

Long Time Member
What are some good excuses you have used or heard for reasons not to go to work?

Goin hunting

Corneal rectitis, can't see my ass going to work today.

That's all I have. Let's hear some more.

Had a delivery driver of mine call me from jail once. He was arrested for solicitation of a Prostitute while on his route. Oh yeah, my truck was impounded also.

A few months later my Wife sent me a cell phone picture of a prostitute wearing my company logo Tee Shirt walking her beat.

Warning....... This excuse will get you fired.
Sitting stunned and sickened in front of the TV watching the Twin Towers disaster. Never made it to work that day.
I had a coworker call in on what was supposed to be his last day of work with illness "Anal Glaucoma" . He couldn't see his a$$ coming to work
I had a dang employee of mine have 4 or 5 grandmas die in about 8 months time. I had another employee that got called out on a crash (we run tow trucks) in the middle of the night. He called me and said frantically hey man can you please cover this crash I jumped out of bed so fast that I ##### myself. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in all my life.
I called in sick once on a rainy day in November. I hadn't missed a days work since i was with that company, about 3 years, and i just said that i needed to get my head straight and to do that, i needed to go fishing. I knew that there were thousands of spawner Brown trout just waiting for this first big rain to make their annual run up the Feather River that runs through our little town and on up into Lassen Park. On that first cold rain, the fishing for big browns can be better than fantastic.

I figured i had deserved that day off and i wasn't gonna lie about what i was going to do with it. Man, did i ever get my rear end chewed the next day...but i got my fishing in!! :)

I try not to call in sick unless I really am sick. Not to say I didn't call in when I was younger. lol We just had an new guy start were I work. He called in sick two of his first seven days with excusses. Turns out one of the guys that works here saw him applying for a job with another department.

Yup he no longer has his job with us. lmao !!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-10 AT 03:24PM (MST)[p]I have a friend who called in sick one morning after a Viagra overdose the night before. He said he woke up with one of those "an erection that lasts more than four hours." When he jumpd out of bed, he tripped over it, fell and broke his arm.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
I had a day off when I lived in st george and went to sandhollow with a friend to play on his boat and drink some beer. We got there and had quite the party going, someone had a camera and I was showing another friend the pictures and I guess one of the guys in the pictures worked for him and called in sick that day! I didn't mean to get him in trouble but what goes around comes around I guess.

I had a guy working for me, John Scott, who was the best GM tranny tech I had ever seen.

Problem was, you could never count on him showing up on time. This guy had a book of excuses....and like nine dead grandmothers.

I finally had all I could take and told him if he was late again, he was fired.

He calls in late and I told him that I had better not of heard the excuse he was about to lay on me. The line is quiet for awhile, then he says,

"I woke up with a blond laying on my right arm, a redhead laying on my left arm and half a bottle of Jack sitting on the nightstand......there was two feet of snow on the ground....what would you have done?" I hung up. An hour later, he showed up.
"Sitting stunned and sickened in front of the TV watching the Twin Towers disaster. Never made it to work that day."

Me too F'dude... called my guy's & told them to go home & be with their family as well... probably could still get fired over that one.

At my last job a dude got fired because he kept showing up 1- 1/2 hour late. His excuse was that he and his girlfriend were trying to have a baby and that she wouldn't let him leave before doing the deed.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

"His excuse was that he and his girlfriend were trying to have a baby and that she wouldn't let him leave before doing the deed."

What was he doing for the other hour and 25 minutes?.....

I had a guy call in one morning and tell me he was going to be late because he couldn't find his shoe laces..... I told him when he did to put his shoes on and get his butt over to the employment office..... Terry
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-10 AT 01:20PM (MST)[p]wow, kinda harsh arent ya? a guys gotta have shoe laces, lol.

I called in with a myocardial infarction one time, then went to Nevada pronghorn hunting...that didnt go over well when i got back...damn google!
A week and a half ago one of my employees got arrested for Drink in Public. The bad thing is that he got arrested at a bar just down the street from the restaurant we own. We give 50% off to all law enforcement so we get a lot of uniformed officers as well as DA's and such. The arresting officers recognized him from the restaurant and my employee told the officers he was gonna spit in thier food. One of the officers called me the next morning telling me what had happened. I fired him immediately after that. He texted me several days later saying that the cops are harrassing him like gustapo! Hilarious!

I called in late one day. Boss asks why...'well, my wife said she was gonna have sex that morning and I felt I should be there.'

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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