Energy development on public land


Long Time Member
H.R.3794: Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act.

Supported by both BHA and Rob Bishop. Does this mean hell froze over?

Wind farms on public land my link game is weak.

Not sure I see a difference between a oil pad and a windmill pad. Including the roads created to service them.

It's an interesting position for BHA(roadless/wilderness), Bishop(petroleum owned).

Just a curious development, what do u guys think?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-19 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]I hate the idea of wind farms. I don't like the idea of oil and gas development either and I have family that made a good living off of Fossil Fuels. My reason is less about global warming and more about protecting the little we have left in the western U.S..

My favorite place to hunt Deer is now a total sprawl of windmills and all the substations and roads that were required to get a 300 ton crane to each one.

My second favorite place is going to turn into the same type of mess except this place has Potash.

I'm 40 years old and can't help to wonder what will happen in another 30 years. I may not be able to find a place that's not marred up.

I'm not anti wind or energy development, just do it in places that are already screwed up like in Agriculture wastelands that have long been established.
You can put a wind or solar farm anywhere, you cannot put a producing well anywhere. Just because the surface is disturbed by agricultural does not mean there are viable hydrocarbons under it.

Renewables are not a substitute, not yet. They are a compliment to fossil fuels. The suface footprint to produce equal energy is much larger than fossil fuels are, especially today.

And no, we are not talking about 80 acre downsapcing that was done in the 80's...
>I'm pretty sure "public lands" won't
>include Wilderness, National Monuments, Parks,
>and such. Plus the only
>4 choices we have right
>now are fossil fuels, wind,
>solar, or nuclear, so supporting
>wind and solar isn't exactly
>a bold stance.

Contrary to some opinion, I'm an equal opportunity yapper.

Bishop is my congressman. I know his over arching desire with industrialization 9f public lands. That is why this caught my attention. Seems BHA could just vote "present", instead it's on their take action site, and supported.

Needing public land to house it, says to me private charges to much, same reason petro or ag use public.

Not sure I grasp BHA motivation.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-19 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]>Not sure I grasp BHA motivation.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Speaks volumes hoss. Bout time you start to question who they really are and what they really stand for. If they were truly the great public land advocate they claim to be and you and grizz have brow beat us to believe, would they really be in favor of covering our public lands with windmills and solar panels?

Speaks more to every time I see Bishop supporting anything you have to unpeel 5 layers to find out which industry he is lobbying for. It's almost always petroleum.

Did one of the petroleum companies get into wind farms? Or, is this like Bishops concern for forest fires that means we should add a ton of roads to stop them(then of course it's a smaller step to lease them).

DW. THIS IS CALLED CRITICAL THINKING. When Your not on a team, you get to do this, it's not against team rules.

Btw, my friend, your lising the PR campaign on wolves in your state. I've read several articles about how wolves have been wandering into Colorado recently. Seems stories are getting planted perhaps in front of a vote?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-19 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]If you'd like to think critically I'd start by thinkin on why it's ok to cover public lands with windmills and solar panels but oil wells are bad. A critical thinker would start to wonder if what he's believed all this time might be wrong. Or is this just that R&D thing you wrote about earlier on the Mueller thread? This thing has some groups dripping with hypocrisy.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Appreciate you making me famous with the tag!! Never had a fanboy before.

I asked the question. I knew the second I did you would come rolling in with your usual. But you didn't answer the question. You just made an innuendo. So ill assume as usual, YOU DONT KNOW.

Btw. The last story I read on wolves was in Go Hunt. By your usual, I guess they are sell outs and flaming libs as well.

Maybe if you'd question your team once in a while, you wouldn't get sold down the river?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
No, I don't think hell froze over. BHA is a hard left organization, I would expect nothing less than them fully endorsing destroying public lands in the name of green NRG.

Not really the fanboy type just thought I'd mark the date you started to see the light.

The wolf issue in Colorado was over long ago. It will be on the ballot in 2020. It will pass with flying colors. We are outnumbered by transplants from blue states. If I could vote 10 times it wouldn't make a difference. You should be glad you live in a state populated with Republicans. If we were, the wolf issue wouldn't have a shot.

I'm thinkin .223 fmj a little back, police my brass, tell no one. What are your thoughts?

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

>No, I don't think hell froze
>over. BHA is a hard
>left organization, I would expect
>nothing less than them fully
>endorsing destroying public lands in
>the name of green NRG.
>Not really the fanboy type just
>thought I'd mark the date
>you started to see the
>The wolf issue in Colorado was
>over long ago. It will
>be on the ballot in
>2020. It will pass with
>flying colors. We are outnumbered
>by transplants from blue states.
>If I could vote 10
>times it wouldn't make a
>difference. You should be glad
>you live in a state
>populated with Republicans. If we
>were, the wolf issue wouldn't
>have a shot.
>I'm thinkin .223 fmj a little
>back, police my brass, tell
>no one. What are your
>"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
>Hossblur 7/25/19

So what's Bishops angle with all the hard leftists?

I guess if seeing a fed lockup is worth it, .223 is ?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-19 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]>So what's Bishops angle with all
>the hard leftists?
>I guess if seeing a fed
>lockup is worth it, .223
>is ?
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I'm sure some green NRG company is lining his pockets. He's a politician, I expect them to sell their souls. Ya gotta admit BHA's stance is the puzzling part of this story, since they're public land advocates. What do you think their angle is? Put it up on the Colorado chapter bha book of faces page, with the screenshot of them backing the bill. Been purty quiet over there. Did get accused of posting green decoy BS by a local idiot. Told him I wouldn't try to defend it either, deflection is the best option! I dont think he was amused......

