Ever divorced?


Long Time Member
just curious. seems like a higher percentage of my hunter friends have been divorced than my non hunter friends. I wonder if there is some coorelation?
Guilty but hunting wasn't really a factor, she was just a classic bi-polar psycho...she's sexy and puts out though, anyone want her number??

Yes, and being gone scouting/hunting/guiding was the main reason. C'mon HH, we've all seen your trophy room. I think hunting was more than just a contributing factor.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-09 AT 05:29PM (MST)[p]A more interesting subject would be to see who the record holder is for the most divorces in a lifetime.

Yes have tagged 4 of them x wifes #4 has all my hunting chit ...O well i get new stuff laughs on her #2, was the game wardens daughter hell of a nice guy fun to patroll with wants me dead now and he has a gun now not so much fun .. #3 phyco from hell I was number 7 for her she is now on number 13 for real guys and number 1, gave me my best friend and huntin buddy so gotta appreciate that .... currently scouting for number 5 hopen to bag her before the hunts start its cold in them woods









THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Been there myself. Seems surreal now to think I was married to such a raging, manipulative, psychotic slut. What was I thinking? Oh yea, I remember, she's hot and doesn't have a gag reflex.
>Been there myself. Seems surreal now
>to think I was married
>to such a raging, manipulative,
>psychotic slut. What was I
>thinking? Oh yea, I remember,
>she's hot and doesn't have
>a gag reflex.

Triple bonus points for gag reflex's. }>
Yes. 3 times.

Got 15 years invested in this one, but she is the most supportive woman alive.

I can still talk to the fisrt 3, but one of them is now a millionaire, so it is depressing.

Pretty much all my fault as I wasn't willing to bend as much as they needed.

I figured that if I provided a house, car and groceries, my job was done and I could just do what I wanted after that.

I STILL live that way, but this wife is good with it and genuinely enjoys seeing me have a good time hunting, fishing, etc.
Married 8 years and happy.

You can't live with them.
You can't kill them.

A little space is the secret and no I don't want to hunt with her. There's plenty of other things to enjoy together.
Yes, was married to my first wife for 24 wonderful years of marital bliss.

For those of you that may be considering terminating your longterm marriage I can assure you that you are in for a real treat. There are so many wonderful new things that you will learn.

First you think it all sounds so easy to just take what is yours and split the rest and come to a financial agreement and you both skip off to the future whistling zippity do dah. WRONG!

And of course you know that woman that you have supported and shared all those years with so of course there couldn't be any surprises there right?

And the last thing both of you want is to get family law attorneys involved as you have come up with this wonderful agreement that is more than fair right?

There are so many legal eagle friends of your soon to be ex-wife that have tons of advice to offer her in her time of need.
Did I mention that these same friends and family of course are your friends and family as well and only want whats best for both of you right?

Well friends I can assure you that once your soon to be ex-wife has retained legal councel at the urging of well meaning friends and of course family the proverbial gloves come off and all you thought you knew about divorce agreements, your soon to be ex-wife, well meaning friends and family is out the window and lets not forget that future that you are planning to skip in to whistling zippity do dah AINT gonna happen...

At least not the way you thought it was. Oh and did I mention that since your soon to be ex-wife has retained councel guess what??? You also get to retain legal councel as well and make no mistake.. than and only than signals the beginning of the process.

You will be amazed about how much family law you are about to learn in the state that you live in and you do not even have to attend law school... It's fascinating!

All of those well meaning friends and of course family will show you another side as well. Oh and lets not forget that woman that you supported and shared all those years with that you know so well.... Well they also have another side that you probably didn't know existed. The counsel they retained helps show you this other side and if you are lucky and make a lot more money than your soon to be ex-wife than maybe, just maybe you can pay her legal fees as well as your own.

Remember that 401K, pension, property, that you were planning on having when you went skipping off to your new future whistling and all that sh!t... Well guess what???
It isn't yours anymore!!!

But wait.. your not done yet...
She is the victim here and since you make ALL THAT MONEY well you get to pay spousal support for approx. half the term of the marriage that you just ended.

