Embarrassing Naked stories


Long Time Member
Post a story when you were caught red faced with your pants down.

Back when I was in college I was dating a girl who was in high school. We?d never done the nasty because of her living at home and being somewhat hesitant. Things just hadn't worked out yet but she said she wanted to. Her dad was ex military and very strict and didn't seem to like me and didn't like our age difference and that also influenced her decision to abstain. So I get a surprise call one evening, her parents had gone out and weren't supposed to be home for a couple hours. Bingo!!! I was over there in a heartbeat, I knew she was ready. I parked the car down the street just in case the father had neighbors watching. Her younger brother was in the house and finally got the hint to go upstairs. We were on the living room couch and things started to heat up. Both of us were completely undressed and getting the process started. Shortly thereafter her younger brother runs down the stairs and yells ?mom and dad are home, mom and dad are home!? Less than 5-10 seconds later they walk in the front door, followed by friends of theirs, and we were in full view. Sh#t hit the fan! I just started getting my underwear on and he grabs me by the arm and drags me intor the kitchen, yelling at the top of his lungs. My girlfriends mom grabs her by the hair and pulls her down the hallways.... as the friends looked on. Needless to say the relationship never worked out. I have run into her from time to time and we still laugh about it.... more than 20 years later.

Be brave, post em up.
Well I was just through with my first year of college and came home for a few weeks that summer before my internship started. There was a livestock show in Reno that me and a few of the fam decided to attend. Well being a seasoned college freshman on the drinking detail my buddies I knew from showing in highschool started up at the barn. A older philly in her mid twenties took a liking to my line of BS. We all went back to the casino and she told me her room number and she would be up there in about 20 minutes. I off course I showed up and the door was propped open with the latch. I never closed the door completely. We get right to work and are about to get what I came for when her mom and sister come walking right in the room with her on top. They both said omg and stood there about 5-10 seconds in shock, As we both were. They went outside and I got dressed and did the walk of shame passed them in the hall. Needless to say I faked a bad hangover/sickness and did not go to the barn the next day. I had a feeling there may have been some very awkward looks the day and did not need the fam to know the odd scoop. But when we got home I told my dad the story and he laughed his ass off at me and told me one of his own.
I was a senior in high school driving around with a girl I was dating and her friend. It was a slow night, I passed a car with 1 headlight and said sex and smacked the roof of my truck. They were shy at first but the game progressed and I had 2 almost naked girls in my truck and I had my underwear on still. I got pulled over... The cop wasn't very happy to say the least and he followed me to take them home and followed me home and informed my parents what I was up to...

OMG do I ever. 7 years ago my wife and I who had only been married 3 years at the time and both our second marriage were over at the neighbors house having a few brews in the front driveway. Well this huge rain storm came rolling in and everyone went home. My step kids were at their dads as my kids were at their moms so with some prying I talked my wife into striping down naked and sitting on the back patio to watch the storm. Okay, sounded like a good idea at the time. Anyway we were enjoying the rain and thunder show when my neighbors 16 year old daughter burst through our back gate (put a lock on the sucker after that) and popped onto the patio to announce her dad needed help, the garage door fell off the tracks. The look of horror on her face as she saw the best of everything between my wife and I in all our glory was priceless and horrifying to say the least. She went running home literally screaming out our names that she had seen us naked over and over again. Never been so embarrassed in all my life! Can?t get my wife to go naked outside the house sense then either! Geesh!!

Well let's see... when i was 19 my mom walked in my room while my girlfriend was being orally kind to me.

Then there was The time I had a bet with three of my buddies that I could get this really hot chick naked for all of us to see. I talked her in to playing strip mario brothers on the nintendo. If you died you had to remove an article of clothing.. I thought i was pretty damn good at that game and no way i would lose. I ended up buck ass naked in front of this really hot chick and my three buddies. I atleast got her topless and down to a thong tho.. :) I kept after her and bedded her a few weeks later!!!
1. I put some clothes in the dryer one morning, then headed to the bathroom for SSS. Got out of the shower, pulled some clothes out only to find they were wet. Got out the ohm meter and took my towel off. Pulled off the front cover and commenced to testing away...oops, forgot to unplug it. I won't make that mistake again.

2. When my wife and I were still dating, I had asked her to come over for some fun. So, I head to the shower, get out and hear this knock on the cabin door. Hmm, a bit early, but still ok. I go running to the kitchen, naked, and shout...are you ready to XXXX? Then I yank the door open to see two JHs with their watchtower tracts in hand.

I looked at them and said Well, are you?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Thats funny you say that feddoc. For nearly a year the damned jehovah witnesses were persistent at my door every saturday morning at 8am sharp. I go to bed usually around 2am so 8am is to early for me to get up. The jh's were always old ladie so one morning I said screw it. I went to the door in some tighty whiteys I put on just for them and invited them in for a nice conversation on the couch. We chatted a while but since they were out of breath and distracted it wasn't much of a conversation. I told them to come back every saturday morning and I would be waiting for them. Haven't seen em since.

Then there was another time back in college after I had just got married. I was visiting my parents for the holidays and they lived in a mobile home. My wife and I let ourselves into the house and assumed it was empty since no vehicles were in the driveway. the house was dead quiet and I took care of her in the middle of the living room. Lets just say mobil home floor really transmit energy waves through the entire house. I get done and look into the back room of the house and there set my dad. Apparently we interrupted his hunting channel. I guess it all happened so fast he didn't know what to do and I think he was kinda hoping we would just go away and not notice he was there. Yeah right!

Then last year wifey decide we needed to be spontaneous and go at it down at the local game refuge. It started off in privacey but ended up with the local warden parked 60 yards away staring at us out of a monster set of binos. I think he wanted to give me a massive fine for taking a trophy rack out of season. lol
F'dude... I think stinker married that girl. You might want to be a little more careful on public forums.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
I have no naked stories because: a. being pure as the driven snow I was never with a woman before I was married, and b. I never take my Mormon undies off. :)

Actually I have several but once I read that stinky "took care of her" I sort of threw up in my mouth a little and decided not to share.

A couple things I will share, as advice...

When you hear a car drive up... start getting dressed immediately regardless of "who" is screaming "what" to you.

And also, once the light comes on, youre screwed... literally.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-11 AT 01:04AM (MST)[p]One Thursday night, my girlfriend(at the time) and I were out on the town tying one on. We ended up at her place and since neither of us had to work the next day sleeping is was called for.

Well I woke up, eventually, in an empty bed...and was kinda needing the attention of her....so at full attention, I went looking for her.

3 steps out of her room I hear some dishes rattle, so before I come around the corner, I said "hey! Whatcha gonna do about this!?!" As I turn the corner, I'm pointing with both hands to "it".

Well, it wasn't her, but it was her 15 year old son, that hadn't gone to school like he was supposed to....

It was tough getting passed that awkwardness.



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Well, 40 years ago, I got talked into a water ski contest at Havasu.

I was an OK recreational water skier, but I was NEVER a contender in any type of ski contest.
Enough beer and I'll enter anything...in those days.

Anyway, when the boat pulled me up, my cutoff levis stayed around my ankles.

I was never embarrassed about being naked anyway, so I did the whole course with all my "stuff" showing. I was quite a hit for about 10 minutes!

I got a damn ticket for doing it .....and a ribbon made from a tin can lid that the girls made up. It was "First Place For Style".

After all the fuss, the Ranger tore up the ticket.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
3 storys come mind...
2 envoled married gals and the 3rd would get nuked!!


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