There's no denying the optics are f'ing horrendous!

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

>AT 06:47?PM (MST)

>>So what's Bishops angle with all
>>the hard leftists?
>>I guess if seeing a fed
>>lockup is worth it, .223
>>is ?
>>"I don't care if the season
>>is closed. Get off your
>>butt and go hunt them"
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>I'm sure some green NRG company
>is lining his pockets. He's
>a politician, I expect them
>to sell their souls. Ya
>gotta admit BHA's stance is
>the puzzling part of this
>story, since they're public land
>advocates. What do you think
>their angle is? Put it
>up on the Colorado chapter
>bha book of faces page,
>with the screenshot of them
>backing the bill. Been purty
>quiet over there. Did get
>accused of posting green decoy
>BS by a local idiot.
>Told him I wouldn't try
>to defend it either, deflection
>is the best option! I
>dont think he was amused......
>There's no denying the optics are
>f'ing horrendous!
>"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
>Hossblur 7/25/19

I got a inquiry to my chapter. I'll pass it along when i get an answer.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>I got a inquiry to my
>chapter. I'll pass it
>along when i get an
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I'd be curious as to their explanation. I'm sure Justin, the regional director here has read my post and he's on the horn as well. Sure doesn't jive with their main mission.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Those windmills don't save the planet. They take so much to create the trade-off is barely worth it. The view of the mountains are impaired and ugly with the windmill additions. There isn't room or hope with hydropower as we have lost so many Salmon and Steelhead from raised water temperatures due to the slow moving reservoirs.
The real problem is our planet is becoming over crowded and nothing will fix it unless some amazing technology appears.
There are some new advanced nuclear reactors starting up soon but will have to see how that pans out .
wind and solar is stupid....Nuclear is genious....we are just a bunch of fraidy cat pussssies.....

Remember Chernobyl?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Of course I do Bess. I have worked in that field for 21 years of my life. The tech on the smaller, new gen reactors is a whole different ballgame, and should be much more easy to control. I wouldn't advise San Andreas Fault line installations but in stable areas they should be winners.
The GFRs should be good. Sodium cooled fast reactors and very high temperature reactors which can produce electricity and hydrogen. Low amount of waste produced and are carbon neutral.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-19 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]Let's stick to the issue of the OP boys, and that is, BHA, a group who advocates for keeping public lands public and despises oil and gas is suddenly ok covering miles of it up with wind turbines and solar panels. I'm in complete agreement in that we never should have strayed from nuclear, and I see the waste rigs headed down I-25 every morning bound for New Mexico.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Haven't got anything back yet from BHA. Here is TRCP explanation, including a quote from BHA.


I disagree with this stand as it's presented. Oil, and mining leases pay into states, and create jobs.

Personally I'm not anti road, nor anti extraction. I am anti sweetheart deal at the expense of the landowner(you and I).

Having said all that.

I dare you to show publically where you challenge any of the group's you support. Republicans, NRA, etc.

I've hammered BHA on being at $FW expo. I obviously am the OP on this one so I must disagree with them here. Not because I'm anti energy, but because I'm pro consistency. Development is development, if you pro or anti that's fine, but be consistant.

I won't be quitting.

But you should tag this, so next issue we discuss, it reminds you it possible to not be lockstep.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I had the same takeaway from the link you did, oil and gas bad, wind and solar good. Theres plenty of what you're lookin for in the archives of the political forum. Hope you're stockpiling, when the music stops, and these drunken sailors can't find anymore money to spend, things are gonna be ugly for a bit.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Hoss, I have specifically asked DW to renounce NRA and Trump for their support of executive action gun control regarding bump stocks many times. DW has refused to do so. Trump and the NRA have now committed more acts of gun control than Obama ever did.

Back to the OP... I respect that your focus is on the issues, and not the organization. Vanilla also showed that quality when he credited Patagonia with assisting in Utah's Stream Access fight though he disagrees with them on many other things. Some people understand that complex issues can create strange bedfellows; while others don't realize that a puppet can never harm his puppet master... and that they're the puppet.

I think what is getting lost in this discussion is the 25% royalty reserved for fish and wildlife as part of this bill; it's a big reason for the support of TRCP, BHA, and Trout Unlimited, among others.

?This bill would achieve a rare win-win scenario by thoughtfully balancing renewable energy development and habitat needs, while creating a consistent stream of revenue to fund essential fish and wildlife management projects. -?Whit Fosburgh, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

?Hunters and anglers support multiple uses, including energy development, on public lands with the understanding that fish and wildlife and the interests of sportsmen and women are acknowledged as a top priority. - John Gale, conservation director for Backcountry Hunters & Anglers.



Ask yourself if you think wildlife should be privately owned, or remain owned by the public...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
The first two pics are of areas I used to hunt Deer. There's more out there, I just don't want to post all of them. It will make me cry.


