ELKOHUNTER and ishootaRUM300....for you


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-11 AT 02:50PM (MST)[p]I'm a bit belly up, and will be for awhile. Wife got hurt in a freak accident....docs had to KO her and re-attach a tendon just above her ulna...uh, no that that. This:

Sunday I was headed to the cabin to grab your brass and I decided to start a lumber fire...pretty simple, call the FD and buring is ok from sunup to 1400. I was out there at 0700 or so doing my fire thing, even had goggles on when I pushed in one last gooffed up 2X6. I heard a 'pop' and looked down to see a geyser of blood shooting up about 3 inches; that dark red stuff, the kind ERs love. So, I cleaned myself up, took a shower and had the BIL take me in. Got there about 0800 and finally got home about 1700. Crap, they poked and prodded on me for about two hours before they decided to call in the Orthopod and have him take a look. He decided to operating, so, night-night for this one.

Entry wound:

In we go a bit deeper.

And it finally ended up here. About the size of my little fingernail...And I have no idea what it was. NO chance for it to be an aerosol can..but, could have been a battery from one of my kids toys. Oh well.


Anyway, as I sit here waiting for the ER docs to show up, I now have a fever...I hope it is from the URI that is working through my body.

I will try very hard to get these bullett board things out to you.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Reminds me of a trip to Twowave in HillCreek many years ago!

Had a Gully Washer come by & I got completely soaked!

Decided to build a Fire in an existing Rock Fire pit!

Just got it going good & got real close to get warm!

Some SOB took what I think was a Quart Coors Beer bottle & put some Gas in it & burried it in the Coals so you couldn't even tell it was there!

When that SOB exploded I'm telling you it was a nice Explosion,lucky to still have both Eyes over that deal!

All I could come up with was the Aluminum lid!

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