Enough beating around the bush


Very Active Member
Alright about a year ago I attempted to file a GRAMA request for the WHCE. All I want to know is what the ratio is of money that is actually hitting the ground for wildlife. I don't need a 75 paragraph back patting session DK you can actually just post " it's 70/30" and be damned prepared to produce the paperwork to back it up because I won't take NO for an answer this year.

You told us "just trust us" Well in the first year the sales job included the RMEF and the NWTF along with FNAWS, MDF and SFW. Now it's just down to two, Why??? Why does the MDF and SFW deserve to
keep a couple hundred tags??? Sell me Don!! Tell me exactly how much return we are all getting on our investment.

Last I looked we were dropping gazillions and gazillions on the ground in Utah. The same state that now has a 5 day deer hunt
with a 3 day deer hunt in some area's.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 07:03PM (MST)[p]Good post
+1 on his comments!

it also seems most of the focus is on elk now. why are once great deer units like paunsaugunt slipping? why do i hear things of book cliffs going down hill?why is it the monroe has a great elk herd and can support otc spike elk tags but can only provide 3 day deer hunts?
i too would like to see numbers. i dont think its unreasonable to ask where the money goes. if everything is legit and honest. why should anyone need to hide it? now im not implying that all the organizations are being dishonest but it would be nice to see where everyones money actually goes.

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
If Don is a man who cares about the future of SFW, part of this Powerpoint slide show at the promised March meeting (not to be confused with the earlier promise of releasing Expo odds years ago) will include a moment where Don will hand out detailed financial results and announce the same information is now up at the SFW website. He will announce that no one who receives a penny in funds from SFW or MDF for consulting or salary can enter the Expo draw.

If instead Don goes into rant about "we" grew the Utah herd and "we" did this...his stonewalling, fillerbustering actions will just create a second firestorm.

Either SFW is a organization that is proud of the stewardship of the money or it is some other type of thing. Utah's "miracle" needs compared to other states like Colorado, Wyoming and Utah where there are also had habitat success stories without sending 100s of tags into lotteries and auctions that benefit outfitters and their clients. My 2 cents.
If it ain't wiley.
I started a thread earlier that I meant to post in the Campfire & it got Nuked wiley.
Just trying to calm you down wiley.
I truthfully don't think there was any Hanky Panky involved on the Expo Draw.
We've still got the Big Game Draw wiley,so remember to put 1,000.00 cash in the envelope with your application.
Just Yankin your chain wiley!
Asking for information regarding how much money really goes to the cause and how much goes for administrative costs (or whatever else) is NOT accusing someone of hanky panky. It's only common sense.

I live in Idaho and don't have a dog in this particular fight......but there is NO WAY I would donate money to any kind of charity that didn't provide that information.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Hey Gordy, I think Wild Sheep Foundation is wishing they had not left the expo this year. Their egos got the best of them on that one. Also, RMEF has always wanted to be "on their own". They are wishing they had made some different decisions last year too. RMEF went to Dallas and was an absolute bust and the WSF was in Reno last week and from all comments I've heard, it wasn't what they thought it would be either. I think you ask some fair questions. I also think that you, bessy and myself need a big fire and a Budweiser pow wow sometime.:D

It's always an adventure!!!
Ya,I'm affraid wiley is gonna have to blow some steam & that's OK.
What I think will happen on the shortened Deer Hunts is this wiley:
Quite a few people used to just hunt the 2 weekends,but now with the shorter season I do believe alot of hunters will take all 5 days off work & pound it just as hard as it's already been being pounded,just pound it harder & quicker.
This 5 day & 3 day season ain't gonna cut it,gonna take changes people ain't gonna like to bring the Deer back in Utah.
Thanks to the Opportunists Our deer Herd for the most part has not changed much in the last 35 years,even LE Units have had their ups & downs thanks to Greed & P Poor Management.
I say lets get Our LE Units both Bucks & Bulls back to what they were & let the opportunists start their own Units/Regions & let them manage them for a yearly slaughter if that's what they want!
Maybe the SFW should start their own Unit as well,let them manage one Unit as they please,the SFW has done some good things in Utah I will give them that,but if they are after more tags as rumor has it I think it's time to draw the line.
The 'MONEY" tags have went from a few to in to the hundreds within the last few years,won't be long & it will be in the thousands,ya that's gonna help your odds in the Big Game Drawing!
I'm in AWB.... The CAT is buying... I'd say the ISE Show
but I plan on competing in the pop up.. The way I shoot I should be out pretty quick so it may be do able!!!
Yes, Humphries Archery will have their pop up 3D system at the Expo. Come out and shoot. It is alot of fun.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
This question of Wiley's is the #1 thing I (and obviously many others) would like answered by SFW. If it will be addressed HEAD ON with FULL disclosure of facts, figures, and detail by Don at the proposed March 25th meeting, I will be there and may even sleep outside the meeting place to ensure a seat if needed :) (as I am sure many others will that I know directly).

Will this be part of the agenda Don?

If the meeting on the 25th is just a powerpoint containing pictures from past projects, I will pass as I've already seen the pictures and I am sure I can find something better to do. I already know SFW has helped with some great things (Prop 5) and funded some great projects throughout the state, however, it is the unwillingness to be transparent with ALL things as a Conservation organization supposedly representing ALL Sportsmen that I have a problem with and has prevented me from becoming a member/full supporter.

Once I understand some of the answers to Wiley's question, it would help me make a better judgement on whether or not SFW is a prudent steward of the funds received from the obscene total # of conservation tags allowed by the state of Utah. I firmly believe there are alternative options to raise needed conservation money without stealing so many tags from the general public drawing, especially if funds from these tags are not handled appropriately (Seems Colorado, Wyoming, Nevada, and other western states would agree and have been successful with a MUCH more scaled down model for auction/raffle tags). Most would agree that the large # of Utah auction tags has actually driven down tag value. Perhaps a different approach with less overall conservation tags would still generate the same amount of money while giving back many tags to the general public drawing (simple supply and demand principles that would be a win/win proposition for ALL in Utah).

I would like Don's thoughts/ideas on Wiley's question and the conservation tag #'s and if he will address these head on, I will be at the meeting on the 25th with bells on!!
I asked DP years ago why, with all their conservation effort, they did little for the pheasant. His response.... Pheasants are gone, NOTHING we can do to change it, start hunting Turkeys because they are the upland game bird of choice now.

Hopefully this isn't their stance on deer vs elk and public vs expo tags.

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Lay it to rest with total transparency.

Maybe the split can be addressed after that. IMO, there's too much incentive to skew management policies.

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