This one is in Unit 10 AZ, where theres good Elk and Antelope hunting. I feel these areas are better off without Wind Turbines, just look at the roads required. The turbines are even in the thick stuff in the lower left.
Grizz I don't know how many times I need to tell you to have the wife lay out your big boy pants in the morning and go down to the political forum and you will see the things you're looking for. Your attempt to polish that turd BHA is walking around with in their pocket will just make it a shiny turd. If you only replaced wind and solar with oil and gas in this bill you guys would be screaming bloody murder! Have you ever seen a solar panel field? It's not my vision of productive public hunting land. But hey, its green nrg and the dems love it so we should love it too! Selling this as a good thing for public lands is laughable, but I figured you'd be along to give it a whirl.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Trcp is a group I tend to agree with but I'm having trouble with this. Here is a quote from their news release,

Hunters and anglers are supportive of the development of renewable energy resources on public lands when it is done in the right places and in a manner that conserves fish and wildlife habitat as outlined in this bill.

That leaves a lot to be questioned. Where are the right places? That's what I'd like to know. Who figures that out? I've lost two places in the last 20 years to the capture of resources. If only there was a member here high up with TRCP can comment on this.

I'll be watching this closely. In the end it doesn't really matter. I'll be dead and there will be millions more people here all bitching about something. All I can do is get out and enjoy what's left before I go.
>That leaves a lot to be
>questioned. Where are the
>right places? That's what
>I'd like to know.
>Who figures that out?
>I've lost two places in
>the last 20 years to
>the capture of resources.
>If only there was a
>member here high up with
>TRCP can comment on this.

The same folks and process that decide where the right places are for O&G wells, pipelines, coal mines, gold mines, copper mines, etc. These are still BLM and State approvals wit many opportunities for public input.

One part of this Bill that many are overlooking is the part about streamlining the permitting process for wind and solar. This is something O&G and mining has been asking for some time. With continuous pushback from conservation groups. Interesting that they would feel compelled to sign on when its wind and solar.
The process is the same for wind and solar on public dirt as it is with O&G. They both have to follow the NEPA process, so from a standpoint of lost habitat, they are equal in "damage".
>Interesting! The take action request
>on BHA's website has been
>taken down. Might mean

Nope, still carryin that turd in their pocket.


"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

So this guy will be deciding where wind farms go, HARD PASS.

DW. I got a message from my chapter, they have an inquiry into HQ as well.

Grizz, I new DW would burn his fingers responding to this post. Normally I blow him off, or enjoy debating him. On this one, theres not much debate, if BHA supports this, they are hypocrits. I saw TRCP release. By discussing jobs created they pin themselves in, unless oil and mining use robots.

So to me that leaves that 25% number. Which is fine, but does that mean we now support all extraction if they donate 25% to a cause?

Im going to wait and hear, but development is development the way I see it.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-19 AT 07:24PM (MST)[p]And 25% is as vague as can be, give me a hard dollar amount/acre. We all know green nrg is only profitable for those building and installing the equipment. The nrg production takes years to recoup that cost and often times by then the equipment is at the end of its life. Meaning, there's never any profit.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

>If anyone thinks wind is going
>to actually pay a 25%
>royalty they are dreaming. The
>most coal pays is 12.5%

I watched a doc on fraking in Texas, ole boy said he gets 25%.

DW. Pile on brother. No chit. You have us(BHA) by the short hairs. I'm a fair dude, we deserve anything you throw on this one unless I hear some decent explanation.

I knew someday I'd differ with them, I'm a 50% road hunter. And I hunt with coal miners. Figured it would be in the future. Hope that day ain't now.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
All I've ever done and will continue to do is point out the hypocrisy and the half truths. This one is a gold mine and no amount of verbal gymnastics can fix it.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Do people know how much energy in the world is produced by wind turbines ? How many roads and hills and mountains and winter range must be taken away to really provide a large green source of power like this to match "power need growth" in the world ? About 350,000 a year. Sink that one in and chew a little on it. I don't know what to say because that is a tough vision to ponder.
Hoss......class statement to say what u said. In the end, we all want the same thing, even DW knew that 3 months ago.

Reality is tough real estate to live in for most of our peers last few years.....sad deal
I can't say the same about some local chapters, but BHA National has gone bonkers. I don't make my home here in Wyoming to see these damn things on every ridge and it's gotten bad on private lands. It's sad to think they might be coming to our public lands.

So much for "Conserving Priority Landscapes" and "Defending Our Public Lands Legacy"!
Well Boys!

Any kind of Power Produced comes with some sort of an Eyesore!

There's gettin to be alot of F'N PRIUS'S that need Chargin!

I've Been Hoping They'd Build a Chernobyl Smack Dab in the Middle of this State so it would Scare all the Illegals,GREENIES,GAYS,DEMS,Murderer's & Etc back to where they came from!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I've Been Hoping They'd Build a
>Chernobyl Smack Dab in the
>Middle of this State so
>it would Scare all the
>Illegals,GREENIES,GAYS,DEMS,Murderer's & Etc back to
>where they came from!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

This type of unnecessary, unhelpful xenophobic and homophobic rant is the reason other forums are full of former-MMers.

Do you have any reason to believe that people who came here illegally and "murderers" have any specific opinion towards nuclear energy... or are you just taking the time to lump everybody you hate into one neat little box?

It must take a lot of time and energy to focus so much effort on fearing, despising, and demeaning those you don't agree with or simply don't understand.

It seems your signature line is likely correct, it would not be easy being you. Life's WAY too short for that BS!



