Expensive Access!


Very Active Member
Got this in the mail. They want $69 shead of the draw to give accress to MT 680-00 sheep hunting.... Lets see. 2 nonresidents successful lasst year on over 3200 applications. 1:1600 odds. 1600 x $69 = $110400 average access price to nonresidents.

I tossed the mailer right away. If the $69 gets something else then they missed their chance to grab my attention. Not a great selling point for anyone who knows the odds for MT sheep tags. I doubt there are many casual sheep applicants. I figured they were trolling for suckers.

If the mailers cost 50 cents each then a lot of money just got flushed by this outfit.

If this outfit does offer value due to a lot of benefits then they need to target that message.
I tossed mine too. Goodlord! Any and every way to figure out a way to jab a guy or gal. Getting ridiculous.


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