Expecting Some Weather!!


Long Time Member
The talk around our little "every other Week during the winter", Poker game last night here in NE Kali, included a particularly ominous projected weather forecast. The talk was of expected 100 MPH winds and 10 feet of snow by weeks end...oh goodie :-(

I better stock up on my Copenhagen :)

Yep that's what I hear. I'm in Phoenix, AZ and they are calling for 3-5" of rain. That's flood rain here in Phx.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-

Besides the copenhagen, get your generator ready and stock up on some gas to run it for a extended period of time. Mine is ready to go. I do not like the forecast for the winds, trees will be going down on powerlines and no power for possible days.

Oh man! Well at least I just serviced my generator. I changed oil, drained the carberator, and added STA-BIL to the gas in preperation for the next earthquake.

Our latest forcast is for 25-35 knot winds. Not so bad. Hope, hope.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I just pulled this off the web for this area.

"Further north 10 to 15 inches of rainfall may fall over south to
southwest facing slopes around the feather River Canyon and over
portions of western Shasta County. Locally higher amounts will be
possible for favored south to southwest facing slopes. Significant snow is likely in the mountains with several feet of snow around the 5000 foot elevation... and 10 feet or more over the higher Sierra Nevada by next Saturday. The combination of heavy snow and very windy conditions will impact travel into the high country."

Hell, i thought it was gonna be something!! :)

plenty of grub and water...check
Several good books...always! :)

Hope your computer stays up. That way you can keep these other guys in check. LOL! Go to Reno and SCI. It's worth the day just to watch the leopard pants walk around.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-10 AT 08:31PM (MST)[p]Thanks Jazz, We'll see! As far as keeping guys in check? Yeah, that is a big lol. I do speak my own mind though yet have learned to stay outa the "Political Forum" as even though i do lean to the Right, always have, i'll get my a$$ handed to me in seconds flat in that place. :)

You too! Seriously, the local weatherman says, 8-12 feet of snow over the crest of the Sierra by Wedensday. The snow level is supposed to be 5500' on Monday, lowering to 4500' by Monday night. Here in the Owens Valley it's hit or miss, if we get snow or not. But I sure hope we get some much needed snow in the mountains. God knows, we need to have a big winter for a change, thanks, Doug.
we're supposed to get 2" of rain this week........for a place that averages 5.5" a year, that is big. We'll see.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

RACK, try not to cry too much when she turns you down.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I live in southern NV and they are calling for more rain next week than we recieved all of last year. That would keep me out of work for a while. My wife is gonna go crazy with me at home :)
Eel and sage, Hope y'all built a boat to keep the generator afloat..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I think I'll head to that forum and see how far right it goes! Might be fun to stir it up a little. Lot's of stuff at SCI that doesn't interest me but one day is worth the fun to walk around and look at things. I enjoy stopping at the "high fence" whitetail places to hear their BS.

Rain is scheduled here for the next 7 days in Sonoma County...let it rain we need it as the lakes are way low.

Yeah Brian, Fill them all up!! We do need the water up here too, not so much for us but for all those below that depend on this watershed. I'm kinda surprised to have near no snow on the ground around here in town. We do have some and it's piled up in places but the recent weather has been mostly rain and has melted it off. By now, we usually have 3-5' on the flat, sometimes, much more than that!!

We MAY be catching up here soon...in a hurry! :)

Hope it comes all the way down here because we sure need some.
Snow is good for me, I wouldn't mind at all, time to break out some coyote calls and see if we do some shooting.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-10 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]1:55 pm pacific time. Experiencing 35-45 mph winds with gusts to 50. Lights flickering. This may be my last transmission. I love you guys.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
tie the duck and goose decoys around everything you love...(so you don't lose them)..hope you have enough for your wife!

The last of the white stuff from the November storm has finally melted off with this last rain here in Janesville. What was left was nothing but ice. A friend of mine from Standish sent me an email with the NASA forecast. It basically says this series of storms could continue for the next 3 weeks. It looks these storms will cover all of Ca, up into Oregon and down into Mex. So. Ca. may get more water out of these storms than they normally get all year and we are supposed to really get hammered. We'll see! Seems like every time they promise us some nice storms we get cheated!


Caelk, You know, i wouldn't be too surprised if the whole Sac valley isn't flooded before this gets over. Seems it doesn't take much these days to get a few levies breaking. The kind of weather pattern they're talking of, might be rivers over-running and flooded cities and fields everywhere!

NorKal, Thanks guy, spot on as usual!! I got to look at a job over that way tomorrow...if the snow ain't too high :)

Eel, You guys seem to be getting your share these days. No real winds here this evening, yet. Been raining off and on all day though. Looks like a lot of this moisture has been coming thru you guys over there.

Gator, again, you can have it...take all you want! Just leave us enough for the fish habitat and what critters the tree huggers hasn't figured out how to eradicate so we outdoorsmen can't hunt them. :)

we need the rain so the grass will grow in the lawns of all those foreclosed houses down this way. Plus the lakes down here could use a good strong shot.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Oh, those lakes are going to get filled up with this series of storms. I received a forecast earlier today that was sent to some of the emergency management agencies, and they are calling for snow by the 'tens of feet' in the Sierras, as well as up to 10" of rain in the lower elevations this week. Couple that with winds that are predicted to vary from 100-200! kts over the summits, and you've got a recipe for a statewide disaster. The forecast called for 'at least 2-3 weeks of very stormy weather.' and closed by saying that we're about to enter a 2-3 week period of weather the likes of which we haven't seen in recent memory.

Thanks for the update CA!

My power has been out since before getting out of bed this AM until just now. I'm completely all electric, no gas, no wood. I could have hooked up the generator but decided to catch up on some reading and used a couple flash lights around the cabin.

