Evidence of Sex Attached/ Full Body Mount?


Very Active Member
I read it that You must keep evidence of sex attached to the largest quarter. If I get a good ram, I might wabnt to have a full body mount done. My taxidermist said a dorsal cut would be best. How would you leave the scrotum attached to a hind quatrter in that case? I would for sure want to take the meat off the bones. Maybe just leave one ham attached to the skin and try to bone that way?
I certainly would call them with that type question.


Very legitimate question and I am sure others have done a FB mount on a Wyo harvested Ram.

I'll ask my buddy in Sheridan to see if he came remember what the outfitter did when he had the ram he took in 2003 done for a full body mount.
Skin out the testicle and leave attached and leave all the skin and hide attached to be tanned. Cleaner than the hair also!!!
Do as rmanwill stated and along with subsection (b) below you should be good to go! I emailed my buddy and that's what he also remembered them doing on his ram.

Section 6. Retention of Evidence to Identify Sex, Species and Horn or Antler Development of Big Game Animal Harvested

Any person who takes any big game animal in a hunt area where the taking of either sex, species, or antler or horn development is controlled or prohibited by regulation shall comply with this section while said animal is in transportation from the site of the kill to the residence of the person taking the animal, or delivered to a processor for processing.

(a) In hunt areas where the taking of any big game animal is restricted to antler point or horn size by regulation, the antlers or horns shall accompany the animal as a whole, or edible portion thereof.

(b) In hunt areas where the taking of any big game animal is restricted to a specific sex of animal by regulation, either the visible external sex organs, head or antlers shall accompany the animal as a whole, or edible portion thereof.

(c) In hunt areas where the taking of a species of deer is controlled or prohibited by regulation, either the head or the tail of the deer shall accompany the animal, or edible portion thereof as evidence of the species taken.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-12 AT 02:17PM (MST)[p]There was a huge discussion about this last year. It now states in the regs, and I also got it straight from warden's mouths, that you no longer need to leave sign of sex attached. You do have to detach it, male/female sex organs, place them in a baggie, and bring them out with the meat. This makes boning a lot easier. Unless this was changed again this year, that is how the law now reads. Note that the regs state that sign of sex shall accompany, (not be attached to).
Bucklover is correct.It is now okay to detach the sex organs from the carcass,but you must keep them in your possession in a gender-specific hunt unit.
That's good information about the "with not attached" but it's really easy to skin, de-bone and still leave a nut attached to the hind quarter meat. I do it every year, even on the little stuff that I shoot, because I'd rather skin in the field rather than take it home and do it when the critter is cold.

That is what we was told with Deer and Antelope. And what we did last year. I was not sure if it applied to Big Horn Sheep.
Thanks all! I think I'll skin out and leave testicals and penis attached just in case. Much better to get the meat in a clean sack! If I get a good one :)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-12 AT 07:06AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-12 AT 07:05?AM (MST)

Just a short update. We have gone through check points with Game and Fish, we had to bone out our elk to get them out. We detached the sex organs and put them in baggies. The wardens are glad the law was changed also.
Bucklover is correct.

The operative word is "accompany". I had a moose and antelope tag in WY last year and was told the same thing by the game warden. He said the law was changed a few years ago so that the evidence of sex no longer has to be naturally attached, thus the word "accompany".

If you have an "any ram" tag, the WY Game and Fish defines a ram as:

(cc) ?Ram? means a male bighorn sheep that is one (1) year or older.

Further, from the info Topgun posted:

Any person who takes any big game animal in a hunt area where the taking of either sex, species, or antler or horn development is controlled or prohibited by regulation shall comply with this section while said animal is in transportation from the site of the kill to the residence of the person taking the animal, or delivered to a processor for processing.

(a) In hunt areas where the taking of any big game animal is restricted to antler point or horn size by regulation, the antlers or horns shall accompany the animal as a whole, or edible portion thereof.

(b) In hunt areas where the taking of any big game animal is restricted to a specific sex of animal by regulation, either the visible external sex organs, head or antlers shall accompany the animal as a whole, or edible portion thereof.

(c) In hunt areas where the taking of a species of deer is controlled or prohibited by regulation, either the head or the tail of the deer shall accompany the animal, or edible portion thereof as evidence of the species taken.

Based on the regulations, and since by regulation you have to check your horns in to have them plugged, which puts you in compliance with (a) for horn size (proof of the ram being one year old), and (b) specific sex of animal (male ram), it would appear based on the regulations that you don't even need to bring out the sex organs to be in full compliance with the law.

The only problem you could potentially have (as explained to me by the warden) is that if you only had the horns accompany the meat and dropped your horns off to your taxidermist PRIOR to taking your meat to a processor, you would no longer have your proof of sex with you. However, you could also take the sex organs with you in a baggie as Bucklover does and have the regulation covered twice.

I would call the game warden in your area to clarify the requirements with him just to satisfy yourself that you are meeting his or her interpretation of the law...

Good luck on your hunt!


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