Email Confirmation Received!



LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 04:15PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 03:59?PM (MST)

I just got the dwr email confirmation confirming my card statement.
Gen Archery Deer- Successful
Rocky Mountain Goat- Un-Successful
LE Book Cliffs (RDLS) Archery Elk- Successful

The best email I've ever got!!!!!

Anybody get anything via email that they weren't expecting from their card statement?

Lol.....ya I wondered if somebody was typing it in the same time I was.
Looks like you hit POST just before me. But now that were talking on it
and it shows some replies, mine will probably be the one everyone
Starts to post on. Ha ha

Its official!!! My wife has drawn a henries mountain rifle tag with six points! This will be the longest summer of my life!
Just got our email comfirming my son and I got our Bookcliffs archery deer tag. Any one that can help I sure would appreciate the help and will see you get a few good mule deer photos I plan to take out there is year.

Have a good one BB
I am officially unsuccesful, but at least I now have 15 points, what a relief!

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
I got mine at about 4...or so. I was out in the wetlands doing some photography until I drown my wifes' camera. I was in waders and I ate it.

She is mad, but forgiving.

Plus, now she gets a new camera.

Well my Wife did draw Beaver Late Goat
I did draw Boulder Archery Elk
We both got second choice Genn Archery deer

I was pretty sure of this from CC hits

The suprise was my 11 yr old daughter got Genn Southern Rifle deer with 0 points

Busy fall
Unsuccesful for LE deer but, succussful for general rifle deer. At least I'll be hunting so thats not to bad I guess.
So not only did I draw my le archery elk tag but my uncle drew the same one with
only two points along with a uintahs mtn goat tag with two points as well and if
all of that wasn't enough I got two calls after his, first from my dad with
a wasatch premium elk with 14 pts and then my cousin with a bonanza antelope

Christmas came early for our fam, looks like its shaping up to be a fall to remember!

Sounds like you could use another brother to help take some of that drawing luck...Jus so happens I need a Henry's Archery Tag ;)

?-ERock-> ?
email confirmation yahoo after 28 years of putting in bookcliffs roadless .truley once in life time . thank god.before i am to old. YAHOO!!!!!!
Erock, I can always use another brother with points to share. Tell ya
what, u can apply with me in 2012 for the hennries since I'm down to 0
points from drawing my books deer tag last year. Sounds like a plan
to me! Just lmk when your ready and we'll get r dun! ;)

And yes, you can draw a oil and a le tag in the same year, pretty sure
most people don't do it that way but I sure as hell wouldn't be complaining
if it happened to me that way!

Congrats to all who drew.

Killshot - page 24 of the proc;

"because of the order in which permits are drawn, you won't be included in the drawing for a once-in-a-lifetime if you draw any of the following permits;
-buck deer (limited entry, premium limited entry, or cwmu)
-bull elk (limited entry, premium limited entry, or cwmu)
-buck pronghorn (limited entry, or cwmu)"

LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 11:02PM (MST)[p]ya you for sure can not draw both tags!! how long have you hunted and put in? do you know what the hell your doing? wow lolololol obviously not
That's what I thought to and that's how I've always figured it was
until today. He's going to call the divion on mon to figure it out
but his email shows successfull for all three hunts. The oil mtn
goat, the le elk, and the gen archery deer as well as the charges
to his card showing $408, $280, and $35. Any ideas how this would
happen besides the dwr letting one slip through the cracks? They
sent me two gen archery deer tags a few years back with different
license numbers printed on them so I know that it wasn't a duplicate
license. Proof that sometimes the dwr drops the ball but I couldn't
see that happening with a oil or a le tag. Can you?

Got the email last night, "UN" for me on LE Elk. Bought points for OIL Mt Goat but, do have my deadicated deer permit. However, I'm going to try and adjust my vacation to go with my brother who drew an Alton deer permit, he's on cloud nine.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-10 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]Finally, San Juan elk Here I come!!!! Hope there is a few good ones left!!!!!

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