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>I've Been Hoping They'd Build a
>>Chernobyl Smack Dab in the
>>Middle of this State so
>>it would Scare all the
>>Illegals,GREENIES,GAYS,DEMS,Murderer's & Etc back to
>>where they came from!
>>I know so many people in
>>so many places
>>They make allot of money but
>>they got sad faces
>>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>This type of unnecessary, unhelpful xenophobic
>and homophobic rant is the
>reason other forums are full
>of former-MMers.
>Do you have any reason to
>believe that people who came
>here illegally and "murderers" have
>any specific opinion towards nuclear
>energy... or are you just
>taking the time to lump
>everybody you hate into one
>neat little box?
>It must take a lot of
>time and energy to focus
>so much effort on fearing,
>despising, and demeaning those you
>don't agree with or simply
>don't understand.
>It seems your signature line is
>likely correct, it would not
>be easy being you. Life's
>WAY too short for that

Let Me Guess?

There's a F'N PRIUS in your Driveway?

You're OK With illegals Invading this Country?

Deep Down you're a GREENIE?

You've got a GAY PRIDE Bumper Sticker on the PRIUS?

You've Got Friends and/or Family that Murder?

You're SKEERED of anything like Chernobyl?

I made that Post to get your Attention grizzly!

Take a Chill Pill!

>Ask yourself if you agree with
>the following statement...
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Let Me Guess?
>There's a F'N PRIUS in your
>Driveway? No, F-350
>You're OK With illegals Invading this
>Country? No, but I don't think Jesus would put kids in cages. Especially with a stated reason of money when the same President is running deficits greater than Obama (which was during a recession and war-time)
>Deep Down you're a GREENIE? No. Hard to make that argument when my rig is 65' long from front bumper though fifth wheel to the rear bumper of a cargo trailer hauling an ATV. I hope one day renewable energy is viable, but right now it's propped up by government spending, much the same way fracking was during the Bush administration until the technology caught up with the industry
>You've got a GAY PRIDE Bumper
>Sticker on the PRIUS? No, but I have friends and family who choose to love people of the same gender and I consider them friends just the same as my straight friends. Only somebody who was anti-Freedom would try and control/condemn somebody for something as personal as whom they love.
>You've Got Friends and/or Family that
>Murder? No, never met a murderer
>You're SKEERED of anything like Chernobyl?No, I support nuclear. You probably shouldn't though if you support oil and coal because nuclear makes electric products much more realistic. Did you happen to see the all electric F-150 tow 1,250,000 pounds last week? There is a reason trains run on electric motors (AC induction), they have excellent torque capabilities. Every manufacturer is racing towards electric vehicles and it's a near-certainty that is what people will be driving within a generation.
>I made that Post to get your Attention grizzly! No you didn't. I had exactly one post on a thread of over 3 dozen. You just got called out for your hatred and unChristian attitude towards others so you're trying to pretend you didn't mean it by posting rhetorical questions that again identify your true beliefs. It is revealing that you perceive the questions themselves as a "slam" (e.g. gay pride sticker on a Prius).

Life is beautiful when you don't spend it filled with vitriol, elkassassin. We're way off topic here so I'm signing off. You can have the last word, I don't feel the need to spend any more time on this subject.

Elk I live in the center of the state and i will start building it one brick at a time.
Grizz throw some bricks at me and I will use them to build my nuclear power plant.
Maybe Grizz you should first cover your own glass roof before you cast any stones at others in the name of anti Christian.
"Thou shall not judge"
Glad we got that cleared up.

Now, I said I'd update.

I've heard nothing from my chapter leadership. Nothing from above them. Nothing from HQ. Grizz is usually more active than I, and I'm assuming since he didn't share something, he has nothing.

I've asked others in other places if they had some explanation, they don't.

I even tried DM Ryan Callahan.

The sad reality seems to be there are 3 groups from what I gather. BHA, TRCP, Trout Unlimited who are supporting. Seems the best reason I can find is a 25% commitment to use monies earned for "Wildlife"(seems they learned their word usage from $fw)

So in short I know nothing. Seems neither does anyone else. And i have yet to read a comment by anyone I know to be BHA members as supporting the vague info used in support.

My hope is that this isn't some valuation being done on the difference in carbon footprint of oil vs wind. If it is it would seem BHA has expanded their vision past protecting land.
I also hope the group's aren't setting the price to "look the other way" at 25%.

I don't believe them "green decoys"., because they aren't.

I'll check back if I hear anything.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>Let Me Guess?
>>There's a F'N PRIUS in your
>>Driveway? No, F-350

F-350 Huh? That Throw Any Smoke?

>>You're OK With illegals Invading this
>>Country? No, but I don't think Jesus would put kids in cages. Especially with a stated reason of money when the same President is running deficits greater than Obama (which was during a recession and war-time)

So Remind me how long it's been since a President didn't Waste/Spend more Money than the Last One?I'm Giving Trump Credit for Trying to send these Illegals Home,Something shoulda been done many Years ago but with a few of the Prior GUTLESS President We had, that wasn't happening!

>>Deep Down you're a GREENIE? No. Hard to make that argument when my rig is 65' long from front bumper though fifth wheel to the rear bumper of a cargo trailer hauling an ATV. I hope one day renewable energy is viable, but right now it's propped up by government spending, much the same way fracking was during the Bush administration until the technology caught up with the industry

That ATV ever Treaded on Closed Territory?Were You Involved in the Illegal ATV Ride near Blanding/Monticello a couple years ago?
>>You've got a GAY PRIDE Bumper
>>Sticker on the PRIUS? No, but I have friends and family who choose to love people of the same gender and I consider them friends just the same as my straight friends. Only somebody who was anti-Freedom would try and control/condemn somebody for something as personal as whom they love.

