

Long Time Member
What did you do to your parents to embarrass them? What have your kids done to embarrass you?

I was 4 and always wanted a pocket knife. My parents told me I could have one when I had hair in my armpits I taped hair, drew with a marker, anything i could think of. My grandma was a seamstress in vegas and there was a lady there getting fitted for a dress (she had the dress on) I walked into the room and yelled at the top of my lungs "YOU HAVE HAIR UNDER YOUR ARMS DO YOU GET A POCKET KNIFE?" My mom picked me up and ran out of the room with me and told my dad what I did and he got in trouble cause he couldnt quit laughing. The lady was offended at first but after a little explaining she understood but still was not happy...

My son told my neighbor "My dad says your a snooty B&^%^." I definately had some explaining to do cause its my wifes friend....

What are your stories I think we could all go for a good laugh!!
My youngest brother was born with red hair which came from my mother's side. The rest of my immediate family has dark hair and brown eyes. People would always try to be cute and say, "where did you get that read hair?" My dad got sick of hearing it so he taught him to respond by saying, "the postman." It really embarrassed my mom and the person asking the question but we always laughed.
Was being pulled over for speeding and I told my 3 year old to just keep his mouth shut since he was quite the yapper. He asked why? and I said 'cause we don't like cops. The officer walked to the truck and said "well hello little man, how are you" to my son. My son just stared at him so I told my son "what do you say?" my son replied with..."We don't like cops"...officer was in tears laughing at me. I did get off with just a warning though.
I have embarrassed my parents in hundreds of ways.

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