Expired bear spray still works, kindof. (Video)


Very Active Member
I tested out a bottle of bear spray that had been expired for 7 years. I've always wondered how it would work. Check out the video if you are interested I'm sure you all have expired bear spray.
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Just curious, yea it sprayed out, but did you or anyone test potency? That’s more important...
Just curious, yea it sprayed out, but did you or anyone test potency? That’s more important...
I did get a little of the oil in on my hands and then took a piss. It seemed POTENT to me! Burned the pecker for hours! ?Everything I've read said the potency remains but the pressure in the bottle decreases.
I did get a little of the oil in on my hands and then took a piss. It seemed POTENT to me! Burned the pecker for hours! ?Everything I've read said the potency remains but the pressure in the bottle decreases.
Are you sure it was the spray or that sketchy encounter you had at Bare Back Saloon in Rocksprings?

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