So?They're Pounding that BS in to Peoples Heads that it's OK & You're SUCKING it in?
>>You've Got Friends and/or Family that
>>Murder? No, never met a murderer

That's Good!

>>You're SKEERED of anything like Chernobyl?No, I support nuclear. You probably shouldn't though if you support oil and coal because nuclear makes electric products much more realistic. Did you happen to see the all electric F-150 tow 1,250,000 pounds last week? There is a reason trains run on electric motors (AC induction), they have excellent torque capabilities. Every manufacturer is racing towards electric vehicles and it's a near-certainty that is what people will be driving within a generation.

And You Bought that F-350 when you coulda had that F-150 that'll Pull over a Million lbs?

>>I made that Post to get your Attention grizzly! No you didn't. I had exactly one post on a thread of over 3 dozen. You just got called out for your hatred and unChristian attitude towards others so you're trying to pretend you didn't mean it by posting rhetorical questions that again identify your true beliefs. It is revealing that you perceive the questions themselves as a "slam" (e.g. gay pride sticker on a Prius).

I can tell that one HURT!

>Life is beautiful when you don't
>spend it filled with vitriol,
>elkassassin. We're way off topic
>here so I'm signing off.
>You can have the last
>word, I don't feel the
>need to spend any more
>time on this subject.

Ya it Don't take much to Piss You Off anymore!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Every forum and most threads turn political.

A 1/2 ton that'll pull over a million lbs? There's more to the real story that's not being told...
I'm just wondering How Much that F-350 Will Tote?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
My F-250 goes out for the challenge next week. 26' bumper pull, 2 big ATVs plus a ton of extra fuel,water and such. I'm not going to botch it up too much, just a boost.
I said I'd stay off the demagoguery stuff and I will. Hoss, my 2 years on the Board is almost up and I've been quite uninvolved lately due to some significant work and personal commitments (though I stay in touch with the Chairperson because he's a great guy and promoter of public land hunting). But from my experience I can pretty much assure you the state chapter had virtually no input on a policy decision from national.

Those decisions are typically made at the National Board level, not at a state level; which is good since the state boards are made up of regular hunters just trying to promote what they're passionate about who aren't experts in policy negotiations and minutiae.

I'm not educated enough on this bill to have an opinion but I generally agree with your concern that the focus of BHA should be on public land hunting and fishing. Maybe this bill does that and maybe not. I just don't know enough about it to say for myself.

>I said I'd stay off the
>demagoguery stuff and I will.
>Hoss, my 2 years on
>the Board is almost up
>and I've been quite uninvolved
>lately due to some significant
>work and personal commitments (though
>I stay in touch with
>the Chairperson because he's a
>great guy and promoter of
>public land hunting). But from
>my experience I can pretty
>much assure you the state
>chapter had virtually no input
>on a policy decision from
>Those decisions are typically made at
>the National Board level, not
>at a state level; which
>is good since the state
>boards are made up of
>regular hunters just trying to
>promote what they're passionate about
>who aren't experts in policy
>negotiations and minutiae.
>I'm not educated enough on this
>bill to have an opinion
>but I generally agree with
>your concern that the focus
>of BHA should be on
>public land hunting and fishing.
>Maybe this bill does that
>and maybe not. I just
>don't know enough about it
>to say for myself.

C'mon Grizz! Quit ##### footin around this! A f'n blind man can see Land and Yvonne just ran it up your ass! If you choose to smile and like it that tells me all I need to know about you! Your boys took your time and money and sold your ass out! You play it off anyway you'd like but its plain for the rest of us to see! They don't give 2 chits about public land! They're a bunch of shills for the democrat party and they've played you for the f'n fool you are! Now nut up and face the music! And save your candy ass response that you gave bess! Come correct or STFU!

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Nuclear is nothing short of a miracle....we should be developing the technology on this are full force...Chernobyl??...they Ruskies are substandard in almost every way and that was back in the Fred Flintstone days

I got a message from Ryan Callahan, said he wasn't aware, but would check it out.

Pretty impressive since I sent him a random message through IG.

Only political thing I'll say on this, the sponsors are Repub. Rob Bishop is cosponsor, I doubt he's a schill for the dems. I don't know what truck he drives. I assume he's married to a woman, and I'm not sure about his feelings on nuclear power.

Why any of that matters on a discussion about windmills, I have no clue.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Better get the Mills in the Air!

Gonna Take alot of Chargin on them F-150's that'll Pull 1.25 Million Pounds!

Everybody will Own 3 of them!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Can't wait to see what an F-350 will Pull!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

In sorry Grizz, you obviously read, i do not, I was wrong

Can you tell me WTF this Means?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
And the Tundra pulled the space shuttle. These are circus acts, performed by automakers, designed to impress the clowns. Hard to blame em, it obviously works.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

>And the Tundra pulled the space
>shuttle. These are circus acts,
>performed by automakers, designed to
>impress the clowns. Hard to
>blame em, it obviously works.

It seems you're referring to the space shuttle that weighs only 23% of the weight of that train.

I don't care what anyone says, a half-ton all-electric truck towing 1,250,000 pounds is impressive! Nobody has done anything close to that before.

