
Whats everyones opinion on the Board making the decision to have and emergency closure to the lion hunting on the SW manti. It has been on a quota since the first week of march, and they have killed 13 lion on the SW and now they close it before the overall quota has been met. Do we not have enough lions, or was this a bad decision made due to a few squeaky wheels?
I don't know all the details, hopin someone steps forward with some. I know the DWR has a 3 year plan, and they just seem to revise it and change it whenever they want.
Of them 13 Lions,how many of them were Adult Toms?

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
The DWR said that there have been too many female's killed on the unit. The closure comes when a certain amount of females are killed. If the hunters would just kill the toms. The DWR has to try to balance everything between the big game hunters and the hounds men. The hounds men think that there is not near enough lions and us hunters think that there is way too many. I can tell you this, when the issue came before the wildlife board, the room had lots of hound people there to talk and say what they want. They have been putting hunters to shame when it comes to showing up.
The houndsman are cutting there own throat in some cases. There are certain groups of houndsman that will absolutely not kill a female then you have the other group that kill everything just to collect. In certain areas I will agree there is probably to many cats. Here is the kicker though last year I spent 30 days in the spring cutting tracks for bear . While hunting we also would try to cut some cat tracks in those 30 days we cut 3 cat tracks. There were deer there was water there was elk and plenty of food for the cats but no cats so I have since changed my opinion on cats being as big of problem in most areas that I used to think they were. So I agree that it was a good call to close the unit I do agree that the dwr should stick to there plan also.

Killin Kittens & Females is equal to Killin Fawns & Does!

Anytime there's Money involved,Kittens,Females,it don't matter,They're gonna Die!

Glad the Hounders put their foot down!

Now if We could get Deer Hunters to Band together & make a Stand!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
>The houndsman are cutting there own
>throat in some cases. There
>are certain groups of houndsman
>that will absolutely not kill
>a female then you have
>the other group that kill
>everything just to collect. In
>certain areas I will agree
>there is probably to many
>cats. Here is the kicker
>though last year I spent
>30 days in the spring
>cutting tracks for bear .
>While hunting we also would
>try to cut some cat
>tracks in those 30 days
>we cut 3 cat tracks.
>There were deer there was
>water there was elk and
>plenty of food for the
>cats but no cats so
>I have since changed my
>opinion on cats being as
>big of problem in most
>areas that I used to
>think they were. So I
>agree that it was a
>good call to close the
>unit I do agree that
>the dwr should stick to
>there plan also.


You Best get some Glasses!

Don't Ya know there are 1000's of Lions in every Unit!:D

At least that's what most TARDS claim that only get out twice a year!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
I will say this:

If the UDWR Shut her down she's in Perty Sad Shape!

Now Days if somebody around here kills a 60 pound Kitten they Parade it around town like it's some kinda Trophy,WAFJ!

Back in the Day We Released Females that were way bigger than most Toms taken in TARDville today!

Even when somebody takes a Female now days that has some age to Her the Body Size is a damn JOKE!

They've done the same Damn thing to the Body Size of TARDville Deer thanks to not lettin any of them live past age 3-4!

Oh But By GAWD the Age Objectives,GEEZUS!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
>I don't know all the details,
>hopin someone steps forward with
>some. I know the DWR
>has a 3 year plan,
>and they just seem to
>revise it and change it
>whenever they want.

I was planning to post this on the Utah board, but I noticed this thread. Here's the audio recording of yesterday's Wildlife Board meeting. It should provide the details you're looking for.

Amy Canning
Communications Specialist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
The last thing I want is to cause controversy between sportsman but lions have took the blunt end of the stick for low deer numbers for years. If you find a deer that is dead and its not covered up with sticks brush dirt ect theres a 95% chance its not a lion kill, as they try to hide it. They do eat deer yes but several years ago in this erea the lions were hit hard and the deer herd did not respond now lions are at an all time low in utah and the deer herd still sucks I love to hunt both and would like sportsman to come together and get deer and lions back to where they were 20 years ago. Lets put the scape goats aside and look for the real problem together if we solve the real problems our kids and grand kids will have the same oppertunity we did 20 years ago.
Chet young
Utah hounsman assn
[email protected]
They've Hunted both Breeds down to Nothin!

99% of TARDS Blaming only Lions for the Shape of the TARDville Deer Herd Ain't got a Clue!

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
Predator management has always been and always will be a highly contentious issue; there are several groups that are affected by it in one form or another. The biggest problem is two fold: the science behind the biology of predator management in relatively new in the scheme of things, but is improving every year; the second part is too many of those affected by predators base their complaints on personal or perceived information, and others use the contention to further their own agendas, whatever they may be.

The division didn't close down the hunt, the Wildlife Board did, and it was more of a social reason for doing so. The Cougar Management Plan calls for a percentage of Adult Females to be harvested. When that trigger is pulled, they pull the plug on the unit. In this case, the ages of the cats killed were unknown because the tooth data hasn't been completed. So they erred on the side of caution and shut it down.

It's a complicated, emotional issue to say the least.

Well. IMO, There's at least another 10-12 lion units in as
poor of shape as SW Manti. They could stand 'emergency closures'
As well!

HO hunting, Idiots killing females, That's what it boils down to..


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