Elk Unit 98



Lurked here for quite awhile, time to join the foray.

I'm looking for some thoughts on unit 98. I'm a resident and I have 4 relatives that want to come out together next year for elk. They have an average of 1.5 points. One of them does payroll so being gone over the 1st of any month is difficult. They want to hunt archery a few days and then hunt rifle the rest. 98 type 1, opens sept. 20th and looks like about the only unit with a guaranteed draw that works. I have never been in the unit but with map scouting it looks like there are very few roads in the national forest. The non wilderness doesn't look like it has anything with any elevation over 10000 so I'm not sure how many elk will be there. I would say that the hunters will be in average NR elk hunter shape.

Option 1 would be truck camp and hunt non wilderness NF. Without having seen the country I would say realisticly straight line 2 miles from a road would be about max for these guys.

Another option would be to do the resident guide thing with my wife and my self to get into the wilderness but it would be day hunts because they don't have any back backing equipment.

The third thing I've been kicking around is it looks like Big Sandy Lodge will bring you in by horse for a reasonable price.(I don't have or have access to horses) Go deep and high into the wilderness. I would be able to backpack into 98 this summer to do some scouting to find an area.

I'm just not sure what to expect all my experience is on the east side of the winds. My research so far has indicated that hunting pressure is pretty high in 98 but I'm not sure if it's only during the general or type 1 also. Whats a guy to do? PM if you'd rather not share on the open board. I'm willing to share all that I know for gen. hunting in 67,69 for anyone that can help.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-12 AT 08:59AM (MST)[p]Big sandy lodge, the other options aren't very good unless you wait until the very last of the season, and then its iffy. Beautiful country, you need to get way back in the wilderness and don't forget your fishing poles. I imagine you know that you can only guide two people yourself, so bring your wife and have a great time.
Looks like they would definitely have to put in for the Type 1 tag so they could bow hunt during the 9/1-9/19 season and then go into the rifle hunt like you mentioned that opens on 9/20. If they draw the tag next month, they had better be looking for some good backpacks and get used to carrying a decent amount of weight way ahead of time, unless they can get an animal out of the backcountry by contracting with somebody ahead of time that has horses or mules. They obviously aren't going to drag one or parts of one out if they're way back in the boonies somewhere!
Thanks for the insight. I figured with only two main access points, 350 type 1 tags and general deer opening on sept. 15 that pressure anywhere near a road or trail head would be ridiculous.
I don't think there is much pressure near roads until later in the season when they come down, for both elk and deer.
Maybe it has already been said but 98 is also a Gen elk tag option with different date.

That could add to some hunting company....

With 1.5 average on points and with your knowledge of 67/69----it might be a better idea for them to just go Gen elk tag and you could turn 'em loose in your units of best knowledge.

I have not looked to see if the rifle opener would be the day after bow hunt dates end though.

Good on you for helping these guys out.

>I don't think there is much
>pressure near roads until later
>in the season when they
>come down, for both elk
>and deer.

Piper are you saying that most people hunting in 98 are going into the wilderness either by horseback or backpacking?
most people that hunt early do Im sure. I think its more popular late, the elk start coming down towards the feedground near scab creek and its gets pressure, and theres not a lot of pressure from deer hunters early, more late. The only way I would hunt that country would be with pack horses, and get back in a ways, unless you wanted to hunt the last and hope for weather.

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