Ever eat bait?!



My Pops wanted a sushi dinner for Fathers Day.
(Fresh Mountain Trout, Coho Salmon, Ahi Tuna, Gravad Lox)

I got's SKILLZ!

Happy Fathers Day to all the fellow Dads here!

(My Dad loved the Benelli Cordova 20GA I got him too)




That's some good looking meat. I hammered a nice walley and picked fresh morels........but no pics. I ate good though. Keep posting food pics. We love your skills.
You should try going hunting with him. I eat better while hunting than I do at home. But you won't hear me say that if my wife is anywhere around. Made that mistake once before.
Sushi! Hell yeah I'd eat your sushi if you bought me a Benelli Cordova .20 Ga! Crimeney! That is a Father's Day gift! I thought I was doing good getting my dad a shirt and letting me sister put my name a a grill we got for the old man! I got a watch and and MP3 player myself. You are a great son!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Multi-talented ! thats awesome !
>How do you make Wasabi ?

I simply buy wasabi powder from any Asian market. You then mix with water while working into a smooth paste. Let sit about five munutes before serving. I like to mix a little lemon juice instead of using all water though.

Chef...why didn't I marry YOU instead of the fry daddy king??? I want GOOD food that I don't have to cook and no more fry daddy. I hate cooking.
Awsome! I could put down that whole plate!

Probably pass on the trout though. I tried it once, it was good, started researching why freshwater fish are not used in sushi. Come to find out fresh water fish are MUCH more suceptable to being hosts/carriers of mamilian parasites. Better safe than sorry.
Thanks guys! I should post all my special dinners from now on.
Looks like you enjoy them as much as we do.

3K...this guy is single you know! I might just have to start my own reality TV show lookin' for the perfect mate! LOL


I've eaten a hell of a'lot cheaper bait than
that on the banks of the Leon River and the
Cowhouse Creek.


That DOES look good! It would look better on the BBQ though. No raw fish for me. Smoked fish is about as close as I get.

I admit it, I have no class!:)

well chef,

Im not a big fan of eatin bait... but that does look quite appitizing. Did have a buddy that used to eat all our bread when we were fishin for carp....does that count?

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