
Long Time Member
So this AM, ESPN has this show, "Happy Hour" or something like that.....anyway, 1 gal and 2 black guys and they are discussing different sports. The topic turns to the Olympics and the gal remarks how cool it is that the Phelps kid is on track to win all his races and take Spitz's record. One of the guys says....not exactly this quote...

"Yeah, but after all, it's just swimming and who really cares".....the gal says' "What?, what do you mean, It's JUST swimming?" The guy says, Well, let's face it, most of America isn't watching swimming....the guy probably has a swimming pool in his backyard."........

Now, I make no bones about how much I hate basketball, but I don't work for ESPN.

If someone on ESPN said..."Kobe Bryant,? Who really cares, he probably grew up with a basketball court in his backyard".....on live TV, there would be no end to the butt hurt Black community whiners, demanding someones head.

As far as I am concerned, "KOBE" is a city in Japan where they serve up a really good steak!
It sounds like the guy is an idiot. I hate it when ESPN has guys making remarks like that. I am watching most of the swimming events just to see Phelps win.
My initial response was WAY to edgy, so i stepped away for a few and now i think i have something that i can use, with out getting crucified.

He(and i didn't see it so i dont know who to name) is just showing a mentality of a certain cross section of the American public. Because he doesn't believe you can make a enough money to buy the bling he needs or be on the front page of the paper every other day, or be famous enough to get away with raping, by being the worlds greatest swimmer, they dont care about it.

it wasn't too long ago( 12-15 years ago) you couldn't find one that really cared about golf either.

That's what's wrong today in the sports world
if you aren't in trouble you aren't splashed all over
the sports page.And who cares about a bunch of over
paid cry babies playing basketball who couldn't
even bring home the gold last time.Maybe the anouncer
should be talking about that.And how sorry we looked last time.
And yes it does show his(thier) lack of mentality...
He is not paid to make assumptions for anybody but himself. In this case, he was speaking for himself which is a no-no. I'm sure a lot of people watch swimming...just not enough to make it very popular enough to get it on TV. The guy is probably regretting his statement now.

What an idiot - I would imagine that he has never watched Phelps swim - I don't care who you are if you see that kid swim - its amazing. And as many races he has to swim in such a short time - its crazy that he can do what he does time after time. Sorry don't want to rant - but I think that Phelps is a better athelete than ANYONE in the NBA - and he's not really cocky like they are either - even though he has a right to be.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Just watched Phelps win another GOLD - oh yeah and break another world record in the process

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Yeah, well who cares? no one likes swimming anyway, right?


I'm not glad i read your post ND, cause i wanted to see it later tonight, but F YEAH.....WAY TO GO MICHAEL!

Another gold for Phelps and teammates this time - another World Record too. The ESPN guy can suck it!

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face

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