Euro skull whitening

40 volume hydrogen peroxide and water (about 30/70 mix). Wrap antler bases with plastic and electrical tape and simmer (~200 degrees) the skull just until it is white enough for you. Doesn’t take long. I’ve been doing euros for about 25 years and this is the way to do it.
If they have started to yellow I would degrease first, then whiten. I would not recommend heating peroxide. Can be VERY dangerous. Also make sure to use a plastic container. Metal (iron) will react with the peroxide. Remember peroxide is H2O2. As it breaks down from use it releases a Hydrogen atom and eventually the mix will become just water after time. That is why you should not heat peroxide.
The peroxide does a great job degreasing as well. This is the method the WhiteBone Creations guy has used on probably thousands of skulls. I’ve personally used it on over 40 skulls.

As strong a peroxide as you can get your hands on mixed with Simply White from the beauty store. Mix them together into a paste & apply to the skull with a paint brush. Let it sit overnight & spray off.
Awesome! Many different suggestions excited to give it a try and bring my euro back to life from the dusty yellow look.
The peroxide does a great job degreasing as well. This is the method the WhiteBone Creations guy has used on probably thousands of skulls. I’ve personally used it on over 40 skulls.

I've done nowhere near as many as WhiteBone, and not quite as many a Diablo, but this video is about 90% exactly what I do. WB's peroxide soaking looked like it got the job done in one soaking. The 40 volume creme does the same thing, and takes a lot less space, but more time. Paste it on, wait overnight or a few hours in the sun. Rinse/brush it off. 2-3X makes it good.

I'll watch the video again, because I wasn't quite sure what the Mop N Glo was for. I think it was for easy cleaning later.

I personally like a high gloss finish so after it is white and dry, I paint it with some rattle can clear high gloss. Buy it at Home Depot, Wal Mart, or anywhere you can buy rattle can paint.

I've used Special Walnut stain as well, or whatever I had in the garage. Was it Walt Garrison that used to say "a little dab'll do"?

Good luck!

Oh, full disclosure, I've done whitetail skulls and turkey spurs, but never any antelope.

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