Ever had a hunt go like this????



LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-09 AT 08:52PM (MST)[p]Well I was looking forward to a Idaho muzz hunt this last oct but things just never went right.. First my freind borrowed my muzzaloader that I feel comfortable with and it got the sites broke on it just before my hunt. So I needed to get my other Muzzaloader out and get it ready for the hunt. Well I figured the best thing to do first was clean the gun as it has been sitting for 10+ years, So I ran a patch and cleaner in it and went to shoot a cap off in it. Well I live in a rural area and there is a large area behind my house that they are just starting to build houses in. Yes I did just what you are all thinking, I shot the new house behind mine!!! Why would I aim a gun in a unsafe area????? Why would I even need to shoot a primer in my muzzaloader?? And How did I not know there was a load in the Muzzaloader in the first place. Yes I am a DUMB A$$ I am very greatful that no one was injured as there was 4 guys working on the house the bullet entered the garage into the laundry room into the bedroom then into another room before it hit a sold door and fell to the ground.. Well after talking to the sherriff and letting him know that it was a true screw up I dont know how to go tell these guys that where building the home that I am sorry I feel lower then the gutter about the whole mess.

The next day I went to site the muzzaloader in and after about 45 rounds I was feeling good about the hunt. I re cleaned the gun and did shoot a couple primmers at the range just to foul the barrel. I still hate the gun but it was the best I could do at this point as my hunt had started days before now and there was less then a week to get there and hunt.

With 6 days left of the hunt in unit 45 Me and the wife headed up from Willard Utah to Bliss Idaho in are jeep grand cherokee with a camp trailer and a atv trailer in tow probably just asking for trouble with the double trailers but we made it there fine but later in the morning then we wanted to. After some looking around we got a call that we needed to come back home for some family things. (Kids you gotta love them) But we left the trailer and the atv there.

With 3 days left on the hunt we was headed back early but with are nine year old daughter that would not stop begging us to take her. Well we got there on time and figured why not go to gooding and then hunt are way over to bliss as it was kinda cold and the 9 year old was not really wanting to go out in the cold. after about a hour we found some deer and I was headed to a place that my wife could drop me off and I would hike down into some good looking areas that held some deer. Well as I came up over a hill I did not see that the road was washed out in front of me and I took out my radiator hose and radiator support and I am now in about 8 miles on a dirt road with no antifreeze and really no water. And yes as we was looking things over a 190 class buck jumped from cover 200yrds away and all I could do was drop a couple 4 letter words under my breath.

Well I figured if I was careful I could turn the vehicle around and get to gooding.. Yes the case of mountain dew was used to keep the engine cool not my first choice but the only choice I had.

After getting to gooding I found a NAPA and they did not have a hose for my jeep but they did call many places around and no one in gooding had one but they could sell me a flex hose that could work $20+ and any luck I figured I could fix things up well a hour latter I figured I better find a shop.. The people at NAPA told me of a shop but when I got there they where to busy to do anything and they sent me to another shop. the second shop tried like hell to get the hose on but the radiator support was pushed into the way and I needed to take it to a body shop to see if they could pull the support back out of the way so that the hose could go on. Well they did it and for under $30 so I take it back to the shop to see if they will put the hose back on. Yes this whole time there is no fluid going threw the motor but I dont let it heat up any. Well the shop says they are now to busy and that maybe the auto body shop could do it. Well I would try to do it myself but the damb clamps on the hose are not the old screw tight ones but instead a squeeze on and I dont have the tools to take them off.. I go back to the Auto Body shop and they jump right on it But the hose wont work he go's and gets like 6 differant hoses and makes 2 of them work and gets me back on the road for about another $30 plus we order the right hose that would be in the morning so I could do it right. Well I made it about 4 miles before I noticed the jeep was acting strange it did not show that it was overheating but it was I shut it down and notice that there is a air pocket in the line and that the fluids can not flow to keep the engine cool. I wait about 20 min and try to start the motor and it wont do anything so I call a tow truck and he takes the jeep back to the body shop and us to a motel yes now about $50 for a room and another $30 for food and a lost day of hunting I am down to 2 days and a car that is at the shop.

The Next morning I walk down to the shop to see if the part did come in and I wanted to see if the jeep would start. Well good news is the jeep started and the hose was there and they would get right on it. I walk back to the motel and we go get breakfast another $30 and then head to the body shop. Well the good news is they got the hose on but now the starter is gone bad they called around and said no one had one around but they could get one from boise in the morning well I make some calls and have my brother come get me. When my ride arrives I load the jeep on his trailer and ask to be taken to my camp as I had a 4wheeler there and my wife could go back to ogden with my daughter and the jeep and get it fixed.

