Elk veal


Long Time Member
I was just wondering about late season cow elk hunts. Do any of you eat the veal inside them when you get a two-in-one. If you don't know what I mean by that, in the cattle business if you buy a bred cow with a calf at her side its commonly called a three-in-one. The cow, the calf at her side and the unborn calf inside.

There. That ought to do it.
Charge set - check
Fuse lit - check
Run like hell - check
Watch the fun - check. ;-)
The one I shot yesterday didn't have a calf, it was the first cow I've shot and made a point to try to kill one without a calf.

Never have killed a late season cow that was carrying a baby. I've killed 4 of them too. Kinda wierd!
>Never have killed a late season
>cow that was carrying a
>baby. I've killed 4 of
>them too. Kinda wierd!

That's not a good sign...I wonder why those cows aren't being bred?

Traditional >>>------->
Wonder how big an elk fetus would be at that stage. Might not even notice it. Probably would make about one small meal.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-12 AT 05:05PM (MST)[p]>Wonder how big an elk fetus
>would be at that stage.
>Might not even notice it.
>Probably would make about one
>small meal.


Could easily see the Calf if you looked for it!

I can GUT alot of BS!

But I can't GUT seeing that!

"""I would do anything for a good Elk Steak"""!

"""And I would do anything for a good Elk Steak"""!

"""But I won't do that"""!

"""No I won't do that"""!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Do you look for the butch looking ones to find one not carrying a fetus the size of a cat?I have no interest in killing an elk so late you have to pull the calf out with the guts....I know one sik fuX who has a collection of elk fetus's in big canning jars from late cow hunts.
>I throw away the cow and
>only eat the calf.

I hear that is a delicacy at the secret chubhouse overton. Rug talks about your cooking all the time
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-12 AT 06:58PM (MST)[p]With an 8 1/2 month gestation period, I doubt that a calf would be big enough to be eaten in approximately the cow's second trimester of her pregnancy since most fetuses grow the most in the last trimester.
Ok, I understand that it is gross and kind of makes you feel bad to have a fetus in an elk you shoot, but what is the difference between taking one earlier in the season compared to later in the season, either way you are taking atleast one elk, and potentially 1 or 2 more unborn calfs. I just don't get you guys that B!tch about the late season cow hunts, but you don't have a problem with hunts in the fall.
My Uncles cow had a calf in her. It was mid Dec and it was about 5" long and less than a pound. I got rid of it before he saw it. He is an 88 year old WWII vet. I am sure he could take it but he didn't need to see it. Ron
>Ok, I understand that it is
>gross and kind of makes
>you feel bad to have
>a fetus in an elk
>you shoot, but what is
>the difference between taking one
>earlier in the season compared
>to later in the season,
>either way you are taking
>atleast one elk, and potentially
>1 or 2 more unborn
>calfs. I just don't
>get you guys that B!tch
>about the late season cow
>hunts, but you don't have
>a problem with hunts in
>the fall.
Just because we are killers doesnt mean we are heartless,if you dont feel a little bit of remorse for killing a calf the size of a cat your a sik fux.
>>Ok, I understand that it is
>>gross and kind of makes
>>you feel bad to have
>>a fetus in an elk
>>you shoot, but what is
>>the difference between taking one
>>earlier in the season compared
>>to later in the season,
>>either way you are taking
>>atleast one elk, and potentially
>>1 or 2 more unborn
>>calfs. I just don't
>>get you guys that B!tch
>>about the late season cow
>>hunts, but you don't have
>>a problem with hunts in
>>the fall.
>Just because we are killers doesnt
>mean we are heartless,if you
>dont feel a little bit
>of remorse for killing a
>calf the size of a
>cat your a sik fux.
Didn't I mention that it is gross and that it makes you feel bad? I personally have never been on a late season hunt, but I don't get how people can complain that it hurts the herds worse than a hunt in the Fall when either way you are killing the cow and one or two possible elk.

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