ESPN article on Jimmer


Very Active Member
Read this article and if you disagree let Rick Reilly here about it. This is complete garbage. He don't have to like Jimmer, but to bring religon into it is bs. I'm pretty sure he only watched that one game of BYU to form his opinion.
Pretty accurate if you ask me. The article gets a little personal but it's just his opinion? Jimmer will make great money so don't feel to sorry for him.
Jimmer's stats speak loud and clear. Little Ricky's tirade of personal attacks are what you would expect from a arm chair critic. The fact that he is on the radar says two things. He is a dang good ball player and has already exceeded the prejudiced expectations of the know-it-alls.
> Jim Rome said that
>Jimmer could not guard a
>bank with a machine gun!

He will fit right in with the NBA then!
Come on neighbor even "converted" me to cheering for BYU the last half of this year. After watching their last several games, it is VERY obvious that Mr. Davies (the suspended player) must have been VERY VERY good.

Jimmer Fredette can shoot very well but he is simply not quick nor athletic. He will not be a big-time NBA player. That being said, I never made it much past the bench in college so I'm not trying to run him down but what Riley said is not that far off.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I am actually excited to see him go into the NBA. I think he could go either way. What he has going for him is dedication and work ethic. He may not be the most athletic or quick, but he still finds a way to get to the basket. I do think his defense needs to be improved, and I think it will as it will be a higher expectation from his NBA team. Then again he may just be an average NBA player and come off the bench. Where I think the NBA may really benefit him is if he goes to a team with a good offence. If he goes to a team that is good at setting screens and running plays he will get shots and will drop them. I look forward to seeing what happens with him.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-11 AT 10:11PM (MST)[p]I can't argue whether he will make it in the NBA, that will be found out later. I can argue that a 6'2" guy that big that can crossover that well and dunk is both quick AND athletic. He might not be the fastest but he is definitely athletic enough to get shots off against any defender and get around most.
Jimmer will do just fine in the NBA. He won't be double and triple teamed. He won't be the go to guy. He won't play every second of every game, so he will play some defense.

"You'll never get a big one if you shoot a little one"
I don't have a problem with him talking about Jimmer's basketball abilities, but I have a big problem with him taking shots at his beliefs, and the things he does off the court like read the bible. That kind of crap should not have been in the article. I am sick and tired of people taking shots at young men for doing what they are supposed to be doing. I think the guy should be fired from espn for the things he said. If he would have said the same class of remarks against blacks or women, he would have been.
I liked watching Jimmer this year and wish him the best of luck. I do think he could play better defense, and wished he would have passed more, but he was sure fun to watch.
Sounds personal to me. With Davies gone, it really put a lot of pressure on Fredette to score. That's why he has to take so many shots. He will do ok in the NBA but he will not be a star nor a starter in the first several years of is NBA career. I think it's too early to tell but I don't see him being big n the NBA as he is in college. It's a whole different game. He's a little Maravich? That's a ballsy statement!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
My only complaint is the name. They could have called him Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, James, Big Jim . . . . . . . . Jimmer ?
Dan Patrick made a great comment this morning about how it was ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and most of the media are the ones that built him up so big and put so much stock in him (even made the cover of SI) and now they are the same ones singing a different tune.

Reilly is catching some heat for that arcticle.

I wouldn't consider myself a huge Jimmer fan, but now I would love to see him kick some NBA and take names.
Weather he does or not is to be seen.
I thought the article was good (and hilarious!!). It's obviously editorial commentary..... :7 No reason to fire the guy who wrote it. It's funny!


Coyoteslayer, That was the point I was trying to make. It was more about his beliefs than basketball. I remember a guy getting fired on the radio for a lot less than this.
Reading this reminds me of just about everything John Hollinger writes for, in the sense that he's just a plick and has to b1tch about something!!

Obviously the writer is a lil hostile against the kid but he's wanna be a badass in the NBA?? Git yer ass to work and show us greatness in college, and don't be ticked off when we make fun of you because you failed AND because you play for BYU!! :p He just went a little overboard, pretty much a personal attack so the kid's probably butt hurt...but I hear that's common at BYU??[/IMG] ~Z~
Rick Riley has always been a punk when it comes to picking on college kids. I really think he was the last guy picked at the park when he was a kid. His articles are very seldom positive and chuck full of sarcasm. I'm surprised he's made it this far.

And as for you boys that say he's too slow and not athletic enough for the NBA, I seem to remember the same thing being said about a young man from Indiana when he was being considered in the draft. I think his name was Bird? or something like that. Fredette will do just fine in the NBA.

It's always an adventure!!!
Made the top team in USA so I guess he can do something right.
I think he will do great in the NBA.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
If Jimmer needs a role model he should start watching and patterning his game after Kevin Love. Otherwise he'll be just like every other white boy in the NBA...[/IMG] ~Z~
I disagree with him bringing religion into it but I took it as an attempt at editorial humor. Jimmer was a good player in college who shot the ball well and had a good knowledge of the game. I would say he has a much better chance of being a great coach than a good NBA player. He seemed to have good character which I respect but Character doesn't make it in the pros. Don't you have to be able to dunk to play in the NBA?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-11 AT 05:10PM (MST)[p]

that chick from Baylor, Brittney Griner( sp??), can dunk better than that???

But i'd say i'm still a Jimmer Fan!
> Don't you have to
>be able to dunk to
>play in the NBA

Ya, Stockton and Nash never should have made it...
That was called Sarcasm about him not being able to dunk. I would be surprise if many college 6'2" basketball players couldn't dunk. We have 2 8th graders who can. I don't think I would compare his game to Stockton or Nash they were distibutors who could score. He is a scorer I'm not sure because of the people he played with if he can distribute. I'm a fan of his just don't expect him to see the floor in the NBA.
I didn't think I could hate byu anymore than I did until Jimmer came along! thank gawd he's gone!

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+1 HorseCreek I feel the same way. I usually don't comment on this kinda stuff but this jimmer dude really struck a nerve. Yeah I admit he can shoot. But what an over rated joke. I am so sick of hearing about him on every freeking sports channel/news station. He is a Big fish in a Small pond I think if he would of played for some of these other teams he wouldn't stand out so much. His candle would of got blown out real fast in my opinion there are other college players that would eat his lunch in an all round point of view.
COME ON!!!! You don't win all these awards just because people think you're a charity case. Just like Dan Patrick said, "who cares if he can play in the NBA. He's not in the NBA. Right now he's the best player in college basketball." He played in the USA basketball summer league that is by invitation only. Players from Kansas, Kentucky, and Conneticut. The best players in college basketball play in this league. Name the players that he has played with and against in this summer league that would eat his lunch. He averaged 24 ppg playing with the best college basketball players in the game. Get off the Jimmer slam. "Big fish in a small pond?" You must be from the Big East or the SEC. Now that's the joke!

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