Elk Points



I will have 8 elk points this year going into the elk draw. Not sure if I should keep building or burn my points soon. I will never catch up to the people in the top units. So was thinking about using my points soon. Any opinions? Would a guy gain anything by putting in a few more years on a somewhat quality hunt? Thanks
You are correct in that you will never catch up!!!! With only one tag every other year even my wife with 12 is to far out to wait....I would go with West Murderers creek.....hunt the steepest nastiest stuff you can find....there are still good bulls in there.
Just search Oregon forum for "points." You and everyone else is going to be burning them as soon as possible. NR are screwed. And so are the residents if predators don't get under control. Take what you can get NOW. ODFW has all the points/draws broke down, but keep in mind these points are only for 1st choices. So point saver guys aren't included in the total. AND a lot of guys will be burning them so you might want to think about a sure thing hunt that takes about 6-7 points usually. Wolves, bears, cats, indians, poachers, coyotes, ODFW, govt, obama and the Sucker Fish are all to blame and in no particular order. (Just kidding about about the fish.)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-10 AT 09:49AM (MST)[p]Good luck to you in drawing. And I mean that. As has been said, it might be an interesting year for drawing. I am in the same boat as you, just a few more points.
I have seen other states make large price increases in tags and licenses for nonresidents. The immediate reaction is lot's of guys get upset. But in the long term, draw odds do not change much so guys must stay "in the game". Oregon may be a bit different though this year. Because not only have prices gone way up, but opportunity to actually draw a tag gets worse and worse every year. In reality this keeps nonresidents in the "points game" for longer and longer. For example, to draw a decent antelope tag right now would take a nonresident over 20 years! We get the super generous share of a whopping 3% of the tag allocations. (And guide tags often come out of the NR quota.) Which equals only 3 nonresident tags in even the best units that give out 100 tags or more. The price is really not out of line if, (and it's a big IF), the allocations were fairer.

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
Good luck in the draws next few years guys! I been on the road doing sport shows....news I am getting, everyone is sick of ODFW and is burning all their points and some are just DONE applying and willing to lose 8-9 points. (these have been NR)

Tag guide book will still be good, but will only reflect last years applicants for this year, which remember, is going to increase this year as everyone is burning points!

The excuse ODFW gave me is....they have not raised prices in years, as it has to go through Legislature, and it has been shot down for several years. Now it finally got approved, so had to play catch-up. So now, price is up where it needs to be. I TOTALY agree with this....IF...Oregon was a quality hunting destination. I Guide here, and love it, but it cannot compete with Utah, Nevada, AZ for quality, but now is as spendy, or even more than these States.

Good luck guys in the draws. I am more than happy to help anyone wanting info. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
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