Well down to the last day I get up early and get the 4 wheeler unloaded and head out there is a frost on the bike that covers the gauges and as I clean them off I notice I have about 1/2 a tank of fuel.. well I head out to a area that I was told about and infact find a few deer and one nice 26" 4X4 I figure one day I better get things done.. well after a short stock and 3 shots I watch the buck push his does to another mountain range.. Yes I did go check for blood or hair but there was non to be found.. I hike back to the atv and go to the area I seen the buck head into. After a hour I find a even better Buck beded with 3 does in a deep canyon I spent about a hour waiting for the wind to change with the heat of the day to make the stock. when I get to 150 yrds the does stand up and look around and bust out of the canyon like someone set a bomb of in the little honey hole the Buck is soon up and following them out and never gives me a clean shot.. I watch as they pick up a couple more deer and the original 26" buck and head for I think Northern Utah..... Now I start hunting my way back to the 4wheeler and I notice a coyote sitting by a 2 track eating at somthing I figure well lets see if this damb rifle can hit anything and I sit down and range the shot at 183 yrds but the yote wont give me a broadside shot and without a scope I have a hard time getting the sights and the yote lined up. finaly I take a straight on shot.. when the smoke cleared I could see the yote was dead WOW!!! I head down to take a look when I get there I notice that what the yote was chewwing on was his leg as it was in a trap.. (Guess someones day was worse then mine)
Well I take the yote out ot the trap and re set the trap and sit the yote in the shade of the sage brush!! (I know I should not touch someones traps but I reset it and left the coyote in a cool place that the traper could see him for sure.)

After this I went back to the trailer and the wife soon arrived and we headed back out for the eve hunt we never seen another buck... And that is how my unit 45 muzz hunt went...
Best part was shooting into your neighbors house. You got a brass pair to post that on here.
I have done some real dumb stuff myself. Glad to hear I am not alone.
I am sure that I will take hell for it. That is one small reason I posted it. Maybe it will help me remember to never do ANYTHING like this again!!!
Never point a gun at something your not willing to shoot!!!I guess you was willing. Just be glad know one was hurt. I have read enough from you that I am surprised this happened. Hope you learned a valuable lesson.
UT, I had a hunt like that last year.

It was as bizarre as it gets. I almost killed myself and my wife 2X and almost got so badly stuck in an area that would have been a 10+ hike out and we had not seen another hunter. Nobody hunts antelope when it is snowing. To top it off. On the last day I shot a meat buck and a mountain lion came out of the sage brush and grabbed it by the throat.
I dont tell the story often, because it sounds like a story a pathological liar would tell.
Wow. A bad day hunting is not always better than a good day working.

You said you ran a patch through it? Did you reload after that?
I never took the nipple out of the gun I just ran a patch in and out the muzzle of the gun. I guess powder can stay good for 10+ years
that is what is refered to as a "negligent discharge".....no excuse.

ALWAYS point them at the ground

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Your hunt sounds about like my LE Elk hunt went this year...

Opening morning hiking into the spot I was going to hunt I rolled my ankle crossing a creek, continued on for about 1/4 mile and then just sat for the morning hunt and then hobbled back to camp (1.6 miles), decided to soak the ankle in the creek for the rest of the day and try again in the morning. Next morning I lace the boot up tight and try again...no go..must have really screwed it up. So I head into town to have it checked out..worst case scenario.. I need a old type hard cast.

OK, so I'm not walking very far...so head back to the house and pick up the ATV and change location because the area I had scouted didn't allow ATVs ( the reason I decided to hunt there in the first place). So get get back to the unit and set up camp at the new place. Unload the ATV off the trailer and then to proceed to pull the truck out of the way.. clutch pedal go's all the way to the floor, ZERO resistance...turn the key and truck jumps...locked in gear..pop the hood and look and the hydraulic cylinder is dry. Look under the truck and see all the fluid coating the undercarrage...Slave unit is blown.

So I hop on the ATV and ride down to the main highway hoping I can get a signal, call home, have the wife call a wrecker to come get me....but NOBODY wants to bring there wrecker on the dirt road I am camped next to 5 miles in. finally find a diesel truck tractor wrecker that will come tow it in.
They get it to the shop and tell me it is the Slave unit and since it is a internal one the tranny has to be dropped to replace it ( this is monday morning) and they wont be able to get it fixed till friday.
So there I was at 9600ft on top of the mountain with just the ATV for transportation, all the elk are down low on the private property. I cant change locations unless I want to move it all on my ATV and only have the ATV tank and 5 gallons of gasI have to shanks mare it or hitch hike to town friday to get my truck with a cast on.
Only heard 1 bugle and saw 2 cow elk the whole week..Maybe next year
"Ever had a hunt go like this????"

Well, No. I do think though that if you are going to shoot houses, to do it ethically, you'll need a bigger gun! :)

On the bright side, at least you did get into some good bucks. Better days!!

Was that a free ranging house, or was it behind a high fence???

Thanks for having the guts to remind us all to be more careful.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Well...everyone's home and safe, nobody got hurt. So, there have been hunts more unlucky than yours. Count your blessings and remember that any hunting trip you come home from alive is a successful trip:)
Most of my hunts don't go that smooth. I usually have some dumb stuff happen, but you seemed to sail through your hunt from start to finish with few problems. What's your secret to such smooth sailing?

