every man wants a big deck

That was pretty funny. It is true though. Every man does want a big deck.

lrv ... if you ain't got enough hard wood you can always use plastic to get a big deck. I heard there's a shortage hard wood in Texsas. Or maybe that was just Crawford. I heard Crawford had the biggest deck in the world.

My wife through a suprise party on my deck. A few of her friends came over on my deck and we all had a great time on my deck.
Always fear getting splinters on your deck!

Although most wont admit it, it is nice to polish your own deck once in a while!

Ok, I should probably just go to bed :)

buck what do you find works best when trying to pollish your deck? Any warnings about what not to use? Yeah fear the wood of your deck that is what i am always worried about splinters suck ha ha
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-07 AT 06:46PM (MST)[p]It's my deck, and I'll polish it as fast as I want!

My deck sticks up so high the building department made me put up a hand rail!


You braging big wicked bassard.

If I make my Deck, the same way as my
D--k, it wont last long enough.

Plus, I'd like one a little bigger than
that little moron.

This whole subject is very frustrating for us
little Deck guys........

>You braging big wicked bassard.
>If I make my Deck, the
>same way as my
>D--k, it wont last long enough.
>Plus, I'd like one a little
>bigger than
>that little moron.
>This whole subject is very frustrating
>for us
>little Deck guys........

Now, now Irv, don't be so "hardon" yourself! I'm sure your deck is plenty adaquate!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-07 AT 05:12PM (MST)[p]Well having a big deck seems to be both a genetic, and enviromental factor. According to bergman's rule objects, mammals ect tend to be bigger the farther north you go. So if your family moved to say Minnesota or somewhere similar you would have a bigger deck to conserve heat and energy, than someone say living in Tuscon, Arizona. I guess that is what makes darwin such a smart guy??? Wonder if he barbequed much??

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