Escalante Desert Sheep Permit



My CC was hit and it can only be for Escalante Desert Bighorn. I have already rescheduled a family vacation for the middle of October to free up the whole month if necessary. Still trying to digest the fact that I will be hunting Desert Bighorn this fall.
Congrats to you!!!!! The worst part about having the tag is the wait for opening day....Good luck and shoot straight..
I had that tag a couple years ago. If it turns out that you did draw, I would be happy to share what I know. I will say that you are in for a demanding hunt in some awesome country!!

Good luck,

ttj, you are a sheep huntin machine! I have no doubt you will own that unit if you hunt it like your other sheep tags.

Just out of curiousity, why did you choose the Escalante?

I have always thought it might be the most unique hunt in the most spectacular setting in the world. I really can't think of a more challenging beautiful place to hunt sheep than the Escalante red rock canyons.
It comes down to draw odds, quality of the rams, and access. When you take into account the number of tags available for the top end desert sheep units in Utah, the Escalante has three tags that go to the max point pool every year, versus one tag for the Virgin and Dirty Devil units. Although not the best unit in the state in respect to sheep quality, it is certainly in the top three. I think the access, or lack thereof, limits some people for applying, as most areas are backpack type access.

I am interested in seeing the draw results, as I was two points back, with 3 people in the point pool one above me, based upon last years info. If things stayed consistent, I should not have been in the max point pool until next year. I wonder if I pulled a max pool tag or a random tag.

If anyone knows the unit or has hunted it in the past, I would be appreciative of any information.

Congratulations tj!
You are in for a great experience. I talked to a guy last week who went in there last year with a friend and killed a ram. He said that it was the coolest hunting experience he has ever had, and he didn't even have a permit.
I am quite certain you were in the top point pool, given that the top point people from last year put in for the VR and West K. No one in the top pool put in for the Escalante, probably because they are old farts like me who can't take the physical nature of your unit. You chose well and no doubt you will do well! Good luck. By the way, my son drew the DD so we are pumped like you are!

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