So for those of you that say "Not yet" or as NVMULEDEER said I can only dream of that day... Well somethings are better left a dream or secretly kept to yourself. As it has been said many times before...

You can't live with them, You cannot live without them becasue you cannot afford to..

There is much I didn't mention about the process but I wanted to touch on the highlights of the fun and wonderful things you get to learn... I certainly did..

Wow, interesting read!! sounds like a huge headache!! my buddy is in the process of going through all that crap right now... the reason for the post.
Truer words were never spoken.

My lil brother is going through a living Hell with his divorce, answering to every one of the womderful things you mention.
I was very lucky.
I was married only 4 years the first time and we simply went our own ways.

Like you said Jim,If you are into a long term marriage, You will not recognize what's left of your life when you (she) are finished.
Yes and it was the best thing that happened to me. I have been divorced 21 years now and I must say the new found freedom is worth all the misery the two years of getting divorced cost me the only down side is to my daughter that just turned 21 last month.
Tell him to keep his cool and it will turn out for the best.

I must share that a couple of years ago my ex said to me that she can't figurw out why we got a divorce as I'm one of the nicest guys she ever knew. Being the nice guy that I am I didn't share the details with her.
You got that right Harry.. You will not recognize what is left once the "process" is completed but I can guarantee that you will come out of it far more educated than you ever thought possible.

Another part of my story I did not mention was my wonderful exwife didn't really care much for working so she choose to work what amounted to part time. Eventually she gave in and did work full time for a large grocerey chain in the bay area as a floral manager.

I used to ask her to "please take advantage of a 401k type plan" and I assured her with in a few paychecks she wouldn't notice much difference in her net pay. Well that was out of the question as she felt I was contributing enough of "our money" and besides she didn't really like them messing with her paycheck and did not really care about those weird savings plans.

Guess what... When it came time for divorce she wanted half of my 401k that she didn't really care about and she also wanted half of my IBM pension. As she stated "I deserve it" and she also went on to say that she would screw me out of every dollar she could. She used to get very bold after a meeting with her attorney.
I assured her that yes you will get almost every dollar out of me but I retorted that I didn't give a damn if I did not have two nickles to rub together... I would not have to spend the rest of my life with the most miserable, psychotic, prescription drug addict, pathetic, rageaholic, horrible female that probably ever walked the face of the earth... So enjoy your money but you will be alone for a long, long, time as a guy in his right mind would run like hell once he cut past the bull$hit and got to know you.

She did not like that statement.

She did not like the fact that I met a woman that treats me better than I ever thought possible that I have been with for 9 years now and married 4 years ago.. Also new wife is gorgeous and old wife did not age well.. She really doesn't like that either.

She doesn't like the fact that she is still alone, miserable, discovered that all guy's are not so nice as she moved one guy in that like to drink instead of work and had a little problem keeping his boxing gloves in the closet. She learned that some guy's don't fight with words alone..

tsk... tsk... tsk... I feel soooooooo bad for her.. NOT!!

What's that "they say" "Everything always comes full circle" and something else about "Karma"... Rest assured it does come back to bite you when your a a$$hole.

Model_70, thanks for sharing your story. I have always said, no matter how hard my marriage may have been from time to time keeping it together, I would rather be married to my wife than to try and divorce her. :)
Hey F-dude, this is starting to sound like a daytime talk show, when can we just get back to slamming each other ????
for the record, BFEr didn't mean him and me are slammin each other

i gave the "butts and boobs" Jerry Springer thing a little rest, thought I'd post something that might bring up some interesting stories like you'd hear on Oprah :)
Well, no sense me being any different than always.

When you NEED a divorce.....that is ALL you need.

I have walked away 3 times with absolutely nothing but my personal property.......and my balz.

Signed quit claim deeds on 3 houses in leiu of spousal support.

I have given away more cars than Elvis.

More TV's than Monty Hall and more furniture than I care to think about.

And you know what? It was all worth it! I have NEVER had a legal issue, tax issue, or attorney bill.