Thanks for the great read. It will be better next time-----how could it get worse?

Have a good one. BB
+1 Buglinbilly
That was a nice smooth running hunt.
I don't like my neighbor house either.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
many lessons were learned from that and no one got hurt, thats the main thing. took some nads to post that but i thought pics of the house in question would help.
'Well I figured the best thing to do first was clean the gun as it has been sitting for 10+ years, So I ran a patch and cleaner in it and went to shoot a cap off in it. Well I live in a rural area and there is a large area behind my house that they are just starting to build houses in. Yes I did just what you are all thinking, I shot the new house behind mine!!! Why would I aim a gun in a unsafe area????? Why would I even need to shoot a primer in my muzzaloader?? And How did I not know there was a load in the Muzzaloader in the first place. Yes I am a DUMB A$$'

Dang Clynt----------I guess with all that info ya posted......you may never--ever sell a USED gun in your life.......

10+ years sitting and never cleaned....nor shot to unload it....in 10 + years.....WTF?

Knowing you----that just does NOT sound like you?

Glad most everything came out somewhat A-okay......

Did ya run into Blake?

He had the same tag as you.

Keep the faith,

ain't no wonder people get hurt.
can't wait for the ethics police on this one.
them wasatch hillbillies never seem to amaze me.
thank god nobody got hurt.

Thanks all, I know I was stupid but I felt like I better post it as it might help someone think before they pull the trigger and I need to take the CRAP from the ethics police on this site as I need my ass kicked over it.

As for the gun sitting for 10+ years with a load in it lets just say I hated that gun in the first place and it has just sat in the gun case, I hoped to never need to use it again....

I DO clean my guns atleast every 5th year or so!!!!
And I do a damb good job of it...

I also was thinking maybe someone on MM was working in that house and would post on here so I could say SORRY over the internet and not need to do it in person.... Kinda feel really dumb but I guess I really should BUCK up and go over and say I am sorry!!!

On the Bright side I can not wait to tell the new owners of the house I shot there House.. I bett that will make them feel safe in are little comunity knowing the guy next door has a gun to keep them safe... J/K
How much money is shooting the house going to cost you?

Also, if you're in trouble in ID, post it here. Some of us locals may be nice enough to go help you out if our schedule permits.
Will shooting that house deflate it's price? :)

This kinda $hit happens to everyone or at least the guys i know and have spent some time in the field with. The trick is to either not have it happen or if it does/did, preferably, it happened long ago. You've just used up your freebie and if you're like me, no one will be more bothered about it than you are and more safe in the future just because of this incident.

I don't think I have ever had a hunting trip go smooth. I have become good friends with a lot of the people in the little town in the unit that I hunt because of my truck breaking down. Ruined a hunt but I have learned a lot from all the friends that I have made. So I don't look at it as being bad anymore.

And I learned from watching my dad shoot a hole in our ceiling when I was a kid about pointing guns and firing them. He sure felt bad about that. I still give a hard time once in a while.
Sounds like you will have lots of memories from this hunt(good and maybe some bad). My question is why in the world are you pulling double behind a Jeep grand cherokee, that to me sounds more dangerous than shooting the house next door.
It really is not that bad. A 21" camp trailer and a single atv trailer.. I have done this many times but I agree it sounds bad... ;-)
How do you measure B&C score of a house anyway. Did you get to mount the house on your wall, or since it was on private property, have to give it back to the land owner. Thanks for sharing and reminding all of us to be more careful.
I think it is scored by square feet...

On a sad note I have been lissening to what happend in Roy Utah and it makes me feel like a very lucky person....
Well - after Clint has readily admitted his mistake, there is nothing really that the ethics police can say that he hasn't already said.

Mistakes happen. Good intentioned people do things without thinking them through all the way. Looks like a blessing that no one was hurt and he has a great story to tell to his kids and grandkids and their grandkids too about gun safety. Most likely, no one in his family will ever make that mistake again. So you make it a teaching point and strength in your family that assures it will never be repeated.

Sorry to hear about the bad luck on the rest of the hunt. I have had things like that happen too. You just have to keep putting one foot down in front of the other!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My unlce drive our school bus for the basketball team. He was fueling the bus up at the local gas station when a gun went off and sprayed him with glass. Turns out it was a cop who was fueling up and reached to take his 12ga out of the car and it went off. Luckly he had not picked up basketball team.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Things just don't always go right!!

I had a friend that was unemployed for some time and thru one of those Job Fairs that come around, he landed himself a decent job with Cal-Trans on their flagging crew. He was so excited about his first day of getting back to work, he couldn't sleep the night before.

Bright and early they told him to drive the pilot truck with a big sign on the back of it saying "FOLLOW ME", lead the cars to one roadblock set of flags, turn around, and lead the cars back... Well my bud started out doing everything as instructed but sometime during the morning, he fell asleep at the wheel and drove off into the woods only to crash into a tree. Imagine those that were following him :)

To him and all of his buds that are still laughing over his exploits during his first and last day at work, sometimes, things just don't go the way they're supposed to.


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