


I am long time watcher but first couple time poster. I feel that a lot of this site is basically geared to putting people and the way they hunt down. Whether it not be a DIY back pack hunt or whatever the case it seems the gerneral rule is, if the animal wasnt ten miles into wilderness it wasnt a real hunt. And im not saying everyone on here is like that or cares but for those of you who are always bashing one another you are also hurting the hunting communitee. Also it makes no difference to me who hates this post and what not. Im just tired of trying to read hunting posts that are always cluttered up with this crap. Many of us dont hunt the same, some will back pack in and hunt some will hunt 100 yards off the road someone may hunt high fence who cares, because when it is all said and done the anti hunters im sure dont care how ethical you are we will all fall if we dont unite. Agree to Disagree thats my thought or just continue to bicker.
Don't act like you know boot....

90% of the crap comes from 2% of the members. Once you figure out who they are, you can skim past anything they post without reading...
+1.Now they will start ganging up on you for only having 6 posts.There is a pervading attitude with some that the number of posts you have is in direct relation to your intelligence.I maintain it's just the opposite.
Good Post! Although Im sure alot of comments are are made for a laugh or to stir the pot. and BTW i have one more post than you.LOL
I agree NonTypical-I am a regular reader but as you can see not a regular poster. So some must think I am an idiot. The 20+ years I have been hunting and living my life in a very hunter heavy town in wyoming doesn't count for much I suppose. I am probably an ethical bipolar I suppose. Love to hit the wilderness hunts(several miles in on foot--nothing unethical like horses or stuff like that) to taking my boy out and shoot a-gasp-4 point under 140 inches just 4 steps out of the truck off a 2 track road. In my limited experience time and resources (which change from year to year for me), not conscience, determine the mode and product of the hunt.
justr_86---It's too bad this thread didn't end right there with that video tribute to little Kole!
I agree with most of what you are saying.

As far as what others think about my ethics....compared to theirs, I use the "DILLIGAF" theory!

The "Midwest ethics officer" has found you already, and the "spelling police" are on their way! LOL!

You don't need a parachute to skydive.
You do however, need a parachute to
LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-12 AT 05:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-12 AT 05:47?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-12 AT 05:34?PM (MST)

Nickman -

Don't fault me bro!

I really only go ballistic over repeated errors that make the hunting community in general look stupid ("Wolfs" vs. "Wolves; "Stock" vs. "Stalk"; "Should have" vs. "Should of"; "RugerM77" vs. "Rugarm77") - Basic errors that my 3rd grader doesn't make. I only point it out when it become so blatantly offensive that it makes a post nearly unintelligible.

"I'm just doing my job I'm the Grammar Patrol"


And I don't care how many posts someone has, that doesn't make me respect them less, necessarily. We just like to guard against some of the trolls. They do pop up from time to time. I try not to bash others' hunting techniques. Most of the time I try to keep my comments as civil and positive as possible. There are times when calling bull is necessary though. Sorry if I have done so and offended you.

The main things that bother me are people who do stupid/questionably ethical/illegal/lazy things and brag about them as though that makes them superior to everyone else, people who advocate poaching predators to preserve elk and deer populations when controls are already in place, and people whose minds are so closed that they refuse to consider other opinions as viable even when they may or may not agree with them.

Other than that - welcome to MM! We even let Red Raiders hang around.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
"I try not to bash others' hunting techniques."

You're kidding, right? Only when you don't feel inferior or out hunted, or jealous.

"Most of the time I try to keep my comments as civil and positive as possible. There are times when calling bull is necessary though. Sorry if I have done so and offended you."

I'll take that as an apology, or as close as Roy will ever come to an apology.

Yes Eel, sorry if most of the times I feel it necessary to call bull is when you post your great turtle hunting exploits!

How's that for an apology?


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
I pretty much agree. I am tired of all the bashing of SFW, Mossback, etc and it has made it so that I very seldom even look at the General forum anymore just becuase of that. The general forum has turned into a rip on everyone forum. I still go to the other forums but this one is pretty much a waste of time right now unless you love to complain.
Roy........Swear to God, I NEVER meant that post as a stab at you!

To be perfectly honest, I was directing my jape at D13r and TOPGUN.

JB being the "king of the spelling bee".

TOPGUN..? well, when he isn't too busy walking on water and raising the dead, he can come off as pretty "His Holiness".

You don't need a parachute to skydive.
You do however, need a parachute to
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-12 AT 12:39PM (MST)[p]Yea, right, about like you're considered the Grand Puba Guru of the Forums!!! It's just that I consider it a real shame when a person gets reamed because he wishes everyone would use enough gun at reasonable distances to insure that as close to 100% of the time that the animal goes down for the count without being lost. That really doesn't seem too bad an ethic to have and I'll stay with it!
If it aint 1200 yards it aint a challenge..........

My bone is no stranger to
great envy!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-12 AT 01:08PM (MST)[p]Topgun, It don't have much to do with if we agree with you or not.. It's more about your posts being friggen annoying .. Same sshit over and over and over and over..

It feels like I'm watching the movie Groundhog Day...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I understand that and it's something that I just can't break myself of. Every time someone comments with something contrary to what I feel is proper, I just feel the need to try and convince them they are wrong. I do really apologize for doing that, but not for what I stand for, and will try to do better to tone it down!
Topgun, I just watched part of it. Only could get 2 minutes in and was tearin' up too bad. Have 2 boys (11,2) and it hit too close to home I suppose. Powerful stuff.
> Roy........Swear to God, I NEVER
>meant that post as a
>stab at you!

Didn't take it that way - just recognized that I have a behavior that every once in a while makes me sound an little arrogant. I take no offense. Just make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's!! LOL.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Boy, now I think we're all ready for a big MM group hug! See what the off season does to you guys.....Turns ya'll into a bunch of pansies!LOL
Ethical Dilemma Test

What if you were playing in the club championship tournament finals and the match was halved at the end of 17 holes. You had the honor and hit your ball a modest two hundred fifty yards to the middle of the fairway, leaving a simple six iron to the pin.

Your opponent then hits his ball, lofting it deep into the woods to the right of the fairway.

Being the golfing gentleman that you are, you help your opponent look for his ball. Just before the permitted five minute search period ends, your opponent says: "Go ahead and hit your second shot and if I don't find it in time, I'll concede the match."

You hit your ball, landing it on the green, stopping about ten feet from the pin. About the time your ball comes to rest, you hear your opponent exclaim from deep in the woods: "I found it!". The second sound you hear is a click, the sound of a club striking a ball and the ball comes sailing out of the woods and lands on the green, stopping no more than six inches from the hole.

Now here is the ethical dilemma:

Do you pull the cheating bastard?s ball out of your pocket and confront him with it or do you keep your mouth shut.
So what you are saying TOPGUN is that you are as unethical as everyone else on this forum that you blast, you just keep it "in your pocket" and continue on with your nonsense?
All you guys need to STFU.

I'm God's gift to you all and you don't even know it!!!!!!!!
When will you boys learn?

Now, what were we talking about again?

Nickman's post are right on.

I don't really care what anyone thinks about my ethics; especially someone on this forum. I wish there were more hunting stories and all the other garbage would move to the Political Forum.

This site has no doubt changed (a lot). But, there are still some good stories on here, on occasion...

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