Technology and innovation march on!



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>And the Tundra pulled the space
>>shuttle. These are circus acts,
>>performed by automakers, designed to
>>impress the clowns. Hard to
>>blame em, it obviously works.
>It seems you're referring to the
>space shuttle that weighs only
>23% of the weight of
>that train.
>I don't care what anyone says,
>a half-ton all-electric truck towing
>1,250,000 pounds is impressive! Nobody
>has done anything close to
>that before.

It is Impressive grizzly!

Think somebody will offer a Programmer/Chip where I can Bump the Power Level up?

>Technology and innovation march on!
>Ask yourself if you agree with
>the following statement...
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I don't care what anyone says,
>a half-ton all-electric truck towing
>1,250,000 pounds is impressive.?

Grizzly, that is impressive,, but it still takes about a thousand barrels oil to get it a mile down the freeway.

Every drop of usable carbon on the planet WILL be drilled or dug up and used by ALL OF US.

getting 10 loaded rail cars moving on flat tracks only impresses morons and simpletons.......transporting it and stopping it counts....not getting it rolling. A 3 year old on a tricycle geared low enough could get it moving......

>getting 10 loaded rail cars moving
>on flat tracks only impresses
>morons and simpletons.......transporting it and
>stopping it counts....not getting it
>rolling. A 3 year old
>on a tricycle geared low
>enough could get it moving......

We Don't Use Brakes in this State Homer!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>getting 10 loaded rail cars moving
>on flat tracks only impresses
>morons and simpletons.......transporting it and
>stopping it counts....not getting it
>rolling. A 3 year old
>on a tricycle geared low
>enough could get it moving......

Leave yer book learnin and physics out of this Homer!

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Yup. Everything that's ever been invented has already been invented.

30k pounds. The new dodges will pull 30k.

My 04 cummins won't.

I rented a yukon xl. Got 27.5 mpg.

The 02 surban won't.

My mom's car will parallel park itself.

My wife's will steer itself back on the road, shut off cruise if you get to close, navigate for you.

From Tesla to Daimler, EVERY truck builder is working on autonomous haulers. Testing in Nevada. Google is testing autonomous cars. Hell, Davis country fair grounds havecan autonomous transport.

Taxis are basically extinct. Amazon us testing drones. Lyft and Uber both published projections in their IPO stating car sharing will replace ownership.

But, theres no new things happening. There's nothing. Just circus shows.

10 years from now I'll still be shopping at toys 4 us for Xmas, Kmart for toilet paper, and Sears for tools.

I'll be rocking my .303, shooting corelokts, at huge deer, because as we all know Utah produces huge deer and we don't got no elk.

I'm gonna jump in my Pontiac, crank up the cassette, and blast the van Halen, those guys would never survive without David Lee Roth.

Thinking I'll take in a Stone's concert, they are retiring you know, drink a new coke.

Yup Homer. Don't break out any fancy book learning or physics. There ain't a dang thing left to invent, improve, period.

BTW Bess. Grizz said a f150 would pull that weight. Didn't say anything else. Don't spin. It took me 2 sec typing electric f150 pulling to find the article. You could of too.

But, again, not sure what any of this has to do with OP

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-19 AT 10:05PM (MST)[p]>
>>I don't care what anyone says,
>>a half-ton all-electric truck towing
>>1,250,000 pounds is impressive.?
>Grizzly, that is impressive,, but it
>still takes about a thousand
>barrels oil to get
>it a mile down the
>Every drop of usable carbon on
>the planet WILL be
>drilled or dug up
>and used by ALL OF

And we're all going to die so we might as well have a mass suicide and die today. No reason to intelligently work to extend our resources or existence if the conclusion is predetermined (which I don't agree that it is). Why try and save the planet when it's eventually going to be destroyed anyway? Hell, why even have kids when all they're going to do is die?

In a college debate class your statement would be called a modal or propositional fallacy.

PS. I agree with your statement about the oil requirements of electricity, though it's actually coal and natural gas through most of the Western US. That goes back to my statement above that those in the extractive businesses should reject nuclear as it is the most viable option of clean energy and contributing to the obsoletion of oil, gas, and coal.

EDIT: I acknowledge that the idea of a mass suicide is taking your argument to an illogical conclusion and is in itself a false argument... that's my point.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>I don't care what anyone says,
>>a half-ton all-electric truck towing
>>1,250,000 pounds is impressive.?
>Grizzly, that is impressive,, but it
>still takes about a thousand
>barrels oil to get
>it a mile down the
>Every drop of usable carbon on
>the planet WILL be
>drilled or dug up
>and used by ALL OF

Dude, I'm storming Area 51, they got stuff in there way better than carbon.?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Yup. Everything that's ever been
>invented has already been invented.

When did anyone say this?

>30k pounds. The new dodges
>will pull 30k.

Great! Let us know when an electric truck will move 30k lbs 400+ miles without a charge. The circus hasn't done much for me since elementary school.

>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

"That goes back to my statement above that those in the extractive businesses should reject nuclear as it is the most viable option of clean energy and contributing to the obsoletion of oil, gas, and coal."

And they should. That way they can afford to buy the new elec truck that runs off the energy source they help produce...
>>Yup. Everything that's ever been
>>invented has already been invented.
>When did anyone say this?

