Elk numbers in region G & H



I'm somewhat new to the forum. I live in Idaho and have been hunting deer and elk for 25 plus years. I'm completely burned out on Idaho's elk hunting. If anyone ever wants information on hunting deer or elk in central Idaho please feel free to ask, especially in the wilderness areas.

My question is how are the elk numbers and quality in the northern part of the Wyoming Range. I went on an Antelope hunt in your state and feel in love instantly.

Thanks in advance for anyone's help.
Very good on both quality and quantity. The state runs cow hunts on a general tag through the month of January in many areas so that should tell you something on numbers. Plenty of public. Much of it roadless, or at least suppose to be if some ATV users would follow rules. But even with the few law breakers you can get away from the crowds. Pick a drainage and hunt. The whole area has good hunting. Good luck and have a fun hunt.
You cant swing a dead cat around without hitting an elk in Wyoming...even though the wolves ate them all.
Thanks for all the replies. I plan on doing a backpack type of hunt, really looking forward to it.

Trust me there's plenty of elk left in Idaho, you just need to lower your expectations a little.

Thanks again!
There's plenty of elk. However, in my opinion quality is poor. Most of those area's are general license areas for residents so they all get hammered. Spend some time looking at a few outfitter websites over there. You'll see lots of 5's, rag horns and an occasional decent 6pt. I guess it depends what your after. I've hunted deer over there the last three years and have seen quite a few elk. I've yet to see anything much over 300...

Keep in mind that I dont really like elk hunting that much...but if you put your time in and lay off the 5's and rags, theres plenty of solid 6 points to be had in general areas. You just have to look.

In the last 14 years of rifle hunting elk in Wyoming, I've never hunted a single day that I couldnt have shot at least one bull...usually several bulls.

I layed off several raghorns a few years back and took this one in a general area...morning of day 2 and over 300:


I've seen bulls up to 330-340 or so in this particular unit...one that may have crowded 350, but I hestitate to say it was that big. It had awesome tops though...5ths were 18+ inches and solid everywhere else.

Like I say, I'm not much of an elk hunter though.
I think Triple BB is correct you will see rags, 5's and small six's with the occasional bull over 300. I just don't happen to think that is poor quality. I think for general hunts that is fantastic quality. We all have our own opinions. Bulls like Buzz's are not in every canyon but he is not the only one that takes that caliber of bull in general areas. While I have not taken a bull the size of Buzz's bull here are the last two bulls I took in G.


If I can kill bulls like these then anyone can. If you are happy with bulls like these then you can hunt these areas every year, even as a NR. Not a bad combination in my opinion.
Thanks a ton, great pictures, I come from the land of mature bulls that stretch the tape at 280". 300" bull is a good bull in my book. Looking forward to it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-13 AT 02:44PM (MST)[p]mulecreek,

Great looking general bulls...I agree with your assessment of general areas.

I think people would be surprised at the bulls coming out of OTC units in every state...even Colorado.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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