Evolution,Did We Evolve?



Seems these guys around here think/know that we evolved?

"I can hear you now talkin' to your friends sayin', "Yeah girls he's come a long way from draggin' his knuckles and carryin'
a club and buildin' a fire in a cave."

Just wondering what you Theories are because I don't think a one of you really know for sure?

Well BLS - a few of us around here are Divine creations, but there may be some others that just climbed out of that primordial ooze and if science were to study them they very well could prove to be the missing slick, uh I mean link!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I've always liked the saying, "If we evloved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?"

I think man was created, then evoled into either a better man, or a worse one, depending on the man.

At what part in evolution do you put on a pair of freakin pants? At least he isnt taking a step with his left foot in any of those, last thing I need to see on an early morning.
Just ask Kilo to tell you exactly how this whole evolution thing happened. Both he and Eel were in high school at that time.
Ya know it's been soooo long since I discussed this with anyone I really don't know where to begin. ;-)

lol Model70
>So Roy?
>Where in that picture were you

Not sure yet - parents said I just showed up one day, hungry so they fed me and I hung around.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
hows this.

780k years ago after the Bruhnes magnetic reversal which ended an ice age homo erectus appeared. I don't have the exact date when he disappeared.

127k ya after an ice age ends abruptly, homo sapiens neanderthalis suddenly appears.

47k ya after the Laschamps magnetic reversal an ice age begins abruptly and homo sapiens appears.

34k ya during the lake Munog magnetic reversion an ice age ends abruptly and homo sapiens neanderthalis disappears.

so it would appear that no, there is no evolution of species. only extinction by ice age events and the abrupt appearance of new species along with those species that survived that ice age cycle.
OK, somebody is gonna say it so it may as well be me.

With all those homos running around it's a wonder we're here at all. :)
>OK, somebody is gonna say it
>so it may as well
>be me.
>With all those homos running around
>it's a wonder we're here
>at all. :)

i wouldn't expect anything less from the biggest homo of all? :) lol you sure seem to be a "homo " expert, one would think you might have "majored " in it?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-09 AT 11:30PM (MST)[p]LikkerBee, I can't decide if you make a case for evolution or not. If you represent survival of the fittest then humans must be shrinking. Or you could be the terminal end of a very shallow gene pool. Or you could be a creationists screwup. Or you could be the product of some bizarre interspecies mating experiment. I can't decide. But in any case I wish someone would douse you with some Malathion so you don't reproduce.


Upon doing some research on Bees I have a question.
Are you a worker bee, a drone or a queen?

Worker bees live 1 - 4 months
Drones live 40-50 days
Queens can live 2 - 5 years.
So best case is your about done bugging us here as your lifespan is used up.
Worst case is you're a queen.

Here's a page you may be able to read and understand
why are you so offended? did it hit to close to home? thick skin buddy, thick skin ROFLMMFAO...........
Yeah it always bugged me in science class that we are called "Homo" sapiens-I always wanted to say "Wait a minute,I ain't no "Homo"-nuthin'!"

Holy Shiz! LMFAO!! This is the first time I have looked at this post and it is AWESOME!! If I have not commented on a good post like this someone please PM me and let me know where the party is at!! Hey NV and Killer, Why are you guys arguing about this topic any way? One of you is an insect and the other is of the ovis mammal specie.....so leave the human stuff to us!! JK NOw back to the battle!!

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