You argue based on what you think you know today. What you know today, some engineer designed 5-10years ago. So, that f-150 doing that, means there's I e that will pull 30k, being finished up now. It's not a circus, it's a way to spur investment. No One invests in what I did yesterday. And, if I read the link you saw there were 3 truck, from 3 companies pulling 30k plus electrically.

>>30k pounds. The new dodges
>>will pull 30k.
>Great! Let us know when an
>electric truck will move 30k
>lbs 400+ miles without a
>charge. The circus hasn't done
>much for me since elementary

Oh, ok. Guess you didn't type this on a smart phone? Guess it didn't travel via 4g? Guess you've never shopped Amazon? Guess you've never bought a single thing that comes from fully automated warehouses. Or at least since elementary school.
>school. Kroger runs fully automated warehouses with forklifts and paperbacks, 100% electric, and they move far more that 30k daily. So does Wal-Mart, Amazon, and I'm betting every other major retailer. I thought you were in the military. How's the tech there? Still shooting round balls and cannons?
>>"I don't care if the season
>>is closed. Get off your
>>butt and go hunt them"
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
>Hossblur 7/25/19

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I'm looking forward to the day they run the Indianapolis 500 on battery power. They'll save a lot of money on ear plugs.
I did get a response back from BHA national. Reads like a press release not an answer to my direct questions. Did nothing to change my mind about the merits of this Bill or BHA's support.

One thing did get cleared up. The wind and solar folks will not be paying a 25% royalty. The Bill directs 25% of whatever the Feds make on a wind and solar farm to go to wildlife and land conservation and public access to public land. Very different from a 25% royalty on revenue. The Feds would be forced to dedicate 25% of whatever they receive in the form of royalties and rent. If I am not mistaken the current royalty rate for wind and solar is 0%. You can do the math from there. That would leave the lease rent payments to the Feds for utilizing BLM land. For O&G and coal leases the Feds receive what is determined to be FMV of the resource they are extracting. Typically these leases are done competitively, not always, unless there is a compelling reason not to such as the lease in question is surrounded by a current coal mine and no other company could realistically get to it. Even in those cases the Feds determine what is FMV and a bid of less than that will be rejected. I know I've done it.

In the case of wind and solar the leases are processed as Right of Ways, not resource extraction. Therefore they are processed in a first-come first serve fashion and requires only a rent payment. Rent is somehow tied to the rate on a Treasury Bond. O&G and coal pay this as well but also pay a royalty and a lease fee (bonus bid based on FMV)on top of that. I can tell you rent rates for BLM land are low. This Bill does have a provision to allow for rental rate increases over time to be tied to a GDP metric but is not required. It also has a provision to lower the rental rate if the project is not making money. This provision does not exist for O&G and coal. I work at a large mine about 50% on Fed land and the rental rate we pay per year is in the thousands, not millions. The royalty we pay per year is in the millions. The bonus bid we pay over the course of 5 years on new leases is in the millions.

So you have 25% of a low land rental rate for a ROW going to wildlife and land conservation. The remaining funds from the land rental are as follows, 25% goes to the State, 25% goes to the county, 15% going to back to the BLM to specifically fund permitting of new renewable energy projects on BLM land and 10% going to a fund to reduce the Fed deficit.

This Bill wont generate jack sh!t in Fed revenue compared to what other extractive industries generate. Regardless of how many pounds a hybrid F150 can tow.
>AT 10:05?PM (MST)

>>>I don't care what anyone says,
>>>a half-ton all-electric truck towing
>>>1,250,000 pounds is impressive.?
>>Grizzly, that is impressive,, but it
>>still takes about a thousand
>>barrels oil to get
>>it a mile down the
>>Every drop of usable carbon on
>>the planet WILL be
>>drilled or dug up
>>and used by ALL OF
>And we're all going to die
>so we might as well
>have a mass suicide and
>die today. No reason to
>intelligently work to extend our
>resources or existence if the
>conclusion is predetermined (which I
>don't agree that it is).
>Why try and save the
>planet when it's eventually going
>to be destroyed anyway? Hell,
>why even have kids when
>all they're going to do
>is die?
>In a college debate class your
>statement would be called a
>modal or propositional fallacy.
>PS. I agree with your statement
>about the oil requirements of
>electricity, though it's actually coal
>and natural gas through most
>of the Western US. That
>goes back to my statement
>above that those in the
>extractive businesses should reject nuclear
>as it is the most
>viable option of clean energy
>and contributing to the obsoletion
>of oil, gas, and coal.
>EDIT: I acknowledge that the idea
>of a mass suicide is
>taking your argument to an
>illogical conclusion and is in
>itself a false argument... that's
>my point.
>Ask yourself if you agree with
>the following statement...
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

Can We Talk yet grizz?

Or am I Still in the Dog House?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
So your sayin it'll be good for a round or two on pint night? SELL!!! SELL!!!

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Before the rent payment can begin, the NEPA process still has to be followed which may hinder a wind farm or solar field.

Surface disturbance on BLM or USFS is still just that.
Mulecreek, thanks for the informative post. I'm still getting caught up on the subject, but if I had to vote today it would be with you.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
I jumped on ro update with what I got today, sounds like mule Creek got similar.

I was given Tim Brass #, so i called. Left a message, that's all I have.

This is pretty unpopular with about every BHA member I've talked to.


This is what it looks like when folks aren't lockstep. You should try it sometime.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Great! Let us know when an electric truck will move 30k lbs 400+ miles without a charge. The circus hasn't done much for me since elementary school.