My exes all still speak to me and my family on several occasions thru the years.

Cost a lot? You bet!

My attitude was anything money once bought, can be bought again.

When I see these friends of mine fighting tooth and nail, signing up for all the stress, hassle, courtrooms, and pissin' contests, I laugh my azz off! I don't have time for all that crap. Most guys let their ego get in the way......wrong!

Walk away and TRULY start your life over.
I've never been drunk enough to get married....why take the chance of having to answer to someone that wants me home when I could be out hunting or fishing?

Well you have been rather lucky if you were able to just walk away... However all it takes is one VERY vendictive pissed off female that decides to retain a lawyer and I can guarantee you that if you are in a long term marriage you won't just be walking away if she decides she wants a piece of everything you own including a big chunk of your liver.

My ego had nothing to do with the divorce as a matter of fact I offered her the whole fu*king works so I could move on.. Did not happen.. and once the attorney starts filing motions in family court you better damn well make time to show up when your case is on the calendar and if your smart you best come with your own council or you aint gonna believe how the rest of the day is going to go.. Been there.. done that... Never again..
Not divorced. Had a few nasty breakups....I get that way when she decides to forge my name to credit documents and then makes a movie with another man...while I was away in the Gulf.

I found the movie...and her address book. I think you can figure what I did with both. Waited until months after the cops were done, then mailed a couple while I was on travel.
Never divorced. It doesn't sound like much fun.

Been married 41 years. I keep reminding her that if I would have murdered her right after we were marrid, I'd be out by now. As it is I'm still in prison.

>Not divorced. Had a few
>nasty breakups....I get that way
>when she decides to forge
>my name to credit documents
>and then makes a movie
>with another man...while I was
>away in the Gulf.
>I found the movie...and her address
>book. I think you
>can figure what I did
>with both. Waited until
>months after the cops were
>done, then mailed a couple
>while I was on travel.

I hope you sent copies to all of her friends and family.

Isn't that what movies are for? To share?
Yes, been divorced. Not a fun thing to go through. I will say thought that life is great now. I have a great girl friend, get to see my kids almost every day, and have more money than I've ever had. I definately came out of it smarter and learned a few things.

1. Women don't like to be bored.
2. A woman scorned is the meanest creature on earth.
3. Lawyers SUCK!
Been single again for 24 years now. As my ex was leaving, I yelled to her,"I'll miss you!" And followed that with,"Until I get the windage right!"
>>Not divorced. Had a few
>>nasty breakups....I get that way
>>when she decides to forge
>>my name to credit documents
>>and then makes a movie
>>with another man...while I was
>>away in the Gulf.
>>I found the movie...and her address
>>book. I think you
>>can figure what I did
>>with both. Waited until
>>months after the cops were
>>done, then mailed a couple
>>while I was on travel.
>I hope you sent copies to
>all of her friends and
>Isn't that what movies are for?
>To share?

When I found the video...had to thumb through the combos on her briefcase...I immediately went to the local video store and bought 48 VCR tapes. Everyone in the book got a copy. At random times from random places. Never told her about it.
Not yet but would not surprise me if I did someday. If it comes to it I hope I'm smart about the whole process and get my ducks in a row before hand. Good thing I have going for me is she is a CEO of a credit union and makes considerably more than I do. I'm a school teacher with a pension and that would be a big concern. I would give her just about everything but I want to keep my pension. I would want some equity out of the home in order to get a new house and then I would be fine. I think?!?

She really is a good person but hunting and my outdoor way of life is getting old and boring to her. I would rather stay married but I want to enjoy the outdoors even more as I get older. I'm alwyas trying to figure more ways to enjoy the outdoors and she keeps asking whan is only going to be a hobby. I've told her it will never be a hobby.

I wonder to myself what am I going to say to when I'm 80. Will I say I wish I stayed married or will I say I wish I hunted more? My 74 year old father only tells me the most important thing in life is your health. If you don't have your health nothing else matters anyway. Not exactly a glowing endorsement of marriage.

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