Up in Chester, we've had well over a foot of snow, probably 2 or 3, but at times, the rain comes and melts some, then more snow, more rain...

The stuff i shoveled today was very heavy!! I'd say the mountains around town must be doing really well, already! No or very little rain up there so,... can you say snow pack?

I'm tiring of this $hit!! How about You Guys??

We got a fair issue of rain but very little snow here in the Honey Lake Valley. Feel like we are getting cheated again! Hopefully the next wave will hit a little harder here on the East Slope. I know you guys on the Western Sierra got hammered! Hope all is well. With the large fires we had this year I'm sure there's a fair amount of mud slides.


Better get a wood burner sage. My parents only had electric heat for awhile, being the nice guy I am I punched a hole in the roof for a chimney :) My mom protested at the time, but its saved them a few times in the last 10 years . They had power outages that lasted from 1-4 days last winter in the rural area they live.

Funny thing, the old man got pissed and bought an old Deutz diesel and generator that was used on an irrigation pivot and wired her for back up! That thing will deafen a guy, I guess I'll work on a muffler system this summer, cant be any worse than the strait pipe its sportin now!
Dog, I'm renting until i can build on my Riverfront property. Small, cozy, and reasonable! As much wood as i used to sell every year, yeah, i could really go for a wood stove but the landlord requests that i NOT!!! :)

WE are getting a bunch of rain over 2 inches so far and more coming, some spots have over 3" of rain, snow level dropped down to the 4500 ft level had snow on the south part of town (it the highest point) but the rain melted it all. We looking to get some snow in this next storm at the house. Keep warm this looks like it could be a long series of storms.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Things were getting pretty wild down here in Orange County yesterday with the tornado warnings we had around noon. Never seen it rain that hard here and other than having to go down to the bottom of the hill to locate my garbage cans it was no big deal but lots of flooding in surrounding areas and a little damage from the winds.
We have had a little snow and a good rainstorm so far in the Owens Valley, but as usual, the Sierra range blocks most storms from getting onto the Eastern slope.

Mammoth is catching it pretty good.

We will have to wait and see what comes in the next few days.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-10 AT 07:43AM (MST)[p]Thanks much for the report guys!!

We got another 6" of snow overnight, it's snowing now. Still, no huge dumper of a storm for this area but on the radar, i see a lot of "yellow" down in the Sac valley and it's headed our way! Yikes!!!

My power is flickering on and off as i type this. No electricity is no fun, hope it stays on today. Take care guys!!

This am, i said that we had 6" of new snow over the night.

Well, add two feet of newer snow since then!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Nothing but chicken feathers falling from the sky with no stop in sight!!

We never did lose power but It was close.

Lightning and thunder going on right now. Temperature is 44. We had about 1.5 inches of rain in the last 24 hrs. 6.25 inches so far this month.

Since July 1st we've had 18.13 inches. Normal is 19.57, so we're average.

I get free firewood at the sawmill so it's a nice and toasty 70 degrees in the house. Love that dry heat this time of year.

I bought the wife a new flat screen TV to replace the one she lost in the earthquake so she is a happy camper.

A buddy dropped off 4 big dungeness crabs this afternoon.

Life is good.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Going on day 3 with no power. Thank God, for the generator! Probably had at least 6 inch's of rain in the Santa Cruz mountains. Wind is a blowingg but it seems were getting a break for a while.
OK.....that will be just about enough of that crap!

I have had 30 hours of snowfall, the most snow ever in 10 years in my yard.

I have broken tree limbs, smashed fences and powerlines in serious jeopardy!

It can quit anytime.

As it is, we'll be hiding Easter eggs in the snow.

Worst part of all, the visibility is so bad, I can't shoot my weekly dose of coyotes and most of the roads on the lease are too muddy to navigate.

This sucks!
Down here in the south part of the state, we've had a ton of rain. I heard about a tornado touching down in Santa Barbara yesterday as well. I haven't researched it yet but I will.

>Anyone heard from D13er? I'm a
>little worried he's not in
>Kansas anymore!
Hes having issues with rain water in his brass tumbler. But is technically "ok".

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>OK.....that will be just about enough
>of that crap!
>I have had 30 hours of
>snowfall, the most snow ever
>in 10 years in my

>It can quit anytime.
>As it is, we'll be hiding
>Easter eggs in the snow.

I have had enough of this also.. Rain, WIND, hail, like I have never seen down here. Guess our Easter eggs will be floating away.
"OK.....that will be just about enough of that crap!"

Yes Sir, Mother Nature has not been nice lately. Our power has just come back on. It's been off, all except a couple hours, since Tues am. We have over 5' of fresh snow and there is a 10-12 foot berm piled up all the way down the middle of main street. Many cars and trucks getting stuck all over the streets in town. All the stores in town have been closed except one little gas mart. The one grocery store has a standby generator but i understand that when starting, the fan came off and went thru the radiator so that store too was closed until this am. I was told that they lost a lot of products because of the loss of power.

All this and plenty more to tell, yet, we're getting along fine. In this country, we are used to these kind of conditions. At least those of us that have lived here long enough are. Yesterday was really a mess with a major dig out and i've been busy helping those that are older and not so prepared. My food stores have been available and are getting hit but i'll still have enough and glad to help. I doubt that this community or any other in this area will be calling in the National Guard. lol
It's all part of living thru the winter in God's Country!!!

Hope all you guys take care out there and may God protect you and yours!! Power is flicking on and off as i type this so better go!! :)

Wow Joey, glad to hear that you got power back. We have trucks running to Chester tonight with product for the grocery store. PG&E says we might have power at our cabin by 6 tonight. I hope so, I hope I don't have to call you to fix broken pipes. We can't come up this weekend to take a look because we are going to Eugene to see my folks. Stay safe.


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