The Tesla Semi has finally hit the road. Tesla founder Elon Musk posted a picture of two Tesla Semi's leaving the company's Gigafactory in the Nevada mountains for a trip to California. ... At the unveiling of the truck last year, Musk said the range of the truck was up to 500 miles.Mar 8, 2018

And before you say it, Wal-Mart, Pepsi, UPS, JB hunt are ordering them.

You should get your Google fixed, helps keep you from saying stupid crap.

I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Mulecreek, thanks for the informative post.
>I'm still getting caught up
>on the subject, but if
>I had to vote today
>it would be with you.


>Ask yourself if you agree with
>the following statement...
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
That's great, they have an electric semi that will go half as far as most drivers would like to travel in a day. 500 means you better pull over at 400 if you don't wanna die on the highway. Will they double driver pay to cover the difference to drive a semi that costs twice what a regular semi costs? Who will these costs be passed onto? Are they lithium batteries?
Inquiring minds want to know hoss!

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

^^^yes, elkassassin?

Hoss, I'm getting similar responses from the BHA guys that I'm talking to.

One guy's point was that it takes as much land to make a wind farm as an oil field.

It's nice to be part of a group that keeps their eye on the ball and is willing to focus on what's important... and not just wait to be told an opinion so they can die on the hill over something that contradicts what they believed in yesterday.

A group should be the sum of it's members; any other scenario is just brainless puppetry.

It seems to me BHAs connection to this bill is fading fast.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>PS. I agree with your statement
>about the oil requirements of
>electricity, though it's actually coal
>and natural gas through most
>of the Western US. That
>goes back to my statement
>above that those in the
>extractive businesses should reject nuclear
>as it is the most
>viable option of clean energy
>and contributing to the obsoletion
>of oil, gas, and coal.?

Grizzly, do you understand the worlds food supply is almost completely
dependent on natural gas?

Energy is just one aspect of what has us living more comfortable than we ever have in what some call the oil age.

Back to the OP subject. IMO the alternative energy as it is right now will eat up as much or more land as carbon extraction has.

I use solar panels on my home and they pencil out ok,,, with the tax credits.

I am not against trying to improve our lot
on this planet.

Yet open eyes will tell you every drop,,,no matter which beautiful basin it is found in.

>^^^yes, elkassassin?

Just Checkin in on You to See How Mad You're at me today?:D

>Hoss, I'm getting similar responses from
>the BHA guys that I'm
>talking to.
>One guy's point was that it
>takes as much land to
>make a wind farm as
>an oil field.
>It's nice to be part of
>a group that keeps their
>eye on the ball and
>is willing to focus on
>what's important... and not just
>wait to be told an
>opinion so they can die
>on the hill over something
>that contradicts what they believed
>in yesterday.
>A group should be the sum
>of it's members; any other
>scenario is just brainless puppetry.
>It seems to me BHAs connection
>to this bill is fading
>Ask yourself if you agree with
>the following statement...
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
One guy's point was that it takes as much land to make a wind farm as an oil field

.....certainly not even close for for equal energy.....what a moron

>>^^^yes, elkassassin?
>Just Checkin in on You to
>See How Mad You're at
>me today?:D

We're all good. No ill will whatsoever
Theres plenty of federal buildings that can be covered with solar panels. Acres and acres of airport parking that can be turned into covered parking with solar panels acting as the cover. Putting this nonsense on undeveloped public land is a bad idea.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Here's an update

Hey all, see below from John Gale our director of conservation:

The short of it is we're not opposed to oil and gas energy development on public lands any more so than we are renewable energy development. Ultimately, we're interested in helping direct policies that ensure wildlife habitat is not negatively impacted by energy development of all kinds. This bill helps do that while also providing a funding source to help mitigate impacts.

My opinion has been discussed.

I explained to a "big shot" that a lot of us have taken a beating over BHA and it's stands on energy. An even bigger beating when they hooked up with Patagonia. I told him a large swath of us ain't millenials and have had skin in the game for quite a while. I felt they looked like flaming hypocrits, and in doing so they made us look the same.

They are pretty tone deaf on this one. Having said that I am not quitting. I really appreciate mule Creek, his post yesterday was fantastic.

Too bad more guys won't challenge their team, be better for all us.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You "challenge your team" the same way the rest of us do, calling political representatives, leaders of organizations we belong to, and making posts of objection to an issue on sites like this. But some how it's more self righteous when you guys do it. I'd look into buyin a shorter horse.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

>I'd look into buyin a shorter

...says the guy who still can't publicly criticize his master. You also failed to answer Hoss's question in the BLM thread regarding your claim that hunting land was lost due to "parks and Monument" during the Obama Administration. I hunted in the Bears Ears National Monument before, during, and after the expansion. It in no way affected hunting or access. I'll be hunting in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument this fall.

The only people wanting to expand National Parks right now in Utah are the Republicans wanting to create Escalante Canyons National Park. Truth hurts. Republicans are yet again the ones actually selling public land or closing it to hunting.

If you want to see the For Sale signs go pull up a land ownership map of the State of Utah and see how much "white" (private land) sits inside the state. Then do the math and figure that 1/3 of all that land was once state-owned but has since been sold to developers.

You clearly know not of what you speak.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
I hear ya man. That's why I went so hard at BHA. They PR like pros anytime they open an acre. Wonder why this isn't on their website?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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