energy drinks



Ok, so here is the question for all of you.....How many of you out there like energy drinks? I must admit, I love the taste and buzz of a good energy drink. I know they can't be good for you, but seem to be having a hard time kicking the habit.
whats your opinion?
Never tried them and don't care to. I'm a tight wad and don't like to spend more than 2 bucks for something to drink.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Used to be ADDICTED to them. Can proudly say I haven't had one since September!!!

Tried a bunch of them, but like the mango Rockstar the best.

Gonna lay off of them for good. They're hard on about every organ and system in your body.
Last Spring I had my Wife and Father in law drop me off at the top of a canyon on the Uncompahgre. My plan was to hunt for turkey all the way down and get picked up by them. It turned into a real bastard of a brushy hike and I was pretty tuckered when we met up. My father in law gave me a Red Bull, I thought was going to die for about an hour. Definately not a good thing to do to yourself when you are bonking. I ended up throwing it up and got the shakes for about an hour.

Never again.

I must be missing something, but I don't even drink them. Tried Monster once. I prefer Coors Light!
I used to be "hooked" on them. I gave them up. I have had one
in the past month or so. When I did drink them here is how I
had the ranked.

1- Blue Full Throttle
2- Black and Red Sobe
3- Regular Rockstar.

Monsters made me gag. Too much money and horrible for you....
I guess I will stick to healthy drinks like pepsi, coke, and mountain dew.
I carry around an IV that pumps Sobe Adrenaline into my system. I have 1 or 2 every day.
Farmers harvest. Hunters kill
I drink them occasionally. I especially drink them when I'm doing a cross country drive. A Rock Star Zero Carb and eating sun flower seeds will keep me going for a long time. I know it isn't the best stuff for you, but neither is falling asleep at the wheel and crashing. I've been drinking them more than normal lately, as it's duck season and I've had a lot of 3:30 Am wakeups to head out to go hunting. I have a 1:45 minute drive to my club, and a Rock Star helps get the day started sometimes when I'm running low on energy. Once I get done with hunting, I'll usually take a nap before driving back home, and that's a lot healthier than pounding down an energy drink.
XS - drinks - no sugar - loads of B vitamins -

have tried the others but they are loaded with sugars and caffine really nothing else - so went to the XS - helps get through the afternoon.
I'm a Red Bull man when I need to stay awake, otherwise I stay away from them because they can't be good for you.
Good ole folgers for me, That stuff makes me sick. Crank in a can baby!

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
Any truth to the tourine rumor? I hear your body makes Tourine, and there is a ton of it in energy drinks.. The rumor is that if your body has to much Tourine, you can have some serious reactions.


Later, Brandon
I have made it my new years resolution to stop drinking them, so far, I'm doing good. The Monster Khaos is my fav.
How can you disgrace such a fine whiskey as Crown and mix it with Red Bull. Red Bull in the morings and Crown at night. Both straight up.

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