Elk Movement



I wanted to pick the brain of you elk hunters that are more familiar with elk movement between now and September. I will be hunting in mid september and am curious if the cows and bulls that I am seeing now will be in the same general area come September. I would think that the bulls will move to where the cows are, but will the cows generally stay in the same bowls and canyons that I have been seeing them in?
I have been scouting two different areas that are about 2-3 miles away from each other. I have consistently seen elk at the one that is further in. It is a bowl/drainage basin that is about one square mile in size. I have seen dozens of cows, and about 8 or 9 bulls there every time I have gone scouting (not to mention hundreds and hundreds of tracks all of the darn place). So, disregarding hunting pressure, do you all think the elk will pretty much stay in that area in two months once the rut gets underway, or will they tend to wander and move to a different drainage?
That all depends on feed and water for the cows.
If it is abundant in September in the same places as it is now then chances are your cows will still be in the same area which will trigger the mature bulls to find those cows and move in on them. Generally, once the rut starts up, the bulls will gather a harem and get them away from the other bulls and find his own sanctuary with them.
The trick to scouting "pre rut" elk is not to look for the big bulls, but rather look for the groups of cows........the bulls will show up when the time comes ;-)

That's good to know. That's exactly what I wanted to clear up. It sounds like I will be focusing my efforts on the basin that is further in as that is where the cows are currently located. There is plenty of feed and a couple of water supplies, so I have to imagine that it will give me better odds that the nearer location.
Once the bulls start picking apart the herd of cows, theoretically will the largest bull get to stay in that area with the bulk of the herd?
A lot of Bulls like to rut in the same area's year after year, once they get that herd of cows they try and play keep away from other bulls. So if you know where you have seen rutting bulls in the years past it would be a good area to keep in mind.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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Awesome advice, I was getting really worried about my upcoming LE hunt this year is my first. All I have been seeing is cows and spikes. Hopefully the bigger bulls show up.
+1 to what Slammy said. That was really good advice. I would also add that it will not only be mature bulls showing up. It seems that alot of times the younger bulls get to acting pre rut like first and then you start seeing the big boys! Good luck and dont get discouraged if you are only seeing smaller bulls. There are 9 days to hunt and it may take them all, but if you have a LE tag in utah then chances are if ur patient you will get a look at a big boy while you have that magical tag in ur pocket!
Kzk, im assuming your hunt starts in august. You have an oppurtunity to have your scouting really pay off! If you can locate a good bull there is a good chance he will be there for the opening of your hunt. Often times the bulls will start moving about a week or so into the archery season. I had an archery tag in 2010, and was able to see the bull I wanted consistently prior to the opener. I got lucky and sealed the deal on him opening morning and it was where I had watched him for a month or maybe a little more. Scouting can really pay off for that first week to ten days and then most bulls seem to start moving. Good luck!
Some great advice given...
Usually you see the smaller bulls trying to herd up cows the first few weeks of the rut. Then the bigger bulls come in and say "Thanks for doing my work" and push the smaller bulls aside.
Cows usually have areas they like to be bred and will pull the herd to those areas as the rut gets hot. Find those areas and you will have great hunting.
Where the cows go the bulls will follow.
It's all depends on where that lead cow takes them.
Yes muley I have a north cache archery tag. I know it's a really tough hunt. But just trying to get a look at a decent bull. Still have a couple weeks so I am still optimistic.
HI Cody, my grandpa drew a north cache early rifle tag I am is grandson and have been doing all of the scouting for him. We usually hunt the south unit and he put in for the wrong side! I have been up hiking and glassing around about half a dozen times mostly up franklin basin area " steep canyon area" with no luck!
At age 76 he can still get around fairly well but cant hike for days. I'm not to familiar with this side at all and am looking for any kind of help/direction.
He is supper pumped up about this hunt and would like to help him out the best I can thanks for your time

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