Elk refuge and reduced price elk tag


Very Active Member
It is my understand you can hunt the elk refuge with a reduced price cow/calf elk tag. Correct?

What unit can I pick for a reduced price cow/calf elk tag to get 100% draw odds?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-15 AT 07:48AM (MST)[p]Unit 7 usually have leftover Reduced price Tags,but you better be ready as they sell out fast some times..Not sure about the National elk Refuge ?
>It is my understand you can
>hunt the elk refuge with
>a reduced price cow/calf elk
>tag. Correct?
>What unit can I pick for
>a reduced price cow/calf elk
>tag to get 100% draw

I can't offer an answer on the Elk Refuge question, but all you need to do is go into the elk draw odds on the G&F website to see the number of Type 6 tags offered for each unit and how many were left after the draw to know where your chance is 100%.
I can apply now as a second choice for a reduced price tag right (thus eliminating the need to apply later).

LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-15 AT 09:11AM (MST)[p]>I can apply now as a
>second choice for a reduced
>price tag right (thus eliminating
>the need to apply later).

If you're talking about doing that when you apply for a bull tag, that is incorrect. The reduced price tags are a completely separate random draw that has nothing to do with the full price draws, so you can't put it as a second choice if that's what you meant. You will have to apply separately for a Type 6 tag in the draw and that can be done through Monday. Then if you get the tag in the draw you are correct in that you wouldn't have to try to buy one as a leftover in July.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-15 AT 04:43PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-15 AT 04:18?PM (MST)

Clueless in Ohio----

Go figure...

I missed ya Chick-Sh-t-Pus-y B-y...and ya past my F350 every day...


You are able to use type 6 tags in the refuge area beginning around OCT.19th .You have to apply for a refuge permit that is good for 7 days of hunting.
You can call the Jackson F&G with any questions.
Thanks! Can I apply for type 6 tag now?

Robb, I am not sure what is wrong but if I have offended you in any way please accept my sincerest apology.
>Thanks! Can I apply for type
>6 tag now?
>Robb, I am not sure what
>is wrong but if I
>have offended you in any
>way please accept my sincerest

Yes, the elk application period is open through Monday.

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