get in the family she should be able to line you up some Husker tickets as poor as we are for a while.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-07 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]Cornhusker

I think her dad was a Cornhusker Football Player long ago. The name is Lindstom.

ranson knows his footballhttp://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/4750ba2365a94443.jpg
Ransom 3 Lindstrom boys played in late 70's early 80' farm kids from Oakland Craig. Dan was the best although Roger and scott were darn tough just didn't have the size wouldn't surprise me if one of those were her father. Great pheasant area and the area has a large number of Swedes which obviously the Lindstrom's are. Tall blond girls usually don't know if that fits her or not.
Pretty sure Dan is her father. She's taller than most men herself. She is over in Europe studying right now. They are Swedes all right. One thing I found out is she's a breath of freah air compared to the youth I see on TV. Nebraska raises some good younguns.

Hillbilly and Swede, that is going to be one heck of a mix. Hopefully she has enought viking blood in her to keep that hillbilly relative of yours in line. Give them my best of luck and you may be back to hunting whitetails again.

You are right on that Ransom in rural Nebraska it hasn't changed as much as the rest of the world and not a whole lot of movement of people in. Not sure. my memory isn't sharp as Gila reminds me but I think Dan was the oldest of the 3 a Defensive End, might have made all Big 8. You better check that pheasant hunting out.
I got five bucks that says he has already checked it out and the deer hunting along with it and is working on a invite from his NOW TO BE FAVORITE NEPHEW.


Heck I'm alot quicker than that, I aready had the both of them over to Kona for a vacation. Took them big game fishing, got both of them nice Yellow Fin Tuna, showed them the active volcano, bought them a ocean kayak to use while there, got him a job on the mainland. In addition I've already bought Nebraska topo maps, land ownership maps and a new shotgun.


I don't know if I would go that far. My dad has always said even a blind hog finds an acorn once in awhile.

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