Elk refuge, bison access


Very Active Member
What are the chances of getting on for bison (alternate) or a hand written permission slip in Mid Dec through the end on 1/18/14?

I have a 3 day slot now in Dec but want to add in another time slot before/after. Trouble is I live in Ohio and need to figure out what times to fly.

Basically I want some guesses at draw odds at alternate tags or if they tend to give out permission midweek if no one is there etc.

I have a cow/calf tag.

Thanks Don
It's tough to try and guess when the best time will be to come out. Between my wife and me we have four slots from the beginning of December to the first of January. I will be looking for a Bull and my wife is looking for a Cow. As of this week there have been around 11 bison kills reported. We went on a drive up there last weekend and there were lots of bison around just not in a big hurry to cross the magic line into the refuge. If you haven't called Ralph with TagNDrag I would highly recommend doing so, he is a wealth of good information.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-14 AT 10:59AM (MST)[p]-Edit- I re read your post and answered my question of what tag you have.

They have been very generous with alternate permits in years past. Last year I had a alternate permit for EVERY SINGLE week of the entire hunt, or at least until January 2nd when I killed mine. For last years alternates all you had to do was call but I believe it's an online application this year?
It will be tougher for out of staters this year and you may have to pay for last minute flights. But I would imagine there will still be lots of alternates available as they want people to harvest them and with the longer season this year I bet the harvest totals will be higher than they have been in the last few years. If I was you I wouldn't even worry about hunting until later in November or better yet until the last half of December. Once they start crossing they will typically cross every 3 days or so.

+1 on calling Ralph at least for retrieval...Best $$$ I ever spent on a hunt.

My buff was 11.5 years old an it tastes fantastic, the best meat I've ever had and the late season hide made an awesome rug!!
Ralph is the one to go with,and has been guiding Buffalo since 1989. He is a great guy,and will give you info. even if you don't hunt with him.. My son in law and i will be hunting with him Jan.3rd. and really looking forward to the experience of a wild herd hunt. Wyobackcountry,who did your'e hide,sounds like i will be doing the same thing. Ralph's phone number is 307-248-1490.


Yeah it's pretty big. I'm not sure if Mike trimmed it a bit or it shrunk during the tanning process (probably both) but before I took it in the measured rug would have gone from the ceiling to the floor and there still would have been another 1-2 feet of extra hide. Anyways I'm glad It came back the size It did...it's still plenty big.
The leather and fur are both very clean and soft.

I want to say the head was right around $200(flat rate) and the rug was $1,000(charges by the square foot).

One last thing, Mike has all the equipment and tans all his own hides in house so they never leave his shop.
Thanks guys - for the 1st time alternate permits are now run by the state (WY G&F). This will change things. Being out of state makes it tough!

I am probably getting a shoulder mount, nice rug/euro, making me rethink shoulder mount.

I have called Ralph, I have not heard back yet. I have 2 trips planned now, and I will make a 3rd if needed. They go until the 18th this year, a week later then normal from what I have seen.
The later you hunt the better. Those cows don't like to be bothered and they know when and where they're safe down to the foot of boundary lines. The only thing that really makes them cross into legal areas is frigid temps (-30,-40f) and SNOW, mostly the latter, just be prepared for the cold.

I wouldn't worry too much about not getting ahold of Ralph or even him calling you back at this point. He's probably busy with archery season and getting ready for rifle season. Him or someone who works for him will be out there on a daily basis. If you kill one when several are taken in a group Ralph or Tim will come to you.

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