Everything is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-08 AT 01:21AM (MST)[p]OK, so I think most of us have been hit by the TERRIBLE thing that is Cancer!!

A friend of mine that grew up right in good old Richfield Utah has recorded a song that was written for a boy that had cancer. I know that one of our own here on MM has recently been struck with the VERY BAD news. This song is for him and his family also!!!! Please go listen to this song.....

Also, take some time to listen to some of the other songs that Due West sings. Take a look at their web site.


They are VERY VERY good. I think they are on their way UP UP UP....it is good to see someone from Richfield taking there dreams and making them a reality!!

Good luck Tim......Hope to see you in Lights.

And to you PRO.....Hope this song gives you a little peace in your time of Trial....I do hope that things turn out ok for you and your family!!!!!!!!

Thanks for posting !

Great song, the video is tough to watch. I didn't make it to the end, too sad. It's a reminder to all of us that everyday we wake up